MissionAttack Bug

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    • MissionAttack Bug

      Hi everyone ,

      I have a problem with the attack mission, that is, the fleet arrives at its destination but does not attack me and never comes back (I think that fleet will be lost ), in my opinion the problem derives from the addition of the code for the tournament mode, I leave the attached file here, if you can help me

      [MOD] Tournament v1.8, 2.0

      Also attached is the photo of the problem

    • [10-Jul-2024 08:42:03] NOTICE: "Undefined variable: totalAttackers"
      File: /home/vddtypga/public_html/includes/classes/missions/MissionCaseAttack.class.php | Line: 488
      URL: galaxywar.eu/uni1/game.php?page=shipyard&mode=fleet | Version: 2.8.1
      Stack trace:
      #0 /includes/classes/missions/MissionCaseAttack.class.php(488): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/vddtypga/...', 488, Array)
      #1 /includes/classes/class.FlyingFleetHandler.php(82): MissionCaseAttack->TargetEvent()
      #2 /includes/FleetHandler.php(31): FlyingFleetHandler->run()
      #3 /includes/common.php(144): require('/home/vddtypga/...')
      #4 /game.php(26): require('/home/vddtypga/...')
      #5 {main}
      [10-Jul-2024 08:45:36] NOTICE: "Undefined variable: totalAttackers"
      File: /home/vddtypga/public_html/includes/classes/missions/MissionCaseAttack.class.php | Line: 488
      URL: galaxywar.eu/uni1/game.php | Version: 2.8.1
      Stack trace:
      #0 /includes/classes/missions/MissionCaseAttack.class.php(488): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/vddtypga/...', 488, Array)
      #1 /includes/classes/class.FlyingFleetHandler.php(82): MissionCaseAttack->TargetEvent()
      #2 /includes/FleetHandler.php(31): FlyingFleetHandler->run()
      #3 /includes/common.php(144): require('/home/vddtypga/...')
      #4 /game.php(26): require('/home/vddtypga/...')
      #5 {main}
    • yes need change same missione file , check the original post

      "I made the correct files and I share them on this post, moreover I will also make a video for their installation

      yamilrh you will be put as author and me as edit

      Attention for the change of missions please take the code from the first post because it is not in the file"

      by Dante14