2moons 2.0 Git in der Bauübersicht Bilder hinzufügen

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    • 2moons 2.0 Git in der Bauübersicht Bilder hinzufügen

      Hallo zusammen ,

      ich habe aktuell das 2moons 2.0 Git am laufen und Bastel etwas daran herum .

      jetzt habe ich ein Problem das ich irgendwie nicht lösen kann , eventuell hat jemand die Zeit und die Lust mir kurz zu helfen.

      Folgendes Problem :

      Ich möchte sobald man einen Bau startet und den in der Übersicht sieht , ein Bild des aktuellen bauenden Gebäudes mit einfügen . gibt es irgendwie eine möglichkeit ?

      habe schon selber versucht daran zu basteln aber leider ohne erfolg.

      Source Code

      1. ```-- Server Info --
      2. Server Infos: Apache
      3. PHP-Version: 7.3.26 (fpm-fcgi)
      4. JSON Verfügbar: Ja
      5. BCMath Verfügbar: Ja
      6. cURL Verfügbar: Ja
      7. SafeMode: Nein
      8. MemoryLimit: 128M
      9. MySQL-Client-Version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407 - $Id: 7cc7cc96e675f6d72e5cf0f267f48e167c2abb23 $
      10. MySQL-Server-Version: 5.5.5-10.1.47-MariaDB-0+deb9u1
      11. ErrorLog: includes/error.log (1011, Aktiv)
      12. Timezone(PHP/CONF/USER): 1 / 1 / 1
      13. Suhosin: Nein
      14. DB Version: 4
      15. -- Game --
      16. Game Version: 2Moons 2.0.git
      17. Game Addresse: http://wg1385055.virtualuser.de/
      18. Game Pfad: http://wg1385055.virtualuser.de/moons/index.php
      19. Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0
      Display All

      [Blocked Image: https://wg1385055.virtualuser.de/moons/styles/theme/gow/images/bau.png]

