deployement module made public

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    • Jollian wrote:

      If its minor changes i can probably get by with google and my basic technical knowledge, i mean i can pretty much read code to see what its purpose is but I can't code for shit.

      I dont have a team, I just wanted to play around
      you can just try to debug it's a good practice to learn

      then there is another version available
    • Danter14 wrote:

      then there is another version available
      What do you mean with this?

      Danter14 wrote:

      you can just try to debug it's a good practice to learn
      Thats definatly true, thats mostly why I am playing around with it, as I find it interesting to do. Its just that you have to know your limits.
    • Jollian wrote:

      What do you mean with this?
      New star is an example that is functional

      Jollian wrote:

      Thats definatly true, thats mostly why I am playing around with it, as I find it interesting to do. Its just that you have to know your limits.
      Yes we agree on that but as developers we have the annoying habit of always wanting to go beyond our limits and continuing to learn by inventing new functionalities, I'm not saying that it's easy, it takes up a lot of time.
    • Danter14 wrote:

      Jollian wrote:

      What do you mean with this?
      New star is an example that is functional

      Jollian wrote:

      Thats definatly true, thats mostly why I am playing around with it, as I find it interesting to do. Its just that you have to know your limits.
      Yes we agree on that but as developers we have the annoying habit of always wanting to go beyond our limits and continuing to learn by inventing new functionalities, I'm not saying that it's easy, it takes up a lot of time.
      I've had newstar running, it has too many bells and whistles to my liking which feel like they are all "thrown on top"

      Especially cause dissabling said modules doesnt look to be working
    • Jollian wrote:

      I've had newstar running, it has too many bells and whistles to my liking which feel like they are all "thrown on top"

      Especially cause dissabling said modules doesnt look to be working
      yes there are a lot of things and the new modules which are not original on the original 2moons have not been added for the management of the deactivation
    • I cannot help you like that, long time i didnt run my code since i started to develop gogame. However, what i am sure off is that you should definitly update your php version to atleast 7.3
      Afterwards, i can give it a light check maybe via teamviewer or other to remember a bit the workflow
    • Jbaukens wrote:

      I cannot help you like that, long time i didnt run my code since i started to develop gogame. However, what i am sure off is that you should definitly update your php version to atleast 7.3
      Afterwards, i can give it a light check maybe via teamviewer or other to remember a bit the workflow
      What is it that you are working on now? you kind of dissapeared like 2 years ago?
    • Jollian wrote:

      Jbaukens wrote:

      I cannot help you like that, long time i didnt run my code since i started to develop gogame. However, what i am sure off is that you should definitly update your php version to atleast 7.3
      Afterwards, i can give it a light check maybe via teamviewer or other to remember a bit the workflow
      What is it that you are working on now? you kind of dissapeared like 2 years ago?
      Actually i logged in with the bad account. I have anoter account gogame:
      GOGame: A new OGame clone in development

      I dont post often as i am bored of having always the same questions, when is it finished (and similar) while i am willing to work slowly on it when i have some free spare time without pressure :)
      Most people always think i will spend 24/24 on it and that it will be finished in 3 days but no, this time, i take all my time, progressing when i wanna progress

      Though i start to see an end date end 2023
    • Jbaukens wrote:

      I dont post often as i am bored of having always the same questions, when is it finished (and similar) while i am willing to work slowly on it when i have some free spare time without pressure
      Most people always think i will spend 24/24 on it and that it will be finished in 3 days but no, this time, i take all my time, progressing when i wanna progress

      Though i start to see an end date end 2023

      good luck!

      Did you find out whats causing the redirects?
      I can get some scripts running without php errors atm (even the ogamex one)

      but the redirects are holding me back now ^^
      they also are the same for all of them, so its something thats recurring in all packages code. redirects to /nl redirects to /nl redirects to /nl redirects to /nl (is also xterium) redirects to /nl

      to clarify, my issues with the ogamex scripts were a clear user error where i didnt define everything in config...

