[FAQ]How to increase galaxy rank in galaxy 15 ?

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  • [FAQ]How to increase galaxy rank in galaxy 15 ?

    Hello galaxy there are 15 rankings, I need to increase this, if I give more than 15 from the admin panel I get an error

    error msg: Message: Undefined offset: 16
  • It is not enough to change the configuration on this version
    You will need to add the new planets in the includes/vars/PlanetData.php file

    PHP Source Code

    1. 16 => array(
    2. 'temp' => mt_rand(-130, -90),
    3. 'fields' => mt_rand(65, 74),
    4. 'color' => '#57A3FF',
    5. 'image' => array(
    6. 'eis' => mt_rand(1, 10),
    7. ),
    8. ),
    id up to 20 of course for you
    • Capture d'écran 2024-09-28 211730.png

      131.17 kB, 745×745, viewed 22 times

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Danter14 ().