deployement module made public

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    • ok made a new database and this error
      Table structure for table `uni1_confirm_request`
      on line 1

      Brainfuck Source Code

      1. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
      2. -- version 5.0.3
      3. --
      4. --
      5. -- Host: localhost:3306
      6. -- Generation Time: Feb 20, 2021 at 10:50 PM
      7. -- Server version: 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
      8. -- PHP Version: 7.3.26
      11. SET time_zone = "+00:00";
      15. /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;
      16. --
      17. -- Database: `deploy-module.gamerpath`
      18. --
      19. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      20. --
      21. -- Table structure for table `uni1_config`
      22. --
      23. CREATE TABLE `uni1_config` (
      24. `licenseCode` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
      25. `current_api_hash` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'deployment',
      26. `last_store_connection` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      27. `last_ping` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      28. `license_expiry` datetime NOT NULL,
      29. `updates_expiry` datetime NOT NULL,
      30. `support_expiry` datetime NOT NULL
      31. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
      32. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      33. --
      34. -- Table structure for table `uni1_confirm_request`
      35. --
      36. CREATE TABLE `uni1_confirm_request` (
      37. `requestId` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
      38. `token` varchar(1000) DEFAULT NULL,
      39. `timestamp` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
      40. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
      41. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      42. --
      43. -- Table structure for table `uni1_deployments`
      44. --
      45. CREATE TABLE `uni1_deployments` (
      46. `deployId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
      47. `deploy_hash` varchar(48) DEFAULT NULL,
      48. `universe_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      49. `universe_subdomain` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      50. `universe_db_name` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
      51. `universe_template` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      52. `universe_closed` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      53. `universe_creation` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      54. `universe_open` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      55. `is_development` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      56. `webspace_id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      57. `database_id` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      58. `database_user` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
      59. `deploy_locked` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      60. `last_verified` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      61. `last_updated` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      62. `installed_update` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
      63. `api_token` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
      64. `is_manual_deploy` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      65. `install_path` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL
      66. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
      67. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      68. --
      69. -- Table structure for table `uni1_session`
      70. --
      71. CREATE TABLE `uni1_session` (
      72. `sessionID` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
      73. `userID` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
      74. `userIP` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
      75. `lastonline` int(11) NOT NULL
      77. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      78. --
      79. -- Table structure for table `uni1_template_syncs`
      80. --
      81. CREATE TABLE `uni1_template_syncs` (
      82. `rsync_guid` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
      83. `deploy_hash` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
      84. `rsync_state` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      85. `rsync_data` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
      86. `rsync_error` text DEFAULT NULL,
      87. `process_pid` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      88. `check_time` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      89. `is_installed` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0
      90. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
      91. -- --------------------------------------------------------
      92. --
      93. -- Table structure for table `uni1_users`
      94. --
      95. CREATE TABLE `uni1_users` (
      96. `userId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
      97. `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
      98. `email_change` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      99. `lang` varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL,
      100. `authlevel` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      101. `password` varchar(60) NOT NULL,
      102. `user_lastip` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
      103. `ip_at_reg` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
      104. `register_time` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      105. `onlinetime` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      106. `auth_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      107. `secret_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
      108. `verified_mail` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      109. `verified_mail_send` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      110. `lost_password_send` int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
      111. `dpath` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'default'
      112. ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
      113. --
      114. -- Dumping data for table `uni1_users`
      115. --
      116. INSERT INTO `uni1_users` (`userId`, `email`, `email_change`, `lang`, `authlevel`, `password`, `user_lastip`, `ip_at_reg`, `register_time`, `onlinetime`, `auth_key`, `secret_key`, `verified_mail`, `verified_mail_send`, `lost_password_send`, `dpath`) VALUES
      117. (1, '', 0, 'en', 3, 'c93ccd78b2076528346216b3b2f701e6', '', '', 1612468769, 1613857709, 'cb2efbd9172344e3e08a8cb4820e4724', '013e3ebe23b8706fc8230b973ee96819', 0, 0, 0, 'default');
      118. --
      119. -- Indexes for dumped tables
      120. --
      121. --
      122. -- Indexes for table `uni1_confirm_request`
      123. --
      124. ALTER TABLE `uni1_confirm_request`
      125. ADD UNIQUE KEY `token` (`token`),
      126. ADD UNIQUE KEY `requestId` (`requestId`);
      127. --
      128. -- Indexes for table `uni1_deployments`
      129. --
      130. ALTER TABLE `uni1_deployments`
      131. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`deployId`),
      132. ADD UNIQUE KEY `universe_name` (`universe_name`),
      133. ADD UNIQUE KEY `deployId` (`deployId`),
      134. ADD UNIQUE KEY `universe_subdomain` (`universe_subdomain`),
      135. ADD UNIQUE KEY `deploy_hash` (`deploy_hash`),
      136. ADD UNIQUE KEY `api_token` (`api_token`);
      137. --
      138. -- Indexes for table `uni1_session`
      139. --
      140. ALTER TABLE `uni1_session`
      141. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`userID`),
      142. ADD KEY `sessionID` (`sessionID`);
      143. --
      144. -- Indexes for table `uni1_template_syncs`
      145. --
      146. ALTER TABLE `uni1_template_syncs`
      147. ADD UNIQUE KEY `rsync_guid` (`rsync_guid`);
      148. --
      149. -- Indexes for table `uni1_users`
      150. --
      151. ALTER TABLE `uni1_users`
      152. ADD PRIMARY KEY (`userId`),
      153. ADD UNIQUE KEY `userId` (`userId`),
      154. ADD UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
      155. ADD UNIQUE KEY `auth_key` (`auth_key`),
      156. ADD UNIQUE KEY `secret_key` (`secret_key`);
      157. --
      158. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables
      159. --
      160. --
      161. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `uni1_deployments`
      162. --
      163. ALTER TABLE `uni1_deployments`
      164. MODIFY `deployId` int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
      165. --
      166. -- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `uni1_users`
      167. --
      168. ALTER TABLE `uni1_users`
      170. COMMIT;
      Display All
    • Russoll wrote:

