War Of Galaxyz: The Game

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    • War Of Galaxyz: The Game

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      Try the Xterium experience

      Year 2047.

      Sir, Madam,

      Hello emperor,

      Xterium is a massively multiplayer web browser based management/strategy game based on a completely invented science fiction universe.

      Will you have enough stuff to take in battle by participating in great battles, exploring the unknown, and building your own empire? Embark now in an unlimited science fiction universe: set out to conquer space and its unexplored lands, colonize many planets to expand your empire and increase your power, evolve your technologies and buildings, form your own Army and your space fleet to fight the forces of your enemies with your allies or alone.

      You think you can revalue with other people to impose your ideology, your laws? Join the already registered players who are waiting for you to fight!

      Discover a unique space and land game, where the warm and supportive community asks only to expand and spend good times with you.

      Access Xterium: The Game

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    • Hello all visitors,

      I am glad to present you the first API specialy made by the Xterium developpers. With those functions, players and/or developpers can create custom browser extentions, mobile applications to get push notifications or others and this simply with a easy to use API key.
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      The post was edited 2 times, last by Thisishowwedoit: delete ().

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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Thisishowwedoit ().

    • War of Galaxyz #WOG has been updated with a new auto translate module of ingame message. Since we have players from over the whole world, this will definitly improve their game play

      [Blocked Image: https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/742388Sanstitre.png]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Thisishowwedoit ().

    • Hello Mimikri,

      I do it with a DIY classes using cUrl

      I send a request to google and get a response (to avoid multiple request to google and save resource, i save the translated response of the message in the database also uni1_messages)
      if in uni1_message translated response already exist, then it will use translated response and not send a new request to google, if it has never been translated yet, then it send request and update the database ith response to avoid an other request for the same message.

      This way it remain a free service, otherwise you are forced to pay to use it for each 1M/chars, but with some bypas, you can have it free

    • By grabbing the needed response out of their json response.

      PHP Source Code

      1. $translatedArray = json_decode($json, true);
      2. $phrase = "";
      3. foreach ($translatedArray["sentences"] as $s) {
      4. $phrase .= isset($s["trans"]) ? $s["trans"] : '';
      5. }
      6. return $phrase;
      [Blocked Image: https://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/814057Sanstitre.png]
    • is it possible to use it as the same way like the language files ?

      i mean you have to edit one language, set the phrase $LNG...... in tpl,let them translate via google and use it as the phrase

      if the phrase is in DB so there is no need to translate it again .......

      possible for every language ? .... so i can edit the EN Lang, use it for translating into german, russia and so ....... the used lang ist set from the user
    • Darkside wrote:

      i mean you have to edit one language, set the phrase $LNG...... in tpl,let them translate via google and use it as the phrase

      Hello, everything is possible with PHP, there are no limits, only your imagination is your limit

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      The post was edited 1 time, last by Thisishowwedoit ().

    • Hello,

      I decided to stop using other people stuff, for this, we paid a designer to make a custom logo in reference with the game name
      This new logo will be our new image in our email newsletters and on the website