Galactic scrolls - New mod

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    • Galactic scrolls - New mod

      Heloo All,

      Just to let you know I'm working on totally new mod for 2Moons ver. 2.0.
      I'll inform you on my progress if I'll have something new that I can share with you.

      Galactic scrolls:

      In my own game I have 16 scrolls, 4 types with 4 different levels.
      For the start in 2Moons I'll have 2 types by 4 levels:

      Galactic scrolls of scientists: Brown, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
      These scrolls shorten the research time as followed:
      25%, 50%, 75% and 100%

      Galactic scrolls of engineers: Brown, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
      These scrolls shorten the build time as followed:
      25%, 50%, 75% and 100%

      The scrolls can be drawn once a day.

      What I have done so far:

      1. Drawing of galactic scrolls
      2. Correctly adding them to the player
      3. Using them without action on buildings or research

      Best Regards:
      • Scroll 1.jpeg

        507.79 kB, 2,556×800, viewed 676 times
      • Scroll 2.jpeg

        493.58 kB, 2,562×850, viewed 678 times
    • Not a bad idea. You could also add as event on expedition mission to shorten research :)
    • Thanks @Qwa in my game on expedition you can find Brown and Silver scrolls ;) but again it's not 2Moons engine.

      When I finish with this mod I can add Brown and Silver scrolls to expeditions too.

      Best Regards:
    • I have done the same but on expeditions that's why I suggested on it :D

      Other similar things could be cheaper one level of building or research while using scroll etc