Unfortunately, the code I use to teleport fleets from one planet to another isn't working as expected. Everything seems to be running without errors, but instead of teleporting, the ships from the current planet are being deleted and not transferred to the destination planet. Your assistance in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
2MOON 2.0
PHP : 7.2.34
Display All
Unfortunately, the code I use to teleport fleets from one planet to another isn't working as expected. Everything seems to be running without errors, but instead of teleporting, the ships from the current planet are being deleted and not transferred to the destination planet. Your assistance in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
2MOON 2.0
PHP : 7.2.34
PHP Source Code
- <?php
- class ShowJumpFleetPage extends AbstractGamePage {
- public static $requireModule = 0;
- function __construct() {
- parent::__construct();
- }
- function show() {
- global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $resource, $UNI;
- $db = Database::get();
- $act = HTTP::_GP('act', '');
- $transCoasts = 2000;
- if ($act == "take") {
- if (!isset($_POST['check_planet']) && !isset($_POST['check_moons']))
- $this->redirectTo('game.php?page=harvest');
- if($transCoasts > $USER['darkmatter']){$this->printMessage($LNG['error_3'], true, array('game.php?page=JumpFleet', 4));}
- else
- $USER['darkmatter'] -= $transCoasts;
- if(!isset($_POST['check_planet']))
- $_POST['check_planet'] = array();
- foreach($_POST['check_planet'] as $ID => $Value) {
- $sur = $db->uniquequery("SELECT small_ship_cargo, big_ship_cargo, light_hunter, heavy_hunter, crusher, battle_ship, colonizer, recycler, spy_sonde, bomber_ship, destructor, dearth_star, battleship, lune_noir, ev_transporter, star_crasher, giga_recykler, dm_ship FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");
- $db->multi_query("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `small_ship_cargo` = small_ship_cargo - ".$sur['small_ship_cargo'].", `big_ship_cargo` = big_ship_cargo - ".$sur['big_ship_cargo'].", `light_hunter` = light_hunter - ".$sur['light_hunter'].", `heavy_hunter` = heavy_hunter - ".$sur['heavy_hunter'].", `crusher` = crusher - ".$sur['crusher'].", `battle_ship` = battle_ship - ".$sur['battle_ship'].", `colonizer` = colonizer - ".$sur['colonizer'].", `recycler` = recycler - ".$sur['recycler'].", `spy_sonde` = spy_sonde - ".$sur['spy_sonde'].", `bomber_ship` = bomber_ship - ".$sur['bomber_ship'].", `destructor` = destructor - ".$sur['destructor'].", `dearth_star` = dearth_star - ".$sur['dearth_star'].", `battleship` = battleship - ".$sur['battleship'].", `lune_noir` = lune_noir - ".$sur['lune_noir'].", `ev_transporter` = ev_transporter - ".$sur['ev_transporter'].", `star_crasher` = star_crasher - ".$sur['star_crasher'].", `giga_recykler` = giga_recykler - ".$sur['giga_recykler'].", `dm_ship` = dm_ship - ".$sur['dm_ship']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");
- $PLANET['small_ship_cargo'] += $sur['small_ship_cargo'];
- $PLANET['big_ship_cargo'] += $sur['big_ship_cargo'];
- $PLANET['light_hunter'] += $sur['light_hunter'];
- $PLANET['heavy_hunter'] += $sur['heavy_hunter'];
- $PLANET['crusher'] += $sur['crusher'];
- $PLANET['battle_ship'] += $sur['battle_ship'];
- $PLANET['colonizer'] += $sur['colonizer'];
- $PLANET['recycler'] += $sur['recycler'];
- $PLANET['dearth_star'] += $sur['dearth_star'];
- $PLANET['battleship'] += $sur['battleship'];
- $PLANET['lune_noir'] += $sur['lune_noir'];
- $PLANET['ev_transporter'] += $sur['ev_transporter'];
- $PLANET['star_crasher'] += $sur['star_crasher'];
