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Danter14 - - Mod Database
PostQuote from Dany92: “good, now go back to your ghost game ” My ghost game is coming along nicely, by the way. Don't get me started on a subject you don't know much about. Because all your statistics are wrong. In short, I don't care.
Danter14 - - Mod Database
PostQuote from Dany92: “Can you adapt for New-Star?Thanks ” You can do it on your own, can't you? especially when it comes to selling.
you know there are more people developing on the forum.
Merry Christmas
Danter14 - - Discussion
PostA Merry Christmas to all We wish you a merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. Danter14
Quote from Jbaukens: “Well the title of the topic does state it "Galaxy Empire Nulled" The goal was for me to learn how to do an application. I understood it and dont need to continue on this. I wont continue on it either. It just if someone is willing to grab it to continue working on it otherwise it goes in the trashbin ” I'm not saying you can't, I'm just saying that it's handy to be able to continue a project if you've got all the images to go with it, which can save you a lot of time.
If you want to do this, you'll have to recode all the router logic and part of the htaccess.