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      Hello everyone.
      I am giving away my newest server with all the desings, mods and functionality.


      • OPBE battle system
      • Premium system
      • Paypal mod
      • Ressource transport mod
      • Tournament
      • Asteroid mod
      • Vote system and more..
      Game runs on PHP 7, it have updated admin panel but it is not 100% finished, some style updates still needed, but you can do all main function with it.
      If you are interested message me.
      Mail - xpowertlatvia@gmail.com
      Discord - Mārcis#1233
      Test link - eogame.eu/
      • admin_overview_page_.png

        226.94 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 630 times
      • admin_panel_login_page.png

        23.29 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 559 times
      • building_page.png

        1.21 MB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 620 times
      • galaxy_page.png

        767.99 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 583 times
      • login_page.png

        2.21 MB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 577 times
      • overview_page.png

        1.02 MB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 591 times
      • paypal_page.png

        630.3 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 543 times
      • tournament_page.png

        572.34 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 681 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Thranduil ().

    • Не думаю, что вы отдаете даром, поэтому ловите Step:
      2020 год на дворе - люди пытаются продать продукт 2003 года.
      p/s если вы еще будите говорить, что ваша версия без багов, то умру со смеху.
      p/d за бугром этого общества продают движки лучше этого.
      • FFF.jpg

        89.6 kB, 764×602, viewed 372 times
    • 20 Players online and already an income of nearly 700 euro in the mid of the month, damn that must be some good-paying players for such a crap.

      To be honest, you probably just faked it to show the Players they could do much money with it even with a small playerbase so they buy your crappy Script - otherwise i see no reason why a developer should release their income. I worked on your Script for a Customer of me and honestly, its really, really crap!

      I definitely do not recommend anyone to buy it!
    • XenQen wrote:

      20 Players online and already an income of nearly 700 euro in the mid of the month, damn that must be some good-paying players for such a crap.

      To be honest, you probably just faked it to show the Players they could do much money with it even with a small playerbase so they buy your crappy Script - otherwise i see no reason why a developer should release their income. I worked on your Script for a Customer of me and honestly, its really, really crap!

      I definitely do not recommend anyone to buy it!
      God dammit how small is your dick that you are so cocky to everyone ? :D
      It shows the total income from Paypal not the income in the month.
      You can think what ever you like, that I fakes income, fake online fake everything, most of the players who run away from you game into my are saying that you are cheap shit guy who scams everyone and resets server every few weeks. I can even like your post so keep it going dude.
      At least everyone can laugh their ass off about your posts and how a no lifer like you just hate everyone because of luck of masculinity.
    • Thranduil wrote:

      XenQen wrote:

      20 Players online and already an income of nearly 700 euro in the mid of the month, damn that must be some good-paying players for such a crap.

      To be honest, you probably just faked it to show the Players they could do much money with it even with a small playerbase so they buy your crappy Script - otherwise i see no reason why a developer should release their income. I worked on your Script for a Customer of me and honestly, its really, really crap!

      I definitely do not recommend anyone to buy it!
      God dammit how small is your dick that you are so cocky to everyone ? :D It shows the total income from Paypal not the income in the month.
      You can think what ever you like, that I fakes income, fake online fake everything, most of the players who run away from you game into my are saying that you are cheap shit guy who scams everyone and resets server every few weeks. I can even like your post so keep it going dude.
      At least everyone can laugh their ass off about your posts and how a no lifer like you just hate everyone because of luck of masculinity.
      You may ask your mother how small my dick is :/

      People love my comments man, i even got Messages of Buyers of your crappy Version which were disappointed neither i read any post about any happy customer you had - so... That even Yaro wrote that its full of issues, just confirms my Post.

      And just for fun:

      DO NOT buy this crappy Version, or try to contact ANY other Buyers and ask them - this is just a HUGE SCAM!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by XenQen ().

    • Oh and before i forget it. He is selling this crappy Script for 200 Euros. He is not "giving it away".

      Do yourself a favor and use some of those FREE scripts which are by far better than this

      Here is a Link: github.com/Thisishowwedoit-2Moons
      or here: https://2moons.de/index.php?thread/1050-new-star-free-download-info/

      The post was edited 1 time, last by XenQen ().