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sromantr -
Replied to a comment by sromantr on Abyss’s wall.
Wall böyle birşey daha gelisdirmeye acık -
sromantr -
Replied to a comment by sromantr on Abyss’s wall.
Wall Replygeliştirme dediğim şöyle hediye etmek icin km satın alınmasını saglıyacak sekılde geiştirme yapacam dedim yoksa harici hediye ettiğin km den bile birbirlerine km gonderirler hatta hesap acıp kendisine bile aktarabilir onu engellemek icin… -
olszak -
Replied to the thread Dark Matter transfer module.
PostI've seen it somewhere but there is no script anywhere, it works this way - an alliance consists of purchasing antimatter, 1 person buys it and they pass it on to each other with a loss of e.g. 5 percent from the transfer of the script, there is no… -
sromantr -
Replied to a comment by zrotec on Abyss’s wall.
Wall Replyadmin yetkin kısıtlı phpmyadmin de kullanıcı adını bul authlevel degerini 3 yap düzelir -
Abyss -
Replied to a comment by sromantr on Abyss’s wall.
Wall Replyusta at istersen ben geliştirmeye çalışayım -
Abyss -
Replied to the thread Dark Matter transfer module.
PostI would be happy if you share whatever you have, I will try to improve it too. -
sromantr -
Wrote a comment on Abyss’s wall.
Wall Commentbende var ama geliştirmem gerek daha eksikleri var -
Danter14 -
Replied to the thread Dark Matter transfer module.
PostGive more explanation on what you want because otherwise it's super simple to do just a transfer. I don't think you want the players to give each other the dark matter they want? -
Abyss -
Posted the thread Dark Matter transfer module.
ThreadDoes anyone have a Dark Matter transfer module from player to player? -
Dany92 -
Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V4.0.0 - FINAL RELEASE.
PostQuote from laboratorio: “Hi Dany where is the link to download version 4.0.0?” It's for sale, it's not available for free download -
laboratorio -
Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V4.0.0 - FINAL RELEASE.
PostHi Dany where is the link to download version 4.0.0? -
spacebouncers -
Now follows sromantr.
Follow -
mimikri -
Liked Aerry’s post in the thread The newly redeveloped New-Star frontend is live! Come and check it out!.
Like (Post)19d2ee6a143117b7c996c323b6003cea.png Hello everyone, I’m a developer from China! After some time and effort, I’ve completely redeveloped the New-Star frontend using Vue 3 and Element Plus. The game is now live, and I invite you all to come and… -
XccesS -
Liked yamilrh’s post in the thread Fix Database.class.php.
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XccesS -
Replied to the thread Problema Installation SQL.
PostI got the same Error now. I've donwloaded the newest version from PHP-Version: 8.3.16 PHP-API: fpm-fcgi Is the problem really corrected? It is using the "system" table field in every query… -
mimikri -
Liked yamilrh’s post in the thread Fix Database.class.php.
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yamilrh -
Posted the thread Fix Database.class.php.
Thread -
dreams82 -
Posted the thread Cronjob doesn't run at midnight.
ThreadWhy do tasks not run between 23:59 and 01:00 ?