2 moons - new universe

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    • <select name="uni" id="universe" class="changeAction">{html_options options=$universeSelect selected=$UNI}</select>
    • is this how it should look

      <select name="uni" id="universe" class="changeAction">{html_options options=$universeSelect selected=$UNI}</select>"><option value="dummy"><font><font>Universe</font></font></option><option value="Uni1"><font><font>Shattered Empires</font></font></option><option value="Uni2"><font><font>New Beginnings</font></font></option><option value="uni3"><font><font>Empires</font></font></option></select>
    • Hello

      only this : <select name="uni" id="universe" class="changeAction">{html_options options=$universeSelect selected=$UNI}</select>">

      The rest is not needed
    • i tried to implement the code but i get this at the top

      the original code will display but not change

      i do appreciate your help thank you
      • test.jpg

        484.27 kB, 1,680×1,050, viewed 461 times
    • Yes because my main code of deprecated pack doesnt take in count multi universe code in php file,
      you have to edit the php files aswell.
    • ok i got it up correctly on the main page...or as the way i like....
      in the ShowIndexPage.php
      i found
      $universeSelect = array();
      $uniAllConfig = Config::getAll('universe');

      foreach($uniAllConfig as $uniID => $uniConfig)
      $universeSelect[$uniID] = $uniConfig['uni_name'].($uniConfig['game_disable'] == 0 ? t('uni_closed') : '');

      $Code = HTTP::_GP('code', 0);
      $loginCode = false;
      $loginCode = $LNG['login_error_'.$Code];

      do i add the code here or edit something here for it to work?
    • example link:


      There is this way
      But it's basic :D

      <div class="blocks">
      <select id="universe" class="sel_uni" name="forma" onchange="location = '../uni'+$(this).val();">
      <option value="">Select Universe</option>
      <option value="1/index.php" class="sel_uni">Universe 1</option>
      <option value="2/index.php" class="sel_uni">Universe 2</option>
      <!--Manually adding
      <option value="3/index.php" class="sel_uni">Universe 3</option>
      <option value="4/index.php" class="sel_uni">Universe 4</option>
      <option value="5/index.php" class="sel_uni">Universe 5</option>

      I did not use a lot this one Xterium.
      I hope to help.