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    • This is just a suggestion
      If a suggestion can to be implemented medal interval example: Top Attacker, Top Defender and add medal to profile player like "glory page(or something creative)"

      <tr class="hover">
      <td><span class="f9 c6">Medal Interval:</span></td>
      <select name="medalinterval">
      <option value="0">none</option> //not
      <option value="(3600*24)">1 day</option> // every day Top Attacker & Top Defender
      <option value="(3600*24*2)">2 days</option>
      <option value="(3600*24*3)">3 days</option>
      <option value="(3600*24*4)">4 days</option>
      <option value="(3600*24*5)">5 days</option>
      <option value="(3600*24*6)">6 days</option>
      <option value="(3600*24*7)" selected="selected">7 days</option>

      MI Manager

      Top Attacker// tag profil show medal ex: #top201 - (show image att) if the player won medal
      Att Points (Kills deff)

      Top Defender// tag profil show medal ex: #top202 - (show image deff) if the player won medal
      Deff Points (kills off)

      or top 10 medal interval.
      I added for my private project so this is just a suggestion this project.
    • Such idea is under development already ;)
      • Sem nome.png

        432 kB, 1,920×1,080, viewed 468 times
    • Chinese version of Stellaron has unique / exclusive features and not available on mod page from because was requested by client.

      Mods done by my "free will" will be available there, while private/exclusivity requests are only available when who requests authorizes me to publish there.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Qwa ().