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  • 2moons socket

    mimikri - - Small talk


    there is a demo, but you can't do much in there. if you register in and after login change to you can see some kinde of preview, it is not made to be a preview, so don't expect anything.^^

  • 2moons socket

    mimikri - - Small talk


    hi, i'm working on a new 2moons version. but it will be different to 2moons. on the serverside is a socket running, every client connects to the socket, and therefor the server can send updates to the client without a updaterequest. the socket connection is used to constanly update the clients local database containing all relevant data to build all pages in the client. the updates occure eventdriven. the socket also accepts orders, like build or send fleet, it checks if the player is allowed to…

  • ai generated pictures

    mimikri - - Small talk


    would also like to recommend codeium for coding, it can be used with vscodium and other editors, and it will do all the boring logical stuff for u, it is free, and respecting privacy, it also has a chat to produce code and ask questions, but most powerful i guess is the autocomplete function. after some lines of code it recognises your variables an coding style and does round about 70-80% of your coding. u still need to understand what you do and need to know what you what, but it reduces the wo…

  • ai generated pictures

    mimikri - - Small talk


    we all sufferd from not having pictures for our games, struggling with copyrights and stuff. but this is over have a look at and make your own pictures for free. here are some examples:…………e0954c4f7250f7780b81eeeb6 happy generating ps: of course there are other platforms, pls don't hesitate …

  • sorry i missunderstood the question. the tip i gave you was to get more dm, when dm is found. have no time right now, but in the evening i have some, and will update the answers with changing the chances to get the event more often.

  • PHP Source Code (10 lines)you can change the "$Size = mt_rand(min,max)" values to the ones wich fits your wishes. (puede cambiar los valores de "$Size = mt_rand(min,max)" a los que se ajusten a sus deseos.)

  • [TUTO] Addition of a new building

  • change resource steal %

    mimikri - - FAQ



  • 2moonz

    mimikri - - Mod Database


    thanks for report is fixed also on github

  • 2moonz

    mimikri - - Mod Database


    trying to update 2moons 1.8 smarty 4.2.1 is included crontd is updated and fixed fixed several issues due to php 8.1.16 usage you can find the code here and you can test it here pls report bugs you find in this thread.

  • includes/classes/class.PlanetRessUpdate.php this is the file there the given ressources are calculated. you might make 3 new columns in the uni1_planets table with allmet allcrys all deut all unsigned double and then find the function ExecCalc() in there you add your values to the $this->PLANET array() you might want to post your includes/classes/class.PlanetRessUpdate.php if more detailed help is needed this would reflect the real production, but it does not take into account the ressources sto…

  • avatar

    mimikri - - Installation, update and conversion


    may you show me your code?

  • avatar

    mimikri - - Installation, update and conversion


    may it is this line which limits the size of the picture Source Code (4 lines) and this may causes users to fail the upload

  • 10.02.2023 New Universe

    mimikri - - showroom


    i watched you so long now, you are the most wicked person i have ever seen. even ab buddhist monk could hate you xDxDxD

  • 10.02.2023 New Universe

    mimikri - - showroom


    @Fuji xDxDxD our main spammer(eogame) on the forum is crying cause he gets spam xDxDxD made my day

  • PHP Source Code (35 lines)this could avoid the error, but it is only a temporary solution. it could cause that the records ar not processed properly. you have to find out why $userID is not set, since the other values are set i guess it might be related to the behavior of array_unique() in line 137

  • Mod help

    mimikri - - Mods in development


    das flag_planet_menu nicht definiert ist kann bedeuten, dass es wirklich nicht definiert ist oder aber, dass es iwo einen vorangegangen fehler im js gibt(syntaxfehler zb), der das script abbrechen lässt sodass der code der flag_planet_menu definiert nicht mehr ausgeführt wird. das ist schwer zu sagen von meiner perspektive aus, was der ursprung ist. vielleicht hast du ne url wo ich mir das mal angucken kann? gern via pm wenn du die nicht öffentlich posten willst.

  • Mod help

    mimikri - - Mods in development


    ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher was dein code tun soll. da du erwartest dass etwas passiert, wenn du checkboxes clickst, neme ich an dass die eventlistener im oberen jsscript dafür da sind. der fehler liegt wahrscheinlich da, dass diese nicht richtig greifen. wenn du im browser, rechtclick -> untersuchen machst kannst du da die jsfehler sehen, eventuell ist dort ein hinweis zu finden. dort kannst du auch unter netzwerk sehn was für anfragen an den server rausgehen wenn du was clickst, und da könnt…

  • Mod help

    mimikri - - Mods in development


    includes/error.log dort sollte ein hinweis stehen woran es liegt

  • other aproach only changing one file: styles/templates/game/shared.mission.raport.tpl Smarty-Template (1 line)Smarty-Template (1 line)Smarty-Template (1 line)Smarty-Template (1 line)lines are for this version of the file…shared.mission.raport.tpl edit:there wa a little mistake changed line 37 and 95