Kleines Tool Offiziere Haupseite

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  • Kleines Tool Offiziere Haupseite

    Hier mal ein kleines Tool wer es gebrauchen kann
    Nicht aktive werden Grau dargestellt

    [Blocked Image: http://xnova2.com/offi.png]

    In der class.AbstractPage.php


    'PlanetSelect' => $PlanetSelect,

    das einfügen

    'rpg_geologue' => $USER['rpg_geologue'],
    'rpg_amiral' => $USER['rpg_amiral'],
    'rpg_ingenieur' => $USER['rpg_ingenieur'],
    'rpg_technocrate' => $USER['rpg_technocrate'],
    'rpg_espion' => $USER['rpg_espion'],
    'rpg_constructeur' => $USER['rpg_constructeur'],
    'rpg_scientifique' => $USER['rpg_scientifique'],
    'rpg_commandant' => $USER['rpg_commandant'],
    'rpg_stockeur' => $USER['rpg_stockeur'],
    'rpg_defenseur' => $USER['rpg_defenseur'],
    'rpg_destructeur' => $USER['rpg_destructeur'],
    'rpg_general' => $USER['rpg_general'],
    'rpg_bunker' => $USER['rpg_bunker'],
    'rpg_raideur' => $USER['rpg_raideur'],
    'rpg_empereur' => $USER['rpg_empereur'],

    in der page.overview.default.tpl an einer beliebten stelle das einfügen

    <div class="title"><a href="game.php?page=officier">Deine Offiziere</a>

    <a style="margin-left: 540px;" href="#" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Graue Offiziere sind nicht Aktiv">

    <img src="/frage.png" alt="" width="20" height="20"></a>


    <div class="separator"></div>

    <div style="text-align: center;">

    {if $rpg_geologue}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/601.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_geologue}/30)<br />" />


    <img src="/b/601.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_geologue}/30)<br />" />


    {if $rpg_amiral}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/602.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_amiral}/20)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/602.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_amiral}/20)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_ingenieur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/603.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_ingenieur}/10)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/603.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_ingenieur}/10)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_technocrate}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/604.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_technocrate}/10)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/604.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_technocrate}/10)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_constructeur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/605.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_constructeur}/3)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/605.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_constructeur}/3)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_scientifique}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/606.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_scientifique}/3)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/606.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_scientifique}/3)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_stockeur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/607.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Lagermeister
    <br/><br/>Level ({$rpg_stockeur}/2)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/607.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    data-tooltip-content="Lagermeister <br/><br/>Level
    ({$rpg_stockeur}/2)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_defenseur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/608.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_defenseur}/2)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/608.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_defenseur}/2)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_bunker}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/609.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_bunker}/1)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/609.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_bunker}/1)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_espion}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/610.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_espion}/2)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/610.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_espion}/2)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_commandant}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/611.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_commandant}/3)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/611.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_commandant}/3)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_destructeur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/612.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Zerstörer
    <br/><br/>Level ({$rpg_destructeur}/1)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/612.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    data-tooltip-content="Zerstörer <br/><br/>Level
    ({$rpg_destructeur}/1)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_general}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/613.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_general}/3)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/613.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_general}/3)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_raideur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/614.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_raideur}/1)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/614.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_raideur}/1)<br />"/>


    {if $rpg_empereur}

    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/615.jpg" width="42" height="42"
    alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_empereur}/1)<br />"/>


    <img src="/b/615.jpg" width="42" height="42" alt="" class="tooltip"
    ({$rpg_empereur}/1)<br />"/>



    den ordner b im Hauptverzeichnis laden xnova2.com/bilder.rar

    hoffe es gefällt euch weitere sachen folgen die tage noch
  • A foreach would have take you 5 lines of php and 5 lines of html :)
  • How to add this version Smart-Space-SmartSpace-1.1.3

    :( Help

    You do not see any picture just an inscription : Deine Offiziere

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Xnova 24 ().

  • i did it this way.....

    <div id="page" >
    <div id="content">
    <div id="owerwiv" class="conteiner">
    <div class="title">Fleets-Senet-Officers</div><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Weapons Upgrade<br/><br/>Increases the attack value of the ships and defenses.

