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  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Jekill: “I hope that with what I am sharing with you the doubts about this topic will end. Greetings comrades. I'll be checking to see if anyone has anything to say. ” Thanks! I'll try it out later this week when I have time.

  • How is this coming along?

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Did any1 manage to get it "functional" at all ?

  • Developing steemnova 1.8x

    Jollian - - Discussion


    I just did a fresh install and im not having any of these issues, seems all to be working fine. Source Code (13 lines)

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Jbaukens: “I dont post often as i am bored of having always the same questions, when is it finished (and similar) while i am willing to work slowly on it when i have some free spare time without pressure Most people always think i will spend 24/24 on it and that it will be finished in 3 days but no, this time, i take all my time, progressing when i wanna progress Though i start to see an end date end 2023 ” understandable, good luck! @Jekill Did you find out whats causing the redirect…

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Jbaukens: “I cannot help you like that, long time i didnt run my code since i started to develop gogame. However, what i am sure off is that you should definitly update your php version to atleast 7.3 Afterwards, i can give it a light check maybe via teamviewer or other to remember a bit the workflow ” What is it that you are working on now? you kind of dissapeared like 2 years ago?

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Danter14: “Quote from Jollian: “What do you mean with this? ” New star is an example that is functionalQuote from Jollian: “Thats definatly true, thats mostly why I am playing around with it, as I find it interesting to do. Its just that you have to know your limits. ” Yes we agree on that but as developers we have the annoying habit of always wanting to go beyond our limits and continuing to learn by inventing new functionalities, I'm not saying that it's easy, it takes up a lot of t…

  • Problem spy sond

    Jollian - - Bug Tracking


    I think other options would be to change storage capacity from probes or the deut usage of them?

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Danter14: “then there is another version available ” What do you mean with this? Quote from Danter14: “you can just try to debug it's a good practice to learn ” Thats definatly true, thats mostly why I am playing around with it, as I find it interesting to do. Its just that you have to know your limits.

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Danter14: “Quote from Jollian: “That gets too technical and complicated for me; I don't have the knowledge to get that going. thats too bad, I simply wanted to screw around with it. ” As soon as you launch a game you need a minimum of skill for debugging, or having a developer on your team. ” If its minor changes i can probably get by with google and my basic technical knowledge, i mean i can pretty much read code to see what its purpose is but I can't code for shit. I dont have a tea…

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    That gets too technical and complicated for me; I don't have the knowledge to get that going. thats too bad, I simply wanted to screw around with it.

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from Jbaukens: “Ive made all the games working for 7.3 5.6 is way to old and deprecated. Please upgrade lol ” on 7.3 it gives the error from below; It didnt make sense to me that it used 5.6, hence i did not try that version before xD Source Code (1 line)

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from yamilrh: “Quote from Jollian: “Quote from sromantr: “Pruébese la versión 5.6 de php ” wow, eso es tan tonto, la única versión que no probé ... tengo algunos otros errores de análisis ahora, pero puedo progresar con ellos por un tiempo, saludos //editar parece que algunos de los scripts utilizados en /vendor requieren php7+ ¿Cómo solucionaste esto? Quiero decir, supongo que esta configuración funcionó una vez, por lo que no tiene sentido que necesite php5.6, mientras que la publicación…

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    Quote from sromantr: “php version 5.6 try on ” wow thats so dumb, the only version i didnt try.. got some other parsing errors now but i can progress with those for a while, cheers //edit looks like some of the scripts used under /vendor require php7+ how did you get around this? I mean, im guessing this setup once worked, so doesnt make sense that it would need php5.6, while the jbaukens post also states php7.4

  • deployement module made public

    Jollian - - English Boards


    I've been trying to get the ogamex script running; I removed the license parts as suggested on previous pages I've tried using other php versions but this is the error its giving me on PHP7.4 Source Code (1 line) I've looked in said files and don't see anything off; can someone point me in the right direction?