Jobs creater

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  • Jobs creater

    I need your help guys,

    I want to create jobs via the admin page as I do with the news

    this is my ShowNewsPage.php in /includes/pages/adm

    PHP Source Code

    1. if (!allowedTo(str_replace(array(dirname(__FILE__), '\\', '/', '.php'), '', __FILE__))) throw new Exception("Permission error!");
    2. function ShowNewsPage(){
    3. global $LNG, $USER;
    4. if($_GET['action'] == 'send') {
    5. $edit_id = HTTP::_GP('id', 0);
    6. $title = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(HTTP::_GP('title', '', true));
    7. $text = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape(HTTP::_GP('text', '', true));
    8. $query = ($_GET['mode'] == 2) ? "INSERT INTO ".NEWS." (`id` ,`user` ,`date` ,`title` ,`text`) VALUES ( NULL , '".$USER['username']."', '".TIMESTAMP."', '".$title."', '".$text."');" : "UPDATE ".NEWS." SET `title` = '".$title."', `text` = '".$text."', `date` = '".TIMESTAMP."' WHERE `id` = '".$edit_id."' LIMIT 1;";
    9. $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($query);
    10. } elseif($_GET['action'] == 'delete' && isset($_GET['id'])) {
    11. $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("DELETE FROM ".NEWS." WHERE `id` = '".HTTP::_GP('id', 0)."';");
    12. }
    13. $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query("SELECT * FROM ".NEWS." ORDER BY id ASC");
    14. while ($u = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query)) {
    15. $NewsList[] = array(
    16. 'id' => $u['id'],
    17. 'title' => $u['title'],
    18. 'date' => _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], $u['date'], $USER['timezone']),
    19. 'user' => $u['user'],
    20. 'confirm' => sprintf($LNG['nws_confirm'], $u['title']),
    21. );
    22. }
    23. $template = new template();
    24. if($_GET['action'] == 'edit' && isset($_GET['id'])) {
    25. $News = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstRow("SELECT id, title, text FROM ".NEWS." WHERE id = '".$GLOBALS['DATABASE']->sql_escape($_GET['id'])."';");
    26. $template->assign_vars(array(
    27. 'mode' => 1,
    28. 'nws_head' => sprintf($LNG['nws_head_edit'], $News['title']),
    29. 'news_id' => $News['id'],
    30. 'news_title' => $News['title'],
    31. 'news_text' => $News['text'],
    32. ));
    33. } elseif($_GET['action'] == 'create') {
    34. $template->assign_vars(array(
    35. 'mode' => 2,
    36. 'nws_head' => $LNG['nws_head_create'],
    37. ));
    38. }
    39. $template->assign_vars(array(
    40. 'NewsList' => $NewsList,
    41. 'button_submit' => $LNG['button_submit'],
    42. 'nws_total' => sprintf($LNG['nws_total'], count($NewsList)),
    43. 'nws_news' => $LNG['nws_news'],
    44. 'nws_id' => $LNG['nws_id'],
    45. 'nws_title' => $LNG['nws_title'],
    46. 'nws_date' => $LNG['nws_date'],
    47. 'nws_from' => $LNG['nws_from'],
    48. 'nws_del' => $LNG['nws_del'],
    49. 'nws_create' => $LNG['nws_create'],
    50. 'nws_content' => $LNG['nws_content'],
    51. ));
    52. $template->show('NewsPage.tpl');
    53. }
    Display All