      ¿Hay alguna manera de instalar la implementación sin la licencia ya que los sitios se han ido?
      Removiendo la licencia, de momento yo trabaje en algunos de los templates, haciéndolo independiente de la plataforma se pueden instalar como cualquier 2moons master, claramente el login es un injerto de 2moons para resolver y poder entrar al juego por lo que tiene muchos errores. Realmente para hacerlo jugable para publico no recomiendo
      De los que trabaje fue ogamex, al revisarlo le faltan muchas cosas, código a medias, demasiado error muchas cosas por hacer y abandone.
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • yamilrh wrote:

      Lo puedo compartir si quieres ogamex, no recuerdo pero creo que permite crear el usuario.
      Es algo que tiene errores.
      Si yo tambien lo estuve viendo y coincido que tiene muchos errores y cosas incompletas de echo el panel del login lo tuve que hacer casi desde 0 pudiendo utilizar solo los diseños para hacer que me funcionara completamente
      In The end
    • I didn't use the portal, I just used the game files, but I created them from scratch, then I started to complete all the missing coding. There are still some missing parts in the game file, but it is mostly complete.
    • Russoll wrote:

      is there a way to install deployment with out the license since the sites gone?
      In the archive, you have

      1. template-deployment-private == deployment module (need to be installed on server)
      2. template-store-private == store where users could previsouly purchase a license
      3. template-GAMENAME-private == game template (Need to be hosted on github (private/public) for live sync and run deployements
      And for the license management:

      If you put all back in place, change links, i am pretty sure you will be able to make it work like i made it work when i was running it

      LicenseBox, Store and deployment module communicate through api with a secret KEY saved in file. DO NOT FORGET to change that key as if you all install keeping the same KEY, you understand you open pandore :D
    • sromantr wrote:

      paylasmak para demek deil para icin tamamlamak gerekir :D
      para kazanmayan bir script için boş işler bence şuan klasik yani bizim oyundan çok para kazandıran script olduğunu zannetmiyorum, hobby için uğraşıyor vatandaş onunda tadını kaçırıyorlar zaten
    • Abyss wrote:

      sromantr wrote:

      paylasmak para demek deil para icin tamamlamak gerekir :D
      para kazanmayan bir script için boş işler bence şuan klasik yani bizim oyundan çok para kazandıran script olduğunu zannetmiyorum, hobby için uğraşıyor vatandaş onunda tadını kaçırıyorlar zaten
      Herkesin bir kitlesi var yeni modernize tasarımlar entegre ediyorum
      Günlük 300 den fazla online var
    • sromantr wrote:

      buraya bak isdersen 100 ++ online var
      usta online sayısı demedim para kazanmadan bahsettim ayda 40-50 bin kazanan bır tane ogameci cıksın ben dişimi kırarım 19. senenin içindeyim ben bu işte