Admin panel not working || 2.0

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    • mimikri wrote:

      the code you sended is fine, i didn't found a mistake and tested it in version 1.8 and it's running flawlessly.
      Si pero eso error pasa cuando tienes versión del php alto...

      Carlos wrote:

      mano como puedo poner la pagina de mods
      No entiendo
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • i tryed it with php 7.2.28, you use 7.2.31.
      try different php versions.
      find out in wich version the code broke first.
      look for the patchnotes of php to find out, what has changed in this version.

      due to it is an syntaxerror im not sure if it is versionbased.
      but if you think it is caused by the version of php you can find it out like described aboth.
      • Screenshot_2020-05-24 Visión general - OGame - 2Moons(1).png

        21.17 kB, 270×283, viewed 305 times
    • mimikri wrote:

      i tryed it with php 7.2.28, you use 7.2.31.
      try different php versions.
      find out in wich version the code broke first.
      look for the patchnotes of php to find out, what has changed in this version.

      due to it is an syntaxerror im not sure if it is versionbased.
      but if you think it is caused by the version of php you can find it out like described aboth.
      Es que ya tu me distes esta solución anteriormente en un mensaje creado por mi...
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • If the issue is the php version just add this code to the end of the .htaccess to use any php version you want to 5.2, 5.4, 5.6 etc up to the latest (this is valid for any project) just change the settings in the lines and save the .htaccess

      Options -Indexes

      # Use PHP52 as default

      AddHandler application/x-httpd-php56 .php

      <IfModule mod_suphp.c>

      suPHP_ConfigPath /opt/php56/lib


      or just with

      AddHandler application/x-httpd-ea-php73 .php (whatever version u need to use as long as u have it installed of course)

      works fine for me on every directory i can use whatever php version i want separated

      [Blocked Image:]

      The post was edited 2 times, last by xapim ().

    • hey im not sure were to place it.. i get 500 error
      where would i place it on the code below...thank you

      Brainfuck Source Code

      1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      2. # Better website experience for IE users
      3. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      4. # Force the latest IE version, in various cases when it may fall back to IE7 mode
      5. #
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      8. Header set X-UA-Compatible "IE=Edge,chrome=1"
      9. # mod_headers can't match by content-type, but we don't want to send this header on *everything*...
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      16. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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      34. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      35. # 2Moons: MultiUniverse support
      36. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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      38. RewriteEngine on
      39. RewriteRule uni([0-9]+)/?(.*)?$ $2 [L,QSA,E=UNI:$1]
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