Giveawey Xterium best script vol. 3

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    • Giveawey Xterium best script vol. 3

      Hello, i finished vol. 3 version of my Xterium script. The game is balanced and do not run on Pay to win scenario. Ofcourse users who buy Antimatter, can grow quit quickly, so there would be a reason to buy and support server.

      New modifications:

      • Tournament mod (fully automated)
      • Vote mod (not cheatable)
      • Reflink mod (give AM what depents on refferal activity)

        Bug fixes:
      • Cron bug fix
      • Expedition bug fix
      • Little language and HTML fixes.

        Orginal modifications are:
      • Battle system what runs with probabilty theory (OPBE) (works with academy)
      • Academy mod
      • Upgrade mod where you can sell or use upgrades (Arsenal)
      • Black market. Buy buildings, defenses, ships ,researches with DM
      • Government page (Refferal, Academy, Achievement, Officiers, Governators, Voucher pages)
      • Two type Premium system
      • PayPal API (automacaly add Antimatter after payment)
      • PHP 7
      • And lot more

        The game runs on PHP 7 what can be 100%. The game has no game play disturbing bugs. (there can be some simple lang bugs), but its not disturb game. Players are mostly active and game have lot of things to explore.

        PHP 7 test here - HERE (maybe need to register to access PHP vers!)

        Test link - HERE

        My contacts:
        Mail -
        Skype - maaverick8

        Images attached below!

      • Admin.png

        109.41 kB, 1,826×866, viewed 3,436 times
      • Black_market.png

        558.88 kB, 1,909×858, viewed 1,955 times
      • Government.png

        1.24 MB, 1,877×842, viewed 1,785 times
      • Overview.png

        652.74 kB, 1,888×848, viewed 1,814 times
      • Premium.png

        416.15 kB, 1,897×855, viewed 1,521 times
      • Tournament.png

        537.14 kB, 1,896×860, viewed 1,434 times
    • Can you please mention that nearly all changes were stolen from WarOfGalaxyz or are from old versions of Jeremy´s crappy Xterium like your Admin Panel?

      I mean everything which is not from latest WarOfGalaxyz was already released for 3-4 years - so i would definitely not buy this package!


      Even your Statistics page is stolen from the crappy Game "CalypsoUniverse".

      And can you please change the topic? I mean the "best Xterium Version". Man are you high??? You are even missing pictures you forgot to save while stealing your login design lol

      You know, i do not want to make it bad or say bad things but you guys should think about the shit you are trying to sell to poor "developers" who do not know what kind of shit that really is.

      Damn and honestly i have to mention that too. Your Game is Jeremy´s crappy old version of Xterum just a bit improved as i see that your game does have mostly the identical bugs as his old Vesion.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by XenQen ().

    • :D :D :D :D Nice try, still angry that you did not sell your payment mod what do not work ? :D Users here are not so stupid as you think and they will research for themselfs. SO go back to your shithole and sit quit like a nice little dog :)
    • XenQen wrote:

      Can you please mention that nearly all changes were stolen from WarOfGalaxyz or are from old versions of Jeremy´s crappy Xterium like your Admin Panel?

      I mean everything which is not from latest WarOfGalaxyz was already released for 3-4 years - so i would definitely not buy this package!


      Even your Statistics page is stolen from the crappy Game "CalypsoUniverse".

      And can you please change the topic? I mean the "best Xterium Version". Man are you high??? You are even missing pictures you forgot to save while stealing your login design lol

      You know, i do not want to make it bad or say bad things but you guys should think about the shit you are trying to sell to poor "developers" who do not know what kind of shit that really is.

      Damn and honestly i have to mention that too. Your Game is Jeremy´s crappy old version of Xterum just a bit improved as i see that your game does have mostly the identical bugs as his old Vesion.
      It's so funny how jealous you are of success of calypso.

      You're just a low life moron. Calling other games crappy while your own game is one of the worst games out there, you have no players, you reset every 1-3 months and usually you have game breaking bugs in the game. And then you're trying to break other games with stupid spamming scripts just because of jealousness. :D

      Then you're sitting here in 2moons and offering scripts made by Jeremy and selling non-existent ogame remakes just to scam everyone. :D

      It sounds like you're a bigger looser than Qwata Kayen is.
    • Hello! I do not understand what this has to do with Calypso? Isnt this EOGAME lmfao.

      Honestly (you are probably a multi of this retard or his buttfriend) this games are crap. Or did you ever see that i wrote that, WarofGalaxyz or some real good game is crap? Hell no, you guys behaving like kids, trying to scam people in 2moons with crap versions (They are crap for real). Damn you guys are funny :D but honestly this is what 2moons became. This is the reason that there are only 2-3 people left who know coding for real. I mean please... the developers who were here when Jan´s name was Slaver and Xterium did not even exist knows it too well that this community became trash and with trash i mean kids and dumb people like you 2 guys who are scamming guys by talking other´s work bad who know that your work is shit so nobody will think that your stuff is really shit.

      If this script is really good, please let anyone (Please no multi´s) who bought this crap post their Game in here which is not shit. If this will be proven - i will leave the 2Moons community forever - if not everbody knows you guys are just scammers. I mean hey it's vol. 3 somebody must have bought it.

      So yea you buttfriends, if this will become real then i will leave this Community finally. (Please do not try to find excuses or try to talk me bad lmfao)
    • C'mon, Daniel, jealousness isn't a good thing. If you're smart then you should be able to download css, scripts and check html to make sure if calypso is Jeremies script or not. lol.

      I haven't offered to sell anything here so how am I scammer? :D By running game that is like 5x more successful than yours?

      You started a spamming war between us like 2 years ago and you're still crying about me :D
    • XenQen wrote:

      You know, i do not care about this. But i care about this topic and the fact that everone see´s that i got proven right and hopefully wont buy this crap. :)

      What's considered a proof in your mind? Some random speculations from one jealous retard? :D
    • XenQen wrote:

      You know, i do not care about this. But i care about this topic and the fact that everone see´s that i got proven right and hopefully wont buy this crap. :)

      I told you, download css and compare it to jeremies one. But you're not even smart enough to do that.
    • Game is still avaiable. If interested contact me. Can give away only modifications too.
    • Still crap bro, i mean you are trying to sell that game since 2 years now and there is literally no progress at all since ur first version? Hopefully there was not even one retard who´ve bought this shit.

      Honestly HOW THE FUCK are you really that poor, as knowledged programmer as you mean you are, that you cannot even buy a fucking 5-10 Euro webservice a year instead of using a url of some company of ur country lmfao? It's like i would ask the owners of to upload a 2Moons Game to ?( :thumbdown: . Honestly i am anyway against such scammers like you are - so yea you are trying to sell something here, so you may should give it a bit more motivation.

      If the Website is anyway yours, lemme tell you what - it's also crap lmfao.
    • @RaTalor You always come to my posts to talk shit about how poor I am and how bad programmer I am but never show anything of your work. Its because you manage to get only the free shit scripts what is posted in this forum and cant event make your own mods ? Or you are one of the guys who begged for my game in gmail and when I didnt give it for free then start to be angry? In anyway its pathetic what you are doing, go make your own game mister richy, go buy the best hosting in the world but do not waste your time with your pathetic insults, just because you dont have a proper game and nobody gives you anythings for free.
    • Bad my account have been blocked after i have try buying an builds with AM...

      The statistics are not updated, the voucher codes to test are not good, The login button is a text button, but there is a very good foundation, I could not test everything I'm stuck at this page since this morning.
      • Screenshot_2018-09-23-10-22-00.png

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