My english is no good.
2moons 1.8
I want to display the number of fleets destroyed during battle.
I want to display it like a photo.
help me.
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My english is no good.
2moons 1.8
I want to display the number of fleets destroyed during battle.
I want to display it like a photo.
help me.
PHP Source Code
- <?php
- /**
- * 2Moons
- * by Jan-Otto Kröpke 2009-2016
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
- *
- * @package 2Moons
- * @author Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
- * @copyright 2009 Lucky
- * @copyright 2016 Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
- * @licence MIT
- * @version 1.8.0
- * @link https://github.com/jkroepke/2Moons
- */
- function GenerateReport($combatResult, $reportInfo)
- {
- $Destroy = array('att' => 0, 'def' => 0);
- $DATA = array();
- $DATA['mode'] = (int) $reportInfo['moonDestroy'];
- $DATA['time'] = $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_start_time'];
- $DATA['start'] = array($reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_start_galaxy'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_start_system'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_start_planet'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_start_type']);
- $DATA['koords'] = array($reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_end_galaxy'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_end_system'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_end_planet'], $reportInfo['thisFleet']['fleet_end_type']);
- $DATA['units'] = array($combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'], $combatResult['unitLost']['defender']);
- $DATA['debris'] = $reportInfo['debris'];
- $DATA['steal'] = $reportInfo['stealResource'];
- $DATA['result'] = $combatResult['won'];
- $DATA['moon'] = array(
- 'moonName' => $reportInfo['moonName'],
- 'moonChance' => (int) $reportInfo['moonChance'],
- 'moonDestroyChance' => (int) $reportInfo['moonDestroyChance'],
- 'moonDestroySuccess' => (int) $reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'],
- 'fleetDestroyChance' => (int) $reportInfo['fleetDestroyChance'],
- 'fleetDestroySuccess' => (int) $reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess']
- );
- if(isset($reportInfo['additionalInfo']))
- {
- $DATA['additionalInfo'] = $reportInfo['additionalInfo'];
- }
- else
- {
- $DATA['additionalInfo'] = "";
- }
- foreach($combatResult['rw'][0]['attackers'] as $player)
- {
- $DATA['players'][$player['player']['id']] = array(
- 'name' => $player['player']['username'],
- 'koords' => array($player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_galaxy'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_system'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_planet'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_type']),
- 'tech' => array($player['techs'][0] * 100 - 100, $player['techs'][1] * 100 - 100, $player['techs'][2] * 100 - 100),
- );
- }
- foreach($combatResult['rw'][0]['defenders'] as $player)
- {
- $DATA['players'][$player['player']['id']] = array(
- 'name' => $player['player']['username'],
- 'koords' => array($player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_galaxy'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_system'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_planet'], $player['fleetDetail']['fleet_start_type']),
- 'tech' => array($player['techs'][0] * 100, $player['techs'][1] * 100, $player['techs'][2] * 100),
- );
- }
- foreach($combatResult['rw'] as $Round => $RoundInfo)
- {
- foreach($RoundInfo['attackers'] as $FleetID => $player)
- {
- $playerData = array('userID' => $player['player']['id'], 'ships' => array());
- if(array_sum($player['unit']) == 0) {
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['attacker'][] = $playerData;
- $Destroy['att']++;
- continue;
- }
- foreach($player['unit'] as $ShipID => $Amount)
- {
- if ($Amount <= 0)
- continue;
- $ShipInfo = $RoundInfo['infoA'][$FleetID][$ShipID];
- $playerData['ships'][$ShipID] = array(
- $Amount, $ShipInfo['att'], $ShipInfo['def'], $ShipInfo['shield']
- );
- }
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['attacker'][] = $playerData;
- }
- foreach($RoundInfo['defenders'] as $FleetID => $player)
- {
- $playerData = array('userID' => $player['player']['id'], 'ships' => array());
- if(array_sum($player['unit']) == 0) {
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['defender'][] = $playerData;
- $Destroy['def']++;
- continue;
- }
- foreach($player['unit'] as $ShipID => $Amount)
- {
- if ($Amount <= 0) {
- $Destroy['def']++;
- continue;
- }
- $ShipInfo = $RoundInfo['infoD'][$FleetID][$ShipID];
- $playerData['ships'][$ShipID] = array(
- $Amount, $ShipInfo['att'], $ShipInfo['def'], $ShipInfo['shield']
- );
- }
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['defender'][] = $playerData;
- }
- if ($Round >= MAX_ATTACK_ROUNDS || $Destroy['att'] == count($RoundInfo['attackers']) || $Destroy['def'] == count($RoundInfo['defenders']))
- break;
- if(isset($RoundInfo['attack'], $RoundInfo['attackShield'], $RoundInfo['defense'], $RoundInfo['defShield']))
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['info'] = array($RoundInfo['attack'], $RoundInfo['attackShield'], $RoundInfo['defense'], $RoundInfo['defShield']);
- else
- $DATA['rounds'][$Round]['info'] = array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- }
- return $DATA;
- }