how to optimize

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    • hey everyone im making a new landing page let me know if you like and ill upload.....still editing but heres a pic the image at the top is a video loop
      still work in progress
      • temp.png

        1.32 MB, 1,366×768, viewed 644 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Russoll ().

    • the image is a wbm and the html or php which ever ypu use

      <div id="header-vid">
      <video autoplay="" loop="" muted="" id="vid" __idm_id__="913324033">
      <source src="https://put location here" type="video/mp4"> (do the same for ogg and wbm) Your browser does not support the video tag. </video>

      css: #header-vid {
      1. position: relative;
      2. overflow: hidden;
      3. left: 0;
      4. right: 0;
      5. top: -50px;
      6. height: 41%;
      7. max-height: 1000px;
      8. z-index: -5;
      9. width: 100%;
      10. padding: 0;
      11. border-bottom: 4px solid #0a0a0a;