[Plesk/cPane/VestaCP/Manual] Deployment module for open-source games v.1.1.9

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    • [Plesk/cPane/VestaCP/Manual] Deployment module for open-source games v.1.1.9

      This topic is subject to change


      Deployment Module v1.1.5


      Even if this forum became very quiet, i'am back to present you the future of the deployment module. I must say i was quit demotivated after the fire that took place at the OVH data-center building which caused the loss of a lot of important data, and to start some big parts over again from scratch... However, with the time and the help of a good friend, we have slowly brought the project back to live and have bumped its version from v1.0.6 to v1.1.0. Having as end goal to become a multi purpose open source game deployment tool. We will advertise the project on other boards when their games will be officially supported. With the deployment tool, you are one-click away to start your business and win money


      • A VPS or Dedicated server with root access; Shared hosting may work but is unsupported by default.
      • PHP 7.4
      • Plesk cPanel, VestaCP as hosting panel (You can as well use manual deployments if you don't use any of the listed panels)
      • Having a minimum knowledge of SSH commands


      We are willing to become a multipurpose deployment module for open source games and are not only focusing on 2moons game types. However, at the time being and with the load of games running under 2moons i have in my archives. We firstly included in our road-map to put these games back to life and compatible with the module starting from v1.1.0. The games are released as-is where i have left them before i stopped to run 2moons games and some features of them are still undeveloped. We are following our personal road-map for the development but we won't hesitate to include opened git issues in the road-map.

      Admin Panel

      until v1.0.6, the admin panel was included in the repository of each game, and each game had his own finished or halve finished admin panel which made it hard to handle correctly as every panel was different. Starting from v1.1.0, the admin panel is directly integrated in the deployment module tool and connect to each game through a newly developed game management API. We are using the work of @Yaro2709 as admin panel template, which we have adapted to comply with our game management API. This mean that you can now manage all of your deployed games from one place with the same and unique admin panel (less development work). The game management API is protected with an Authorization header token, which is generated at the moment you deploy a new game. Be sure to not share this Authorization token with other members as they could have access to your game management API and break your game. Be sure to generate a new authorization token if you absolutely have to share it. The admin panel is builded up dynamically depending on the game you want to manage. Features, configs may be present on some games and not on others.


      We have internally decided to not create to much subscriptions packages and have limited them to 2 being the starter package and the pro package. Here is the moment you would say, ah give us the starter package which almost include no features and let the pro package cost a ton. Hence, we will stop you here. Both package does include exactly the same features, the only difference is that the pro package include the possibility to deploy unlimited games and support for the basic tool features. We do not provide server configuration support and installation of the tool support to starter packages. We are pretty confident in the ease of use of our tool and our internal knowledge base and FAQ will answer most of your pending questions. As starter package, you can still purchase the "Install and Configure" package at a one time fee of €9.99/installation or ask help to other 2moons forum members

      :!: You consent by subscribing to the pro package that no refunds are possible.
      Every subscription is appreciated and support us in the continuous development of the tool

      Bug and issues

      As explained earlier in this topic, the games are released as is at the moment i have stopped myself to run 2moons games. Some part of some games are still undeveloped, or some unwanted errors may appear in your deployed games. We keep activitly working on the games but do not hesitate to open a git issue to inform us about it and we will include the development of the feature/bug-fix in one of our road-maps if it isn't already.


      A public discord channel has been created. At the time of writing, it is still a very basic discord server. However, different discords bots are being developed to make it a must have tool to stay informed about all ongoing development and announcement. You can join us at our discord: discord.gg/EDaMpXArEZ


      Store - gamerpath.net
      Demo - ogamex-reborn.com (Email: demo@demo.com - Password: demo1234)
      Discord - discord.gg/EDaMpXArEZ


      Display Spoiler

      ## [v1.1.0] - 2021-09-01
      [New] Bump project to 1.1.0 after OVH Strasbourg fire.
      [Added] Setting to allow the automatic share of your ingame bugs with our git issues.
      [Added] Automatic creation of git issues when an error is encountered in the game.
      [Added] Import the first features of the mutli-purpose admin panel in the deployment tool
      [Updated] The left menu is now builded dynamicly depending on the selected game template
      [Updated] You can now define an opening date when deploying a new game
      [Updated] Admin will be notified on the dashboard if their license is about to expire or if they have a pending bill
      [Bugfixes] Allow a player to modify his email from the portal view.



      The post was edited 15 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • Tienes que ir a gamerpath.net y crear una cuenta con tu nombre de dominio.

      PS: A user noticed me that the downloadable files from the store are locked as demo. Please delete the .demo file from the downloadable files and the tool will work correctly. (The package itself has been fixed and the file is removed)

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • Dear,

      Our development roadmap has been updated and released publicly, You can now from your gamerpath account view on what we are currently working.

