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    • I have been working on the game index page and login, I am not a designer more of a backend developer but wanted to update the homepage a bit and this helps with migrating to MVC. I also have a domain name for the game/project and I am looking to get a forum going to post further updates. It would be nice in the future if any designers/frontend developers would be willing to volunteer some of their time :)
      • Image1.PNG

        1.43 MB, 1,854×924, viewed 449 times
      • LoginPage.PNG

        1.33 MB, 1,839×911, viewed 393 times
    • Hello everyone,

      I'm also working on a fork of SteemNova called ultimateXnova. I already had some experience back in the day with XNova (hence the domain name).

      I am working on a major design refresh called NextGen to get rid of all the tables and to improve the general structure. The login screen and some of the ingame elements has already been updated with a more modern looking UI.

      You can check out the live demo here:
      The game is still open source and hosted on GitHub.

      It would be great to have a few contributors and more players on our demo
      server, so feel free to join us on GitHub, ingame or through discord if you want to be part of the project.

      The first version of the new ingame UI is now live. Theres still a lot
      of stuff to do, especially in the content blocks in the center column,
      but we are getting there.
      • screenshot-nextgen-ui-login.png

        2.28 MB, 1,673×946, viewed 413 times
      • screenshot-nextgen-ui-dashboard.png

        2.62 MB, 1,722×955, viewed 433 times
      • screenshot-nextgen-ui-dashboard-mars.png

        2.76 MB, 1,722×955, viewed 397 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Pfahli ().

    • Pfahli wrote:

      Hello everyone,

      I'm also working on a fork of SteemNova called ultimateXnova. I already had some experience back in the day with XNova (hence the domain name).

      I am working on a major design refresh called NextGen to get rid of all the tables and to improve the general structure. The login screen and some of the ingame elements has already been updated with a more modern looking UI.

      You can check out the live demo here:
      The game is still open source and hosted on GitHub.

      It would be great to have a few contributors and more players on our demo
      server, so feel free to join us on GitHub, ingame or through discord if you want to be part of the project.

      The first version of the new ingame UI is now live. Theres still a lot
      of stuff to do, especially in the content blocks in the center column,
      but we are getting there.
      looks nice but when i try to install. I get errors
      Fatal error: Declaration of Language::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset)
    • Russoll wrote:

      looks nice but when i try to install. I get errorsFatal error: Declaration of Language::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset)
      Which PHP version are you running on?
      I tried to reproduce with the current commits but couldn't reproduce, although I found and fixed a different problem.
      You can download the current dev version here:…ive/refs/heads/

      I will probably publish tomorrow after I did some more optimisations.
    • Pfahli wrote:

      Russoll wrote:

      looks nice but when i try to install. I get errorsFatal error: Declaration of Language::offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset)
      Which PHP version are you running on?I tried to reproduce with the current commits but couldn't reproduce, although I found and fixed a different problem.
      You can download the current dev version here:…ive/refs/heads/

      I will probably publish tomorrow after I did some more optimisations.
      hey thanks, im running xamp 7.4
    • Russoll wrote:

      when i put 8.0 or higher it has this error
      Message: Unable to load template 'file:ins_intro.tpl'
      File: /includes/libs/Smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php
      This should be fixed with the current dev version, I recommend using PHP8 and above. Haven't used XAMP in a while, but if you want to test the game, you can also use the dockerfile to launch a containerized version locally on your PC.
    • Bots are not working right now, creating a bot will just create a basic user account at the moment. I lack the expertise in this, so if anyone has some more knowledge it would be great