Attack System

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    • Attack System

      I'm using the 2Moons engine to create a different themed game.

      I think only having 'Ships' used for attack and defense would fit the theme a little better.
      1. In the attack calc, do normal ships not have the same attack/defense as it would if they were attacking?
      2. How well would the game work if I was to delete all defense assets so players are forced to use normal ships for defense?
      3. How hard do you think it'd be to delete the defense assets and make the game work?

      Any help is greatly appreciated! Cheers!
    • this is not hard.
      you can delete the defences in the uni1_vars
      Also you need to delete the requirements in uni1_vars_requorements
      Afterwards you have to delete the Rapidfire of them. In uni1_rapidfire.
      After delete the lang vars. In languages/xx/Tech.php
      The ids of all defence are within 400-499
      After you did that, we can change the attack and defence while defending.
      It can be static. If you want ship Individualität changes it's a bit more difficult.
    • Thanks guys!

      So thus far, I've deleted 401-422 in uni1_vars, uni1_vars_requirements, and uni1_rapidfire.

      I've also deleted from the EN Languages file.

      I had to edit the following pages;

      class.BuildFunctions.php ---
      /* functions getMaxConstructibleDomes and getMaxConstructibleOrbits */

      class.ShowShipyardPage.php ---
      /* $Domes Array and $Orbits Array */
      /* $MaxDomes and $MaxOrbits */

      /* div {${400} */

      /* Smarty Defense part */
      /* pointsPrice - deleted all 400-422 */

      Now how do I go about editing the attack systems?
    • I have also deleted missles and interceptors.

      Not sure if deleting those and not getting rid of the whole missle attack system is playing a roll in fleet dm trader not working or the fleet dealer. But I'll look into that tomorrow.
    • this is bit more difficult they are connected with the galaxy and buildingpage.
      to see the connection make a copy of your game. and search the used variables or functions in the whole folder(for example with searchfunction of notepad++). then you can see, what parts of the game also use the part you changed. then you can make clean changes that don't effect unwanted parts of the game.