      Project owner: Is a person that is running the deployment module
      Maintainer: Is a person who is maintaining the service alive, (usualy me or my friend)
      Player: Is a person who is playing on one of your deployed games

      Do you have an issue with one of the available templates, do not hesitate to open a ticket and we will include it in one of our roadmaps

    • When doing a deployment of a game, it seems for the moment that you are required to set an opening date, or an error will occur when saving the deployment in your database
      This field will be fixed and set as optional in v1.1.1

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jbaukens ().

    • Dear,

      We have released v1.1.1 of the deployment tool.
      Those that doesn't have the tool installed can download directly v1.1.1 on your GamerPath account.
      For the members that have already version 1.1.0 of the tool installed. A notification will appear soon or later to use the auto-updater feature. This will bring you to the following page where you can update your version to the latest stable one with a simple click on a button.

      PS: For some people the updater may fail saying an error about "ob_end_flush() failed to delete and flush buffer. no buffer to delete or flush". This error is fixed in v1.1.1. However if you have this in v1.1.0. Please download the file in attachment and replace it with the one in your v1.1.0 in the includes folder

      • lb_helper.zip

        (40.86 kB, downloaded 542 times, last: )

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jbaukens ().

    • v.1.1.2 has been released today of the deployment module

      ## [v1.1.2] - 2021-09-05
      [New] Be able to manage deployed game cronjobs.
      [Added] Implement safe way to delete a deployment for Plesk, cPanel and VestaCP. (Unsupported for manual deploys as no API to interact with)
      [Added] New WHM API KEY configuration field for cPanel users (required to be able to delete safely a deployment).
      [Updated] Plesk deployment will now save the created database_id in the database to use for the deletion feature
      [Updated] Add missing translations for already existent features

      As usually, v1.1.2 is available as direct download on your gamerpath account. If you have any version below v1.1.2 installed and running, you will have an automatic update notification soon or later.

      CAUTION: We have also brought an update to the
      administration panel of each game. Newly deployed games will have the lastest update automatically installed. For games that are already deployed you need to use the game updater function in the deployment logs menu.

      PS: It appaers for cPanel users that you might have an error during your game RSync request. You can view the logs of your update in the logs/rsync folder. We are currently investigating the cause of this issue. (A fix for cPanel users is added in v1.1.2)


      The post was edited 4 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • Great news is showing up.
      1. After a lot of rework, the Xterium template is almost 100% compatible with the deployment module and will be released later in the day. (Nothing to do on your side, it will appear automatically in the possible game list)
      2. New admin API endpoints have been created to be able to manage your deployed game support tickets and players (We will keep you updated when its officially released and update-able with the automatic game updater)
      Coming soon
      1. New admin API endpoints to manage planets/moons
      2. New admin API endpoints to configure Paypal and Xsolla in an easy and efficient way
      3. New admin API endpoints to create/edit/delete in an efficient way rapid-fires, technolgy requirements, building, ships, defense & research

      As you can see we are currently focusing a lot on the admin API, this is because the games need to be manageable/maintainable by you before being playable by others

      Do you have an issue, a question, or still hesitating to make the step over to the tool. Do not hesitate to take contact with us on our Discord:

      UPDATE 07/09 00h11:
      1. Tomorrow evening (after real life work) we will force the release of v1.1.3. This fix a development issue to display the Xterium template to be deployed because it is quit late today and i am tired
      2. It will aswell include the first functions to be able to interact with players ingame configs.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • v.1.1.3 has been released today of the deployment module

      ## [v1.1.3] - 2021-09-07
      [New] Be able to manage deployed game support tickets.
      [New] Be able to manage deployed game players (basic features - to be updated).
      [Bugfixes] Fix minor issues related to L18N

      As usually, v1.1.3 is available as direct download on your gamerpath account. If you have any version below v1.1.3 installed and running, you will have an automatic update notification soon or later.

      CAUTION: We have also brought an update to the administration panel of each game. Newly deployed games will have the latest update automatically installed. For games that are already deployed you need to use the game updater function in the deployment logs menu.
    • Dear

      Due to unwanted circumstance, we have been forced to update the deployment tool to v1.1.4

      ## [v1.1.4] - 2021-09-08
      [New] Implement a quick function to push your license key to the game instead of hard-coding it in a file during its deployment
      [New] Automatic sql migrations when doing games updates and if there are sql queries
      [Bugfixes] Implement different bug-fix and optimize the way of loading available games.

