Beautiful Spy Report

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    • Beautiful Spy Report

      This is a snippet of more beautiful Spy Report. You will need basic Bootstrap pack CSS to adapt this by yourself since it may contain some content from my game.


      HTML Source Code

      1. <div class="card-box" style="background: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(9, 26, 47, 1) 70%,rgba(9, 26, 47,0.7) 100%), url({$CDN}/2.0/overview/{$biome}.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
      2. <a href="game.php?page=galaxy&galaxy={$targetPlanet.galaxy}&system={$targetPlanet.system}">{$title}</a>
      3. <div class="col-12">&nbsp;</div>
      4. {foreach $spyData as $Class => $elementIDs}
      5. <div class="stellaron">{$$Class}</div>
      6. <div class="row">
      7. {foreach $elementIDs as $elementID => $amount}
      8. <!-- Builds and Research -->
      9. {if ($Class == 0 || $Class == 100) && $amount != 0}
      10. <div class="col-1 col-md-1" {if $Class == 0}style="background: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(9, 26, 47, 0.7) 100%,rgba(9, 26, 47,0.9) 100%), url({$CDN}/2.0/buildings/tile/{$biome}.png); background-size:contain; background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center;"{/if}><a onclick="return{$elementID})" href="#"><img src="{$CDN}/vars/2.0/{$elementID}.png" class="img-circle" alt="" width="20px" height="20px;"></a></div>
      11. <div class="col-2 col-md-2">{$amount|number}</div>
      12. <!-- Resources -->
      13. {elseif $Class == 900}
      14. <div class="col-1 col-md-1"><img src="{$CDN}/2.0/abstract/resource/{$elementID}.png" class="img-circle" alt="" width="20px" height="20px;"></div>
      15. <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm col-md-2">{$amount|number}</div>
      16. <div class="col-2 hidden-md hidden-lg">{shortly_number($amount)}</div>
      17. <!-- Else -->
      18. {elseif ($Class == 200 || $Class == 400) && $amount != 0}
      19. <div class="col-6 col-md-4">{$$elementID}</div>
      20. <div class="col-6 col-md-2">{$amount|number}</div>
      21. {/if}
      22. {/foreach}
      23. </div>
      24. <div class="col-12">&nbsp;</div>
      25. {/foreach}
      26. <div class="spyRaportFooter">
      27. <a href="game.php?page=fleetTable&galaxy={$targetPlanet.galaxy}&system={$targetPlanet.system}&planet={$targetPlanet.planet}&planettype={$targetPlanet.planet_type}&target_mission=1">{$LNG.type_mission_1}</a>
      28. <br>{if $targetChance >= $spyChance}{$LNG.sys_mess_spy_destroyed}{else}{sprintf($LNG.sys_mess_spy_lostproba, $targetChance)}{/if}
      29. {if $isBattleSim}<br><a href="game.php?page=battleSimulator{foreach $spyData as $Class => $elementIDs}{foreach $elementIDs as $elementID => $amount}&im[{$elementID}]={$amount}{/foreach}{/foreach}">{$LNG.fl_simulate}</a>{/if}
      30. </div>
      31. </div>
      Display All
      • Sem nome.png

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      The post was edited 2 times, last by Qwa ().