    and this is the NewsPage.tpl

    HTML Source Code

    1. {include file="overall_header.tpl"}
    2. {include file="head_nav.tpl"}
    3. {nocache}{if isset($mode)}
    4. <form method="POST" action="?page=news&action=send&mode={$mode}">
    5. {if $news_id}<input name="id" type="hidden" value="{$news_id}">{/if}
    6. <table>
    7. <tr>
    8. <th colspan="2">{$nws_head}</th>
    9. </tr>
    10. <tr>
    11. <tr>
    12. <td width="25%">{$nws_title}</td><td><input type="text" name="title" value="{$news_title}"></td>
    13. </tr>
    14. <tr>
    15. <td>{$nws_content}</td><td><textarea cols="70" rows="10" name="text">{$news_text}</textarea></td>
    16. </tr>
    17. <tr>
    18. <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="{$button_submit}"></td>
    19. </tr>
    20. </table>
    21. </form>
    22. {/if}{/nocache}
    23. <table width="450">
    24. <tr>
    25. <th colspan="5">{$nws_news}</thd>
    26. </tr>
    27. <tr>
    28. <td>{$nws_id}</td>
    29. <td>{$nws_title}</td>
    30. <td>{$nws_date}</td>
    31. <td>{$nws_from}</td>
    32. <td>{$nws_del}</td>
    33. </tr>
    34. {foreach name=NewsList item=NewsRow from=$NewsList}<tr>
    35. <td><a href="?page=news&action=edit&id={$}">{$}</a></td>
    36. <td><a href="?page=news&action=edit&id={$}">{$NewsRow.title}</a></td>
    37. <td><a href="?page=news&action=edit&id={$}">{$}</a></td>
    38. <td><a href="?page=news&action=edit&id={$}">{$NewsRow.user}</a></td>
    39. <td><a href="?page=news&action=delete&id={$}" onclick="return confirm('{$NewsRow.confirm}');"><img border="0" src="./styles/resource/images/alliance/CLOSE.png" width="16" height="16"></a></td>
    40. </tr>
    41. {/foreach}
    42. <tr><td colspan="5"><a href="?page=news&action=create">{$nws_create}</a></td></tr>
    43. <tr><td colspan="5">{$nws_total}</td></tr>
    44. </table>
    45. {include file="overall_footer.tpl"}
    Display All

    the sql table jobs looks like this


    1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `uni1_jobs` (
    2. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    3. `date` int(11) NOT NULL,
    4. `title` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
    5. `text` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
    6. `catID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    7. `is_active` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    8. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    thanks for help
  • А поподробней можно? А то в переводе видимо потерялся какой то момент и не совсем понимаю что вам нужно
    Кто к нам с чем зачем, тот от того и того! :D
  • aurum79 wrote:

    А поподробней можно? А то в переводе видимо потерялся какой то момент и не совсем понимаю что вам нужно

    what I mean is how can I change showNewsPage.php, which I can create jobs (ShowJobsPage.php) which can then be displayed to me like the news

    Hiring translator ......
    Hiring Stuff Member .......

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Darkside ().

  • u have to add a case in the admin.php

    PHP Source Code

    1. case 'jobs':
    2. include_once('includes/pages/adm/ShowJobsPage.php');
    3. ShowJobsPage();
    4. break;

    add this to ur styles/templates/adm/showmenupage.tpl

    Source Code

    1. {if allowedTo('ShowJobsPage')}<li><a href="?page=jobs" target="Hauptframe">jobs</a></li>{/if}
    and copy the files to their destinstion.
    tlp to styles/templates/adm/*.tpl
    and php to includes/pages/adm/*.php

    and the sql

    Source Code

    1. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `uni1_jobs` (
    2. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    3. `user` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    4. `date` int(11) NOT NULL,
    5. `title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    6. `text` text NOT NULL,
    7. `catID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    8. `is_active` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    9. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    11. INSERT INTO `uni1_jobs` (`id`, `user`, `date`, `title`, `text`, `catID`, `is_active`) VALUES
    12. (1, '1', 0, 'hallo welt', 'hallo welt test', 1, 1);
    Display All

    now u can start working at the jobcenter :)
    • jobs

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  • mimikri wrote:

    u have to add a case in the admin.php

    PHP Source Code

    1. case 'jobs':
    2. include_once('includes/pages/adm/ShowJobsPage.php');
    3. ShowJobsPage();
    4. break;
    that was missing with me

    but i must made some modification

    in JobsPage.tpl i have

    HTML Source Code

    1. {include file="head_nav.tpl"}
    on top

    all lines with

    HTML Source Code

    1. href="?page=news&amp

    must be changed to

    Source Code

    1. href="?page=jobs&amp
    and ......

    all is working

    Thanks mate