      :!: New games can only be deployed starting from v1.1.4. (they have nothing more to do)

      For users that have a version lower then v1.1.4. You can upgrade using the quick upgrade feature. Every template has received an update as-well. If you plan to use the quick game updater function. Be sure to have imported the sql queries for the auto migration feature available in attachments for your already deployed games will not work

      Starting from v1.1.4, you can install 2moons, Newstar, WoA, Xterium and OGameX

      Do you have a question or are you stuck somewhere. Do not hesitate to contact us on our Discord - discord.gg/EDaMpXArEZ

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • producer jeremy thank you here

      I installed the Deployment module that she made and I have been using it since version 1.0 from the first series and I install other games of ogame, including 2moons, quickly and with one click and play them to my players and we are satisfied with it.

      a module whose many different features are constantly kept up to date, a game module where everyone can install and create and design their own games jeremy is a programmer who has a lot of success on this subject and writes incredibly clean code

      I paid €9.99 for the module to have more advanced support and I can create multiple universes and offer my players a nice game error-free game. Get your server without waiting too long and set it up, if you need to install or support, they will respond quickly and give you support BUT I RECOMMEND PAYING MORE BY PAYING €9.99 YOUR GAME EXPERIENCE WILL BE BETTER.

      You will see an excellent design and development that you can see and see with this deployment module, I recommend it to everyonecpanel hosting - plesk panel etc. You can install on other panels. If you are going to earn income from great gaming experiences, download it without waiting with the deployment module. Pay €9.99 to have more experiences.

      thank you jeremy for creating this beautiful system

    • Hello Cronos, Thanks for the kind work, we hope you will enjoy the continuous development of the tool and its feature;

      For everyone, here are some extra features which will soon be released

      1. Be able to manage deployed games planets
      2. Be able to manage deployed games anti-spam system
      3. Different games have had some features bugfixed

    • Dear,

      On the 12/09. v1.1.5 will be officially released.

      [New] Implement admin function to manage deployed games planets
      [New] Implement internal dictionary to use in the advanced anti-spam system
      [New] Implement admin function to easily add your own created promoting links (gametoor ...)
      [OGameX] Has received a few bug-fix/features development which make it looks more and more as a working game
      [GamerPath] Have the possibility to re-issue your license code after consuming it.
      [TBA] TBA

      :!: Be sure to report to us any miss-configured/not working feature (any game template) to be sure we can list it in one of our road-maps and that we don't pass near it

      Top navigation and left navigation (marked in yellow) are pages which i have been able to test, some features might still not work like complete with DM, but most out of the page should work already

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Jbaukens ().

    • Dear,

      New functions are arriving for version 1.1.6 that will be released on the 19/09.

      I can already announce the well known "Reset Game" and "Giveaways" menu will be part of the update. More info coming soon.
      Do not forget to join us on our discord to stay up to date or if you have any question/concern: discord.gg/SBvbGhWbAP

    • Hello

      Yes, you can edit game files however it fits you (they are not encrypted). Just take in count that for the moment, if you do a change and i process with an update (on a file you have changed) that it will erase it.

      To avoid that annoying part and to offer a solution to the users of the tool We are integrating in the next release an function where you can take any of the available templates as default source code to start, load it on a git-hub or any link where the content is downloadable and add it to the list of available games to be deployed. From that moment, it will be considered as a private deployment (which means only you can deploy it) and updates will need to be planned by your self, you will still be able to use every available deployment tool feature with your modified templates.

      More details about that feature and how to use it will be announced on the next release being the 19/09 (one every Sunday)

      The deployment tool itself, and everything related deployment functions and portal are encrypted and not editable.

    • A new template has joined the family of the deployment module. You can from now one deploy as well Steemnova's games. (Not sure how it works and what has been changed other then the design compared to 2moons default from jkroepke) but hence, its supported from now on. No update required, it will automatically appaer soon or later in your available deployment list
    • Dear,

      V1.1.6 has been released today. As usually, a notification will appaer in the admin panel to use the autoupdater once the build is finished. We had planned a few more stuff for the current week, but due to internet issues which the provider wont fix before 29/09, we have been a bit slowed down; However, the update still bring some nice features which u can find out below

      ## [v1.1.6] - 2021-09-20
      [New] Implement function to manage deployed games promoting websites including rewards
      [New] Implement function to reset to defaults deployed games
      [New] Implement function to proceed with giveaways in deployed games
      [New] Be able to deploy with the module the steemnova template.
      [Updated] Remove "admin access" notification on newstar & 2moons template
      [Updated] Remove possibility to change password or email ingame for newstar template
      [Updated] Trigger the anti spam system in deployed games message and chat systems
      [Updated] Implement bug-fix to display the admin panel on steemnova template
    • Hello,

      There is no special reason the server would go offline, unless another fire in a data-center happens. Even with redundancy, if the data center goes in to fire, they would have burned unless i take one at another provider.
      However, complete backups are being done and stored 1 on the server itself, one on another ftp, and one in the cloud, to ensure i dont lose any data anymore which was the most important (data loss)

      We are as well investigating to go for an active-active or active-standby replication but hence, we are not engineers, so before doing any change going into that sense, we prefer first to have done our homework finding out all the technical details about the dns and so on. There will probably be more info about that soon or later, but i am not taking care of the server technical stuff, thats my friend, so i am just the messenger for those kind of stuff.

      As extra information, our server is hosted atleast till November 2022 (for the moment without replication) at contabo