[FAQ] Admin moderator ranking and no points required adjustment

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  • [FAQ] Admin moderator ranking and no points required adjustment

    For admins or moderators, it is in the ranking and should not receive points, but as far as I can see, admins or moderators appear in the ranking and get points. Is there a setting for this situation or is a code required for this?
  • then it means there is a bug, or this property never exists. you can simply do this by

    1st add a column in config

    ALTER TABLE uni1_config ADD column hide_admin_stats NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

    then ShowStatisticPage.class.php

    find your sql it is something like

    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT s.*, u.id,u.country_code,u.honor_points, u.username,
    u.ally_id, u.banaday, u.urlaubs_modus, u.onlinetime, a.ally_name,
    (a.ally_owner=u.id) as is_leader, a.ally_owner_range FROM %%STATPOINTS%% as s
    INNER JOIN %%USERS%% as u ON u.id = s.id_owner
    LEFT JOIN %%ALLIANCE%% as a ON a.id = s.id_ally
    WHERE s.universe = :universe AND s.stat_type = 1 ";

    under this ADD following

    if ($config->hide_admin_stats) {
    $sql .= "AND u.authlevel != 3 ";

    Or just change your sql after WHERE

    WHERE s.universe = :universe AND s.stat_type = 1 AND u.authlevel !=3

    for a slightly better version of steemnova

  • Zeus wrote:

    koray hocam 2.0 versiyon kullanıyorum sql tam yada kodları tam olarak yazabilirmsiniz çok teşekkür ederim tekrardan
    Busca en class.statbuilder.php dentro de la funcion function MakeStats()

    PHP Source Code: class.statbuilder.php

    1. if ((in_array(Config::get()->stat, array(1, 2)) && $UserData['authlevel'] >= Config::get()->stat_level) || !empty($UserData['bana']) || !empty($UserData['urlaubs_modus']))

    remplazar por

    PHP Source Code: clas.statbuilder.php

    1. if ((in_array(Config::get()->stat, array(1, 2)) && $UserData['authlevel'] >= Config::get()->stat_level) || !empty($UserData['bana']) || !empty($UserData['urlaubs_modus']) || Config::get()->stat == 0 && $UserData['authlevel'] > 0)

    Además en el Panel de Administración en las opciones de estadísticas debes tener puesto NO
    Actualiza manualmente los puntos, ya deberían tener valor 0 todo los administradores, moderadores y operadores
    VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/