- $PLANET['giga_recykler'] += $sur['giga_recykler'];
- $PLANET['dm_ship'] += $sur['dm_ship'];
- }
- if(!isset($_POST['check_moons']))
- $_POST['check_moons'] = array();
- foreach($_POST['check_moons'] as $ID => $Value) {
- $sur = $db->uniquequery("SELECT small_ship_cargo, big_ship_cargo, light_hunter, heavy_hunter, crusher, battle_ship, colonizer, recycler, spy_sonde, bomber_ship, destructor, dearth_star, battleship, lune_noir, ev_transporter, star_crasher, giga_recykler, dm_ship FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");
- $db->multi_query("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `small_ship_cargo` = small_ship_cargo - ".$sur['small_ship_cargo'].", `big_ship_cargo` = big_ship_cargo - ".$sur['big_ship_cargo'].", `light_hunter` = light_hunter - ".$sur['light_hunter'].", `heavy_hunter` = heavy_hunter - ".$sur['heavy_hunter'].", `crusher` = crusher - ".$sur['crusher'].", `battle_ship` = battle_ship - ".$sur['battle_ship'].", `colonizer` = colonizer - ".$sur['colonizer'].", `recycler` = recycler - ".$sur['recycler'].", `spy_sonde` = spy_sonde - ".$sur['spy_sonde'].", `bomber_ship` = bomber_ship - ".$sur['bomber_ship'].", `destructor` = destructor - ".$sur['destructor'].", `dearth_star` = dearth_star - ".$sur['dearth_star'].", `battleship` = battleship - ".$sur['battleship'].", `lune_noir` = lune_noir - ".$sur['lune_noir'].", `ev_transporter` = ev_transporter - ".$sur['ev_transporter'].", `star_crasher` = star_crasher - ".$sur['star_crasher'].", `giga_recykler` = giga_recykler - ".$sur['giga_recykler'].", `dm_ship` = dm_ship - ".$sur['dm_ship']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");
- $PLANET['small_ship_cargo'] += $sur['small_ship_cargo'];
- $PLANET['big_ship_cargo'] += $sur['big_ship_cargo'];
- $PLANET['light_hunter'] += $sur['light_hunter'];
- $PLANET['heavy_hunter'] += $sur['heavy_hunter'];
- $PLANET['crusher'] += $sur['crusher'];
- $PLANET['battle_ship'] += $sur['battle_ship'];
- $PLANET['colonizer'] += $sur['colonizer'];
- $PLANET['recycler'] += $sur['recycler'];
- $PLANET['dearth_star'] += $sur['dearth_star'];
- $PLANET['battleship'] += $sur['battleship'];
- $PLANET['lune_noir'] += $sur['lune_noir'];
- $PLANET['ev_transporter'] += $sur['ev_transporter'];
- $PLANET['star_crasher'] += $sur['star_crasher'];
- $PLANET['giga_recykler'] += $sur['giga_recykler'];
- $PLANET['dm_ship'] += $sur['dm_ship'];
- }
- $this->printMessage($LNG['h_ok'], true, array('game.php?page=JumpFleet', 4));
- } else {
- $Planets = array();
- $Moons = array();
- if (isset($USER['PLANETS'])) {
- $USER['PLANETS'] = getPlanets($USER);
- }
- foreach($USER['PLANETS'] as $ID => $PlanetQuery) {
- if ($ID == $PLANET['id']) continue;
- if ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 3) {
- $Moons[$PlanetQuery['id']] = $PlanetQuery['name'] . " [" . $PlanetQuery['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['system'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['planet'] . "]";
- } elseif ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 1) {
- $Planets[$PlanetQuery['id']] = $PlanetQuery['name'] . " [".$PlanetQuery['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['system'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['planet'] . "]";
- }
- }
- // $this->tplObj->loadscript("jquery.countdown.js");
- $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array(
- 'PlanetsList' => $Planets,
- 'MoonsList' => $Moons,
- ));
- $this->display('page.JumpFleet.default.tpl');
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
The post was edited 1 time, last by denizuga ().