      Im thinking its the code from index.php from below;
      this I state since in my understanding this are redirects

      PHP Source Code: index.php

      1. $page = HTTP::_GP('page', 'index');
      2. $mode = HTTP::_GP('mode', 'show');
      3. $page = str_replace(array('_', '\\', '/', '.', "\0"), '', $page);
      4. $pageClass = 'Show'.ucfirst($page).'Page';
      5. if($page != "vertify" && !empty($code))
      6. header('Location: https://'.parse_url_domain($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'/index.php?code='.$code);
      7. elseif($page != "vertify")
      8. header('Location: https://'.parse_url_domain($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'/');
      9. $path = 'includes/pages/login/'.$pageClass.'.class.php';
      Display All
      Changing the "header" location to not self-define the domain, ends up with too many redirects error in browser.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Jollian ().

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    • Jollian wrote:

      Jbaukens wrote:

      I dont post often as i am bored of having always the same questions, when is it finished (and similar) while i am willing to work slowly on it when i have some free spare time without pressure
      Most people always think i will spend 24/24 on it and that it will be finished in 3 days but no, this time, i take all my time, progressing when i wanna progress

      Though i start to see an end date end 2023
      good luck!

      Did you find out whats causing the redirects?
      I can get some scripts running without php errors atm (even the ogamex one)

      but the redirects are holding me back now ^^
      they also are the same for all of them, so its something thats recurring in all packages code. redirects to /nl redirects to /nl redirects to /nl redirects to /nl (is also xterium) redirects to /nl

      to clarify, my issues with the ogamex scripts were a clear user error where i didnt define everything in config...

      Im thinking its the code from index.php from below;
      this I state since in my understanding this are redirects

      PHP Source Code: index.php

      1. $page = HTTP::_GP('page', 'index');
      2. $mode = HTTP::_GP('mode', 'show');
      3. $page = str_replace(array('_', '\\', '/', '.', "\0"), '', $page);
      4. $pageClass = 'Show'.ucfirst($page).'Page';
      5. if($page != "vertify" && !empty($code))
      6. header('Location: https://'.parse_url_domain($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'/index.php?code='.$code);
      7. elseif($page != "vertify")
      8. header('Location: https://'.parse_url_domain($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']).'/');
      9. $path = 'includes/pages/login/'.$pageClass.'.class.php';
      Display All
      Changing the "header" location to not self-define the domain, ends up with too many redirects error in browser.
      @Jollian tendre una respuesta para ti mañana. Hacia micho no veia el foro y ya esto lo habia terminado. Mañana busco en mis archivos.
      Gestor de proyectos para xampp
      Cardinal System for XAMPP
    • Buenos dias coelgas de la comunidad. Revise nuevamente mis adelantos y, ademas de lo que ya habia comentado de que realize ingenieria inversa a la API del sistema de plantillas, tambien encontre que logre "eliminarla", por completo. Solo hay que cambiar un poco de codigo en GeneralFunctions.php

      reemplazar la funcion validateLicense por esta nueva:

      PHP Source Code: GeneralFunctions.php

      1. function validateLicense(){
      2. config::get()->last_validation_check = TIMESTAMP;
      3. $sql = "UPDATE %%CONFIG%% SET last_validation_check = :new_time WHERE uni = 1;";
      4. database::get()->update($sql, array(':new_time' => TIMESTAMP));
      5. }

      Con el codigo anterior, no hace falta eliminar la validacion de cada plantilla, esto hace una validacion exitosa en cada caso.

      Para el problema de las redirecciones hay que cambiar, o bien en ApplicationFunctions.php la funcion parse_url_domain o de lo contrario, siempre generar un subdominio.

      PHP Source Code: ApplicationFunctions.php

      1. define("MAIN_DOMAIN", 'localhost/admin_panel');
      2. function parse_url_domain ($url) {
      3. return strtolower(MAIN_DOMAIN);
      4. }

      Nota: Estas modificaciones hay que realizarlas en todas las plantillas

      Espero que con esto que les comparto se acaben las dudas sobre este tema. Saludos camaradas. Estare revisando por si alguien tiene algo que decir.

      Nos vemos en la proxima!!
      Gestor de proyectos para xampp
      Cardinal System for XAMPP
    • Jekill wrote:

      I hope that with what I am sharing with you the doubts about this topic will end. Greetings comrades. I'll be checking to see if anyone has anything to say.

      I'll try it out later this week when I have time.