    +10% Attack
    +10% Defence;<br />">
    <img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/701.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Shield Upgrade<br/><br/>Increases the value of ships shields and defenses

    +10% Shield<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/702.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Building Upgrade
    <br/><br/>Shorten the construction time for buildings

    -10% Construction Time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/703.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Ressource Upgrade
    <br/><br/>Increases resource production

    +10% Production of Resources
    <br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/704.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Energy Upgrade
    <br/><br/>Increases energy production

    +10% Production of Energy<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/705.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Research Upgrade
    <br/><br/>Shortens research time

    -10% Research time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/706.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=governors" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Fleet Upgrade
    <br/><br/>Shortens flying time. Does not affect Expeditions.

    -10% Flying time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/707.png" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Geologist<br/><br/>+2% Production of Resources<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/601.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Admiral<br/><br/>
    The Admiral is an experienced veteran and a skillful strategist. The hardest battle is able to get an idea of the situation and contact their admirals subordinates. A wise emperor could rely on their help during the fighting..

    +1% Attack
    +1% Defence
    +1% Shield<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/602.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Engineer<br/><br/>The Engineer is a specialist in energy management. In peacetime, it increases the energy of all the colonies.

    +5% Production of Energy<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/603.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Technocrat<br/><br/>The guild of the Technocrats is composed of genius scientists, and you will find them always over the realm where all human logic would be defied. For thousands of years, no normal humans have ever cracked the code of a Technocrat. The Technocrat inspires the researchers of the empire with his presence.

    -5% Ship Building time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/604.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Constructor<br/><br/>The Constructor has altered their DNA, only one of these men can build an entire city in a short time.

    -10% Construction Time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/605.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Scientist<br/><br/>Scientists are part of a guild to concurrent technocrats. They specialize in the improvement of technologies.

    -10% Research time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/606.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Storage expert<br/><br/>Storage is part of the ancient brotherhood of the planet Hsac. His motto is to win the maximum, which is why we need huge storage space. Thus has developed a new storage technique.

    +25% Resource storage
    +25% Ships storage<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/607.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Minister of Defence
    <br/><br/>The Minister of Defence is a member of the Imperial Army. focus on your job allows you to build a formidable defense in a short period of time.
    -25% Defense Building time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/608.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Guardian<br/><br/>Emperor impressed with your work, you are providing the empire. As a thank you, he will allow you to use the most powerful protection.

    Opens opportunity to build Planetary Shield Dome<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/609.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Spy<br/><br/>The Spy is an enigmatic person. No one ever saw his true face, the only way would be killed.

    +1% Espionage power<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/610.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Commander
    <br/><br/>Rank commander repeatedly proved itself in modern warfare. Thanks to the simplified structure of your orders can be executed more quickly, which will allow you to maintain control over your entire empire. You will be able to develop strategies to always be one step ahead of the enemy.

    +3 Fleet Slots<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/611.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Destroyer<br/><br/>Shredder - Employee without mercy. He destroys everything on the route, just because he likes it. In managing the Death Star he can destroy entire moon.

    Opens mission Destruction<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/612.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="General<br/><br/>General - this venerable person who serves in the army for many years. General countless maneuvers developed strategies to optimize the speed of all types of ships under the most unexpected circumstances.

    -5% Flying time<br />"><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/613.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt=""></a><a title="" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Raider<br/><br/>Emperor found in your undeniable quality conqueror. He invites you to become Rader. Rader - the highest rank of the imperial army.

    Opens the possibility of building: "Battleship class ONill"<br /><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/614.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt="30"></a><a title="Raider" href="game.php?page=officier" class="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="Emperor<br/><br/>As it turned out, you - the great conqueror of the universe. The moment has come for you to take the place that you deserve.

    Opens the possibility of building: "orbital base"<br /><img src="/styles/theme/gow/gebaeude/615.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt="30"></a>
    • pic.png

      131.93 kB, 400×250, viewed 554 times
  • the versions r probably diffrerent..... it should be in the overview.default.......and you put were you want the images and details for them to be....dont know if Smart-Space-SmartSpace-1.1.3 has the same folder locations for the images