[TUTO] Addition of a new building

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    • Danter14 wrote:

      yamilrh wrote:

      @Danter14 si yo quisiera agregar una nueva Mina que produzca "comida" en teoría debería funcionarme aplicando este método solamente o debería agregar algo mas en alguna parte del php.
      To add a production you will also have to add a formula which will therefore calculate your production for you, such as metal, crystal and deuterium mines
      La formula en la base datos? o tendré que añadir algo en PHP
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • Russoll wrote:

      i wanted to do is the mod unlocks when research is unlocked ..but im not sure which code is used .
      Can you tell me exactly how the button works and where it is placed (example: access on all pages, only on the overview page, ...)

      yamilrh wrote:

      La formula en la base datos? o tendré que añadir algo en PHP
      For the location of the formulas you must add them in this file includes/classes/class.PlanetRessUpdate.php
    • Russoll wrote:

      it will be in the nav page a button
      So to do that you have to create your php code for the condition directly in the AbstractGamePage.class
    • Danter14 wrote:

      Russoll wrote:

      i wanted to do is the mod unlocks when research is unlocked ..but im not sure which code is used .
      Can you tell me exactly how the button works and where it is placed (example: access on all pages, only on the overview page, ...)

      yamilrh wrote:

      La formula en la base datos? o tendré que añadir algo en PHP
      For the location of the formulas you must add them in this file includes/classes/class.PlanetRessUpdate.php
      @Danter14 pudieras mostrarme un ejemplo editando la formula del metal? Gracias x adelantado.