Developing steemnova 1.8x

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    • Developing steemnova 1.8x

      Hello guys, i started on a new project based on Steemnova v2 on github.

      My objective on this project is to fix login, register, recaptcha and some stat update errors on the project steemnova 2.0, on the long run multiverse issues might be fixed as well

      it is open source you can download and use it, you can make pull requests on github and etc.

      Any change i made will be commented under this topic, so if still some admins on the forum please fix this topic, like other versions

      it will be developed further, but i want to keep old design, new things will affect backend only ( probably, if needed some small changes on front end as well )

      you can download and test it from

      What is done so far ?


      * Updated for PHP 8.2

      * Smarty 4.3.0 version update

      * Fancybox 5.0 Update

      * New Gow theme


      * BBCodeParser2 was causing problems at the stage of install, wrong url links of BBCodeParser2 is corrected

      * BBCodeParser2 problems on Tickets page corrected, tickets working efficiently


      * Login system changed, now users login with email instead of username

      * Recaptcha is updated to new version

      * Login and register systems now uses recaptcha if captcha is activated from admin panel

      * Register links on Index page corrected

      * Some visual corrections for register page

      * Manual stats page on admin panel was not reporting stats update time for languages Tr and Fr, these language files corrected

      * new javascript added for login and register pages to avoid form submit on page refresh

      * login and systems are changed to support AJAX submit

      * Bootstrap 5 - responsive login & register pages are generated

      * csrf token is added for login & register forms

      * added remember me option for login


      * Autoload for admin panel ( have some issues with rights need to be solved )

      * steem connect removed from admin login page

      * includes/pages/adm converted from mysqli (old database) to new database ( PDO )

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing buildings from planets, avoid negative level for buildings

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing buildings from planets, avoid negative level for planet fields

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing ships from planets, avoid negative number of ships

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing defence units from planets, avoid negative number of defences units

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing research levels from planets, avoid negative number of research

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing resources from planets, avoid negative number of resources

      * bug fix: ShowAccountEditorPage - removing darkmatter from users, avoid negative number of dark matter

      * Added an option to activate and deactivate recaptcha for login and register pages separately

      * Added an ability to chose current theme from admin panel , nova, gow, epic blue, DEFAULT_THEME constant removed, theme class changed

      * Added a search bar for admin panel

      * added options whether to show buildings, research, and ships if technology is not accessible
      (unlearned ships, buildings and research can be made visible from admin panel)


      * A bug in alliance page is fixed caused by BBCode

      * bugs caused by page.error.default.tpl fixed

      * Theme update: Epic Blue XIII buildings page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update: Epic Blue XIII research page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update: Epic Blue XIII shipyard page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update:Epic Blue XIII technologies page is updated and visual problems solved

      * forum and discord pages now can be removed from admin panel / modules page

      * Theme update: Galaxy of Wars overview page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update: Galaxy of Wars buildings page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update: Galaxy of Wars research page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update: Galaxy of Wars shipyard page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Theme update:Galaxy of Wars technologies page is updated and visual problems solved

      * Galaxy page change with keyboard stroke is possible, Galaxy page refresh does not show form submit alert

      * Bug fix : MissionCaseSpy can be used in all themes

      * visual bug fixed related to body length for Epic Blue XIII Theme

      * StatBanner problems solved

      * A limit is set for number of notes of a user, this limit can be changed from admin panel

      * Fixed a bug which prevents displaying alliance applications

      * active color for current page on menu, GOW theme

      New theme for Gow added, from now on project will be developed on GOW theme, if you want other themes work as efficient as GOW theme you need to understand, and edit the code

      • steemnova1.8x.png

        900.54 kB, 1,366×768, viewed 658 times

      for a slightly better version of steemnova

      The post was edited 13 times, last by amamoslavida ().

    • yamilrh wrote:

      No recuerdo bien, pero steemnova no usaba como login la plataforma de steam
      I dont know anything about steemnova platform, steemlogin thing, so i removed steemconnect, if you want to use script with steemnova, you need to add it manually for now, maybe in the future, i add an option to admin panel to switch it on/off.

      for a slightly better version of steemnova
    • fossil wrote:

      Hallo Kann ich die Version über meine alte kopieren oder muss es eine neuinstallation sein.?
      it depends on your skill, the version is steemnova 1.8x , it is same with

      but bugs of this version fixed, and some things are developed and some small thing added.

      coppying it to existing online project will cause problems, because install has been changed, i recommend fresh install.

      and if you are going to use it commercially, it is just too early for you to update, because this version has a lot of bugs, bugs will be fixed and commented under this topic. So if you are not going to develop it by .git, there is no need to install it for now.

      for a slightly better version of steemnova
    • Ok.
      Daten auf server Kopiert .
      Warning: Uncaught ErrorException: require(includes/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Stack trace: #0 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ errorHandler(2, 'require(include...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 48, Array) #1 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ require() #2 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Database->__construct() #3 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Database::get() #4 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Config::generateInstances() #5 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Conf in /www/htdocs/ on line 48

      Fatal error: Database::__construct(): Failed opening required 'includes/config.php' (include_path='/www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/') in /www/htdocs/ on line 48
    • fossil wrote:

      Daten auf server Kopiert .
      Warning: Uncaught ErrorException: require(includes/config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Stack trace: #0 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ errorHandler(2, 'require(include...', '/www/htdocs/w01...', 48, Array) #1 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ require() #2 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Database->__construct() #3 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Database::get() #4 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Config::generateInstances() #5 /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/ Conf in /www/htdocs/ on line 48

      Fatal error: Database::__construct(): Failed opening required 'includes/config.php' (include_path='/www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/') in /www/htdocs/ on line 48
      it has an error in theme class it will be fixed soon !

      for a slightly better version of steemnova

      The post was edited 1 time, last by amamoslavida ().

    • ok, it is fixed, i forgot to check install before updating the project, now it works for install as well. tested fresh install and login, everything seems ok, you need to download and install the project again :)

      for a slightly better version of steemnova
    • thank you for reporting, it is actually only visible if you activate mailing from admin panel. Steemnova does not have secret question / password recovering system, maybe in the future i add it.

      for a slightly better version of steemnova

      The post was edited 1 time, last by amamoslavida ().

    • selam, şu an için çok farklı birşey yok projeye başlayalı 3-4 gün oldu. steemnovanın kurulumunda birçok sıkıntı vardı, projenin amacı kurulum sıkıntılarını giderip, yeni başlayanların kurulum aşamasında zaman kaybetmesini önlemek. Örneğin BBCode linkleri yanlıştı, bu da kurulumda hata alınmasına, oyunun açılmamasına sebep oluyordu, tema değiştirme çalışmıyordu. Bu tarz küçük sıkıntılar düzeltildi, günlük olarak güncelleme atıyorum fakat daha çok yolu var. Yapılan güncellemeler konu altında ve github linkinde mevcut, ihtiyacınızı karşılarsa kullanabilirsiniz, ya da farklı fikirleriniz varsa geliştirmek isterseniz github üzerinden pull request oluşturabilirsiniz.

      for a slightly better version of steemnova