deployement module made public

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    • sromantr wrote:

      No pude encontrarlo en los archivos de instalación todavía

      pero lo encontré en archivos que no son de instalación, ahora mi objetivo es decodificar los códigos de licencia en el archivo de instalación
      por lo que yo estuve viendo la codificacion de la licencia es con un simple base64 pero no creo que halla una licencia valida en esos archivos ya que la licencia se obtebia en una pagina externa la cual ya no esta disponible y creo que el string de la licencia se guardaba en la tabla uni1_config ya codificado a base64 si mal no recuerdo, no recuerdo bien pero lo que verificaba la disponibilidad de la licencia era un callback que se recibía mediante CURL de una pagina o algo similar
      In The end
    • creo que lo mejor para hacer que funcione correctamente sin tener que hacerle muchos cambios al codigo inicial es segirle la ruta y todo el proceso en el que el verificaba la existencia de esa licencia y crear una licencia falsa y asi se evitan todo el trabajo de estar cambiando y revisando archivo por archivo para que no les arroje errores a la hora de utilizar el software
      In The end
    • El problema no es eliminar la linea que elimina la licencia, sino que todo lo demas igualmente la verifica, ademas, todas las plantillas ademas del core original verifica si tienes conexion contra la api. Verifica si esta disponible, si tienes permitido tener esa plantilla y varias cosas mas y eso es por cada una de las plantillas y ademas la administracion (y login en general). La via mas facil que encontré yo, en mi opinion, es crear el sistema aparte. Basicamente lo que hice...ingenieria inversa. Pero es a consideración de cada cual
      Gestor de proyectos para xampp
      Cardinal System for XAMPP
    • Jekill wrote:

      El problema no es eliminar la linea que elimina la licencia, sino que todo lo demas igualmente la verifica, ademas, todas las plantillas ademas del core original verifica si tienes conexion contra la api. Verifica si esta disponible, si tienes permitido tener esa plantilla y varias cosas mas y eso es por cada una de las plantillas y ademas la administracion (y login en general). La via mas facil que encontré yo, en mi opinion, es crear el sistema aparte. Basicamente lo que hice...ingenieria inversa. Pero es a consideración de cada cual
      In The end
    • Jekill wrote:

      El problema no es eliminar la linea que elimina la licencia, sino que todo lo demas igualmente la verifica, ademas, todas las plantillas ademas del core original verifica si tienes conexion contra la api. Verifica si esta disponible, si tienes permitido tener esa plantilla y varias cosas mas y eso es por cada una de las plantillas y ademas la administracion (y login en general). La via mas facil que encontré yo, en mi opinion, es crear el sistema aparte. Basicamente lo que hice...ingenieria inversa. Pero es a consideración de cada cual
      bueno todavía no tengo conocimientos para hacer eso jaja
    • Dear,

      go2moons wrote:

      With the progress of go2moons (ogame clone made in golang), its time to release publicly scripts i dont see myself using anymore. With this, you can find below the deployment module in a public version (not encrypted).

      Be aware that these are the public files i used in the past (with required license code still present), but that the store website is shipped in the package and that you can or remove the code or launch your own store to generate license and use as is.

      The upgrade of the code to remove the license part and installation can be requested for a flat price of €250 if you cannot do it yourself. If you cannot afford this, you will have to ask help to the community if you want to install this.

      You can find on the following link the description of this package of scripts.
      [Plesk/cPane/VestaCP/Manual] Deployment module for open-source games v.1.1.9

      To download the zip file:

      hello halloweecould you make the download link again..this one dosen't work..thanks
    • i keep improving everything is going well
      • Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 13-38-17 Turkiye - OgameX.png

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      • Screenshot 2023-02-28 at 13-41-58 Turkiye - OgameX.png

        470.05 kB, 1,263×678, viewed 170 times
    • Russoll wrote:


      go2moons wrote:

      With the progress of go2moons (ogame clone made in golang), its time to release publicly scripts i dont see myself using anymore. With this, you can find below the deployment module in a public version (not encrypted).

      Be aware that these are the public files i used in the past (with required license code still present), but that the store website is shipped in the package and that you can or remove the code or launch your own store to generate license and use as is.

      The upgrade of the code to remove the license part and installation can be requested for a flat price of €250 if you cannot do it yourself. If you cannot afford this, you will have to ask help to the community if you want to install this.

      You can find on the following link the description of this package of scripts.
      [Plesk/cPane/VestaCP/Manual] Deployment module for open-source games v.1.1.9

      To download the zip file:

      hello halloweecould you make the download link again..this one dosen't work..thanks

      hey, not sure what the response was, but the link for download is deleted when click on it...thanks
    • Russoll wrote:

      Russoll wrote:


      go2moons wrote:

      With the progress of go2moons (ogame clone made in golang), its time to release publicly scripts i dont see myself using anymore. With this, you can find below the deployment module in a public version (not encrypted).

      Be aware that these are the public files i used in the past (with required license code still present), but that the store website is shipped in the package and that you can or remove the code or launch your own store to generate license and use as is.

      The upgrade of the code to remove the license part and installation can be requested for a flat price of €250 if you cannot do it yourself. If you cannot afford this, you will have to ask help to the community if you want to install this.

      You can find on the following link the description of this package of scripts.
      [Plesk/cPane/VestaCP/Manual] Deployment module for open-source games v.1.1.9

      To download the zip file:

      hello halloweecould you make the download link again..this one dosen't work..thanks

      hey, not sure what the response was, but the link for download is deleted when click on it...thanks

      here new lınk
    • sromantr wrote:

      Zeus wrote:

      sromantr wrote:

      i keep improving everything is going well
      Osman hocam diğer dosyalarda çalışıyormu tam olarak
      hangi dosyalar bu arada osman kım :D
      kafa gitti benim iyici hocam kusura bakmayın :D bu sizin kırdığınız çalıştırdıgınız xterium olanıda çalışıyormu içinde deployment için hocam
    • Zeus wrote:

      sromantr wrote:

      Zeus wrote:

      sromantr wrote:

      i keep improving everything is going well
      Osman hocam diğer dosyalarda çalışıyormu tam olarak
      hangi dosyalar bu arada osman kım :D
      kafa gitti benim iyici hocam kusura bakmayın :D bu sizin kırdığınız çalıştırdıgınız xterium olanıda çalışıyormu içinde deployment için hocam
      xterium u denemedim ama o zate yayınlanmıs olarak var dı
    • o yayınlanan eski sürüm dü galiba hocam ben mi yanlış biliyom bu deploment içindeki yeni olan 2.0 ra kurulmuş olan sistem bu dosyaların içinde sql yoktu nasıl buldunuz :D
    • Zeus wrote:

      o yayınlanan eski sürüm dü galiba hocam ben mi yanlış biliyom bu deploment içindeki yeni olan 2.0 ra kurulmuş olan sistem bu dosyaların içinde sql yoktu nasıl buldunuz :D
      ogamex inkı vardı includes/backups/cleen icinde