Planet erased in the galaxy

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    • Planet erased in the galaxy

      Hello I have a problem with the galaxy. If I delete a colony, it is also deleted in the galaxy and you can no longer fly to the deleted coordinates.Can someone help me to create the necessary cron job so that you can fly to and colonize the deleted planets again?

      i hope any can help me ?( ?( ?(
    • El sistema esta creado para que una vez que se elimine la colonia debes esperar cierto tiempo que con exactitud no recuerdo, y mediante un cronjob, pasado ese tiempo te deja colonizar nuevamente en dichas coordenadas
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • Yes, I know that's the cron job, isn't it?
      $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE `destruyed` < :time AND `destruyed` != 0;';
      Database::get()->delete($sql, array(
      ':time' => TIMESTAMP

      just see that the timestamp is missing. If I put this in, it should work, right?
      $del_before = TIMESTAMP - ($config->del_oldstuff * 86400);

      that would be the new code$sql = 'DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE `destruyed` < :time AND `destruyed` != 0;';
      Database::get()->delete($sql, array(
      ':time' => $del_before

      is that right?
    • Reychen wrote:

      $sql = 'DELETE FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE `destruyed` < :time AND `destruyed` != 0;';
      Database::get()->delete($sql, array(
      ':time' => TIMESTAMP
      NO, TIMESTAMP es el tiempo actual, así esta bien, pero funciona cuando el Cronjob se ejecute, sería los Sábado 2:45 minutos.
      Lo que deberías modificar el la hora en la que se ejecuta el CronJob, pero recuerde que ese tarea cron no solamente elimina los planetas destruidos, tiene mas función
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • Yes, I know that he has several tasks. I've also tried to change the time when he should run the cron job. but nothing happens. I also recreated the cron job in the task interfacecould it be that the error is there?

      class CleanerCronjob implements CronjobTask{function run(){ $config = Config::get(ROOT_UNI);$unis = Universe::availableUniverses();

      it is the only cronjob where that is at the beginning
      that maybe the error is there?
    • I have now found an emergency solution and have deleted this line

      $unis = Universe::availableUniverses();

      is not optimal but the cron job works :DI think that the name of the universe comes in the brackets, right?