[UPDATE] New Star V3.2.2

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  • [UPDATE] New Star V3.2.2

    ***New-Star V3.2.2***(Galaxywar)Dany92
    ✔ Fixed some game language strings
    ✔ Fixed installation SQL file already with all the necessary tables (Base and Mod)
    ✔ Fixed Market Page
    ✔ Fixed BuyResearch Page
    ✔ Fixed Search/QuickUpdate Page Admin

    ✔ Added support multiverse Market Page
    ✔ Added info universe on index page login

    Paypal Auto-Mode is a extra and not included ( contact me for it ) - the version still contains a dark matter and container purchase mod, but you have to manually modify it with your PayPal alphanumeric codes and manually enter the purchase after payment.-


    Main Server : galaxywar.eu/
    Test Server : test.galaxywar.eu/

    discord : dfio92

  • Grüße.
    Ich habe mal die Tech.php in Deutsch ein wenig angefangen zu bearbeiten.Ich Teste bei dir auf dem Server .
    Ich würde ein Paar sachen anders beschreieben.
    • TECH.php.zip

      (22.68 kB, downloaded 11 times, last: )
  • I just noticed that when we make a purchase in the update menu, it deducts the dark matter, but it doesn’t add the levels at the top; it stays at level 1 when we refresh.


    Same issue in the shop/black market: we can't purchase the 1st, 4th, and 5th offers, and we don’t know why.
  • sangu wrote:

    I just noticed that when we make a purchase in the update menu, it deducts the dark matter, but it doesn’t add the levels at the top; it stays at level 1 when we refresh.


    Same issue in the shop/black market: we can't purchase the 1st, 4th, and 5th offers, and we don’t know why.

    Black market i have fixed ( will be on version 3.2.3 )

    for details page :

    I noticed two bugs happen:

    if I don't meet the requirements, the message "you don't have enough resources" appears correctly but it still scales out the resources (minerals and dark matter)

    if I meet the requirements it buys it for me correctly (levels up) but if I change the page and return the purchased level disappears

    If anyone has any suggestions on the resolution, I will slowly try to investigate the problem ( i not expert programmer)

    thanks for the report
  • Dany92 wrote:

    I noticed two bugs happen:

    if I don't meet the requirements, the message "you don't have enough resources" appears correctly but it still scales out the resources (minerals and dark matter)

    if I meet the requirements it buys it for me correctly (levels up) but if I change the page and return the purchased level disappears

    If anyone has any suggestions on the resolution, I will slowly try to investigate the problem ( i not expert programmer)

    thanks for the report
    For me, the issue seems to be that the level increase isn't being properly sent to the database on the details page. Either some code is missing or the variable names are incorrect, which is why the level isn’t updating. As you mentioned, the purchase is happening, but the level isn’t being correctly reflected in the database.