      Source Code: page.overview.default.tpl

      1. {block name="title" prepend}{$LNG.lm_overview}{/block}
      2. {block name="script" append}{/block}
      3. {block name="content"}
      4. <div class="content_page">
      5. <div class="title">
      6. <div class="onligne">
      7. <i class="fas fa-user"></i> {$LNG.ov_online_user} : <span style="font-weight: bold; color: lime;">{$onlineUser|number}</span>
      8. </div>
      9. <span><i class="fas fa-users"></i> {$LNG.ov_admins_online} : {foreach $AdminsOnline as $ID => $Name}{if !$Name@first}&nbsp;&bull;&nbsp;{/if}<a href="#" onclick="return Dialog.PM({$ID})">{$Name}</a>{foreachelse}{$LNG.ov_no_admins_online}{/foreach}</span>
      10. <div class="ticket">
      11. <a href="game.php?page=ticket"><i class="fas fa-ticket-alt"></i> {$LNG.ov_ticket}</a>
      12. </div>
      13. </div>
      14. <div>
      15. <table style="width: 100%;">
      16. {foreach $fleets as $index => $fleet}
      17. <tr>
      18. <td id="fleettime_{$index}" class="fleets" data-fleet-end-time="{$fleet.returntime}" data-fleet-time="{$fleet.resttime}">{pretty_fly_time({$fleet.resttime})}</td>
      19. <td colspan="2">{$fleet.text}</td>
      20. </tr>
      21. {/foreach}
      22. </table>
      23. </div>
      24. <div>
      25. <div id="contentPlanet" style="background: url({$dpath}planeten/{$planetimage}.jpg) no-repeat; background-size: cover; margin-top: 10px;">
      26. <div id="namePlanet">
      27. <a href="#" onclick="return Dialog.PlanetAction();" title="{$LNG.ov_planetmenu}">{$LNG["type_planet_{$planet_type}"]} "<span class="planetname">{$planetname}</span>"</a>
      28. </div>
      29. {if $planet_type == 1}
      30. <div id="lunePlanet">
      31. {if $Moon}<a href="game.php?page=overview&cp={$Moon.id}&re=0" title="{$Moon.name}"><i class="fas fa-moon"></i> {$Moon.name} ({$LNG.fcm_moon})</a>{else}<i class="far fa-moon"></i> {$LNG.ov_create_moon}{/if}
      32. </div>
      33. {/if}
      34. <div id="listDetailPlanet">
      35. <table>
      36. <tbody>
      37. <tr>
      38. <td class="desc">{$LNG.ov_diameter}</td>
      39. <td class="data">{$planet_diameter} {$LNG.ov_distance_unit} (<a title="{$LNG.ov_developed_fields}">{$planet_field_current}</a> / <a title="{$LNG.ov_max_developed_fields}">{$planet_field_max}</a> {$LNG.ov_fields})</td>
      40. </tr>
      41. <tr>
      42. <td class="desc">{$LNG.ov_temperature}</td>
      43. <td class="data">{$LNG.ov_aprox} {$planet_temp_min}{$LNG.ov_temp_unit} {$LNG.ov_to} {$planet_temp_max}{$LNG.ov_temp_unit}</td>
      44. </tr>
      45. <tr>
      46. <td class="desc">{$LNG.ov_position}</td>
      47. <td class="data"><a href="game.php?page=galaxy&galaxy={$galaxy}&system={$system}">[{$galaxy}:{$system}:{$planet}]</a></td>
      48. </tr>
      49. <tr>
      50. <td class="desc">{$LNG.ov_points}</td>
      51. <td class="data">{$rankInfo}</td>
      52. </tr>
      53. </tbody>
      54. </table>
      55. </div>
      56. </div>
      57. <div>
      58. <div class="listBat">
      59. <div class="title">{$LNG.ov_list_title_build}</div>
      60. <i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i> {if $buildInfo.buildings}{$LNG.tech[$buildInfo.buildings['id']]} <span class="level">({$buildInfo.buildings['level']})</span><br><div class="timer" data-time="{$buildInfo.buildings['timeleft']}">{$buildInfo.buildings['starttime']}</div>{else}{$LNG.ov_free}{/if}
      61. </div>
      62. <div class="listRech">
      63. <div class="title">{$LNG.ov_list_title_tech}</div>
      64. <i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i> {if $buildInfo.tech}{$LNG.tech[$buildInfo.tech['id']]} <span class="level">({$buildInfo.tech['level']})</span><br><div class="timer" data-time="{$buildInfo.tech['timeleft']}">{$buildInfo.tech['starttime']}</div>{else}{$LNG.ov_free}{/if}
      65. </div>
      66. <div class="listFleet">
      67. <div class="title">{$LNG.ov_list_title_fleet}</div>
      68. <i class="fas fa-hashtag"></i> {if $buildInfo.fleet}{$LNG.tech[$buildInfo.fleet['id']]} <span class="level">({$buildInfo.fleet['level']})</span><br><div class="timer" data-time="{$buildInfo.fleet['timeleft']}">{$buildInfo.fleet['starttime']}</div>{else}{$LNG.ov_free}{/if}
      69. </div>
      70. <div class="clear"></div>
      71. </div>
      72. {if $is_news}
      73. <div>
      74. <div class="title">{$LNG.ov_news}</div>
      75. <div>{$news}</div>
      76. </div>
      77. {/if}
      78. {if $ref_active}
      79. <div style="margin-top: 10px; text-align: center;">
      80. <div class="title">{$LNG.ov_reflink}</div>
      81. <div><input id="referral" type="text" value="{$path}index.php?ref={$userid}" readonly="readonly" style="width:450px;" /></div>
      82. <table style="width: 100%;">
      83. {foreach $RefLinks as $RefID => $RefLink}
      84. <tr>
      85. <td colspan="2"><a href="#" onclick="return Dialog.Playercard({$RefID}, '{$RefLink.username}');">{$RefLink.username}</a></td>
      86. <td>{{$RefLink.points|number}} / {$ref_minpoints|number}</td>
      87. </tr>
      88. {foreachelse}
      89. <tr>
      90. <td colspan="3">{$LNG.ov_noreflink}</td>
      91. </tr>
      92. {/foreach}
      93. </table>
      94. </div>
      95. {/if}
      96. </div>
      97. </div>
      98. {/block}
      99. {block name="script" append}
      100. <script src="scripts/game/overview.js"></script>
      101. {/block}
      Display All

      Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe !
      World of Galaxy

      Oldscool aber mit Liebe gemacht