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      Du Startest mit einer unterentwickelten Welt, und errichtest auf dieser ein Imperium. Gründest Kolonien und verteidigst diese.

      Erstelle eine wirtschaftliche und militärische Infrastruktur, auf der Suche nach den nächsten größten technologischen Errungenschaften um dein Reich an die Spitze zu bringen.

      WER BIST DU?
      Bist du der der sein Umfeld terrorisieren wird? Oder wirst du denen die hilflose angreifen zeigen was Angst ist?

      The post was edited 57 times, last by Coswars ().

    • Okay, I'll show you what the game looks like :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Coswars ().

    • cool man.....also let me know what you think of the look...the overview page...still aligning but almost done
      • new.png

        672.37 kB, 1,366×768, viewed 817 times
      • Untitled.png

        642.43 kB, 1,366×768, viewed 830 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Russoll ().

    • Hello Russol.

      Responsively you won't have problems by running the planets? Are they on a dedicated div? Just asking performance questions so you won't have problems :)

      Russoll wrote:

      cool man.....also let me know what you think of the look...the overview page...still aligning but almost done
    • almost the small planet on the left is linked to 2d view and the big planet is linked to reduceresources both small and big planets change pictures when you go to another planet same with the moons......the front planet is the tech production with linked to the different builds.....the whit hovering bot is a Exploration and Colonization Portal, the ship is for basic traing, and the 2 anomaly's are pirate/random expedition, and normal expidition
      • almost.png

        1.46 MB, 1,366×768, viewed 838 times
    • For 2 hours I created such a m

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Coswars ().