mimikri Administrator
- Member since Sep 12th 2016
- Last Activity
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kynoz -
Heyyyyy,can you answer a question that I sent to your private message?
yamilrh -
Tal vez tengas conocimiento sobre esto y pudieras ayudarme 2moons.de/index.php?thread/147…l/&postID=11166#post11166
Russoll -
Hey I wanted to expand on the race mod by editing the page layout how do I do that since it's only one file.. when I try the page breaks
Abyss -
Mimikri dude, the rip squadron is destroying the moon and the assault squadron I sent from behind is locked up, can you help?
Where is the mistake?
* 2Moons
* by Jan-Otto Kröpke 2009-2016
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* @package 2Moons
* @author Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
* @copyright 2009 Lucky
* @copyright 2016 Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
* @licence MIT
* @version 1.8.0
* @link github.com/jkroepke/2Moons
class MissionCaseDestruction extends MissionFunctions implements Mission
function __construct($Fleet)
$this->_fleet = $Fleet;
function TargetEvent()
global $resource, $reslist;
$db = Database::get();
$fleetAttack = array();
$fleetDefend = array();
$userAttack = array();
$userDefend = array();
$incomingFleets = array();
$stealResource = array(
901 => 0,
902 => 0,
903 => 0,
$debris = array();
$planetDebris = array();
$debrisResource = array(901, 902);
$messageHTML = <<<HTML
<div class="raportMessage">
<td colspan="2"><a href="game.php?page=raport&raport=%s" target="_blank"><span class="%s">%s %s (%s)</span></a></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span class="%s">%s: %s</span> <span class="%s">%s: %s</span></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element902">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportSteal element903">%s</span></span></td>
<td>%s</td><td><span>%s: <span class="reportDebris element901">%s</span> </span><span>%s: <span class="reportDebris element902">%s</span></span></td>
//Minize HTML
$messageHTML = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), "", $messageHTML);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;";
$targetPlanet = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
$targetUser = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':userId' => $targetPlanet['id_owner']
$targetUser['factor'] = getFactors($targetUser, 'basic', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
$planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate();
list($targetUser, $targetPlanet) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($targetUser, $targetPlanet, true, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
if($this->_fleet['fleet_group'] != 0)
$sql = "DELETE FROM %%AKS%% WHERE id = :acsId;";
$db->delete($sql, array(
':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group'],
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_group = :acsId;";
$incomingFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(
':acsId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_group'],
foreach($incomingFleetsResult as $incomingFleetRow)
$incomingFleets[$incomingFleetRow['fleet_id']] = $incomingFleetRow;
$incomingFleets = array($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] => $this->_fleet);
foreach($incomingFleets as $fleetID => $fleetDetail)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner']
$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail;
$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']);
$userAttack[$fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetAttack[$fleetID]['player']['username'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%FLEETS%%
WHERE fleet_mission = :mission
AND fleet_end_id = :fleetEndId
AND fleet_start_time <= :timeStamp
AND fleet_end_stay >= :timeStamp;";
$targetFleetsResult = $db->select($sql, array(
':mission' => 5,
':fleetEndId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id'],
':timeStamp' => TIMESTAMP
foreach($targetFleetsResult as $fleetDetail)
$fleetID = $fleetDetail['fleet_id'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %%USERS%% WHERE id = :userId;";
$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'] = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':userId' => $fleetDetail['fleet_owner']
$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['fleetDetail'] = $fleetDetail;
$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['unit'] = FleetFunctions::unserialize($fleetDetail['fleet_array']);
$userDefend[$fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[$fleetID]['player']['username'];
$fleetDefend[0]['player'] = $targetUser;
$fleetDefend[0]['player']['factor'] = getFactors($fleetDefend[0]['player'], 'attack', $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time']);
$fleetDefend[0]['fleetDetail'] = array(
'fleet_start_galaxy' => $targetPlanet['galaxy'],
'fleet_start_system' => $targetPlanet['system'],
'fleet_start_planet' => $targetPlanet['planet'],
'fleet_start_type' => $targetPlanet['planet_type'],
$fleetDefend[0]['unit'] = array();
foreach(array_merge($reslist['fleet'], $reslist['defense']) as $elementID)
if (empty($targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]])) continue;
$fleetDefend[0]['unit'][$elementID] = $targetPlanet[$resource[$elementID]];
$userDefend[$fleetDefend[0]['player']['id']] = $fleetDefend[0]['player']['username'];
require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateAttack.php';
$fleetIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Fleet_Cdr;
$defIntoDebris = Config::get($this->_fleet['fleet_universe'])->Defs_Cdr;
$combatResult = calculateAttack($fleetAttack, $fleetDefend, $fleetIntoDebris, $defIntoDebris);
foreach ($fleetAttack as $fleetID => $fleetDetail)
$fleetArray = '';
$totalCount = 0;
$fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']);
foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount)
$fleetArray .= $elementID.','.floatToString($amount).';';
$totalCount += $amount;
if($totalCount == 0)
if($this->_fleet['fleet_id'] == $fleetID)
INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id
WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
$db->delete($sql, array(
':fleetId' => $fleetID
$sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':fleetId' => $fleetID,
':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD,
elseif($totalCount > 0)
$sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET
fleet.fleet_array = :fleetData,
fleet.fleet_amount = :fleetCount,
log.fleet_array = :fleetData,
log.fleet_amount = :fleetCount
WHERE fleet.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;";
$db->update($sql, array(
':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1),
':fleetCount' => $totalCount,
':fleetId' => $fleetID
throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ....");
foreach ($fleetDefend as $fleetID => $fleetDetail)
if($fleetID != 0)
// Stay fleet
$fleetArray = '';
$totalCount = 0;
$fleetDetail['unit'] = array_filter($fleetDetail['unit']);
foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount)
$fleetArray .= $elementID.','.floatToString($amount).';';
$totalCount += $amount;
if($totalCount == 0)
INNER JOIN %%FLEETS_EVENT%% ON fleetID = fleet_id
WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
$db->delete($sql, array(
':fleetId' => $fleetID
$sql = 'UPDATE %%LOG_FLEETS%% SET fleet_state = :fleetState WHERE fleet_id = :fleetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':fleetId' => $fleetID,
':fleetState' => FLEET_HOLD,
elseif($totalCount > 0)
$sql = "UPDATE %%FLEETS%% fleet, %%LOG_FLEETS%% log SET
fleet.fleet_array = :fleetData,
fleet.fleet_amount = :fleetCount,
log.fleet_array = :fleetData,
log.fleet_amount = :fleetCount
WHERE fleet.fleet_id = :fleetId AND log.fleet_id = :fleetId;";
$db->update($sql, array(
':fleetData' => substr($fleetArray, 0, -1),
':fleetCount' => $totalCount,
':fleetId' => $fleetID
throw new OutOfRangeException("Negative Fleet amount ....");
$params = array(':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']);
// Planet fleet
$fleetArray = array();
foreach ($fleetDetail['unit'] as $elementID => $amount)
$fleetArray[] = '`'.$resource[$elementID].'` = :'.$resource[$elementID];
$params[':'.$resource[$elementID]] = $amount;
$sql = 'UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET '.implode(', ', $fleetArray).' WHERE id = :planetId;';
$db->update($sql, $params);
if ($combatResult['won'] == "a")
require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/calculateSteal.php';
$stealResource = calculateSteal($fleetAttack, $targetPlanet);
if($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3)
// Use planet debris, if attack on moons
$sql = "SELECT der_metal, der_crystal FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;";
$targetDebris = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':moonId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']
$targetPlanet['der_metal'] = $targetDebris['der_metal'];
$targetPlanet['der_crystal'] = $targetDebris['der_crystal'];
foreach($debrisResource as $elementID)
$debris[$elementID] = $combatResult['debris']['attacker'][$elementID] + $combatResult['debris']['defender'][$elementID];
$planetDebris[$elementID] = $targetPlanet['der_'.$resource[$elementID]] + $debris[$elementID];
$reportInfo = array(
'thisFleet' => $this->_fleet,
'debris' => $debris,
'stealResource' => $stealResource,
'moonChance' => NULL,
'moonDestroy' => true,
'moonName' => NULL,
'moonDestroyChance' => NULL,
'moonDestroySuccess' => NULL,
'fleetDestroyChance' => NULL,
'fleetDestroySuccess' => false,
$moonDestroyStatus = false;
// Win
case "a":
$moonDestroyChance = round((100 - sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter'])) * sqrt($fleetAttack[$this->_fleet['fleet_id']]['unit'][214]), 1);
// Max 100% | Min 0%
$moonDestroyChance = min($moonDestroyChance, 100);
$moonDestroyChance = max($moonDestroyChance, 0);
$randChance = mt_rand(1, 100);
if ($randChance <= $moonDestroyChance)
$sql = 'SELECT id FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id_luna = :moonId;';
$planetID = $db->selectSingle($sql, array(
':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']
), 'id');
fleet_start_type = 1,
fleet_start_id = :planetId
WHERE fleet_start_id = :moonId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':planetId' => $planetID,
':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']
fleet_end_type = 1,
fleet_end_id = :planetId
WHERE fleet_end_id = :moonId
AND fleet_id != :fleetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':planetId' => $planetID,
':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id'],
':fleetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_id']
$sql = "UPDATE %%AKS%% SET target = :planetId WHERE target = :moonId;";
$db->update($sql, array(
':planetId' => $planetID,
':moonId' => $targetPlanet['id']
$moonDestroyStatus = $planetID;
$reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 1;
} else {
$reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = 0;
$fleetDestroyChance = round(sqrt($targetPlanet['diameter']) / 2);
$randChance = mt_rand(1, 100);
if ($randChance <= $fleetDestroyChance)
$reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = true;
$reportInfo['fleetDestroySuccess'] = false;
$reportInfo['moonDestroyChance'] = $moonDestroyChance;
$reportInfo['fleetDestroyChance'] = $fleetDestroyChance;
$attackStatus = 'wons';
$defendStatus = 'loos';
$class = array('raportWin', 'raportLose');
case "r":
// Lose
$attackStatus = 'loos';
$defendStatus = 'wons';
$class = array('raportLose', 'raportWin');
$reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1;
// Draw
$attackStatus = 'draws';
$defendStatus = 'draws';
$class = array('raportDraw', 'raportDraw');
$reportInfo['moonDestroySuccess'] = -1;
require_once 'includes/classes/missions/functions/GenerateReport.php';
$reportData = GenerateReport($combatResult, $reportInfo);
$reportID = md5(uniqid('', true).TIMESTAMP);
$sql = 'INSERT INTO %%RW%% SET
rid = :reportId,
raport = :reportData,
time = :time,
attacker = :attackers,
defender = :defenders;';
$db->insert($sql, array(
':reportId' => $reportID,
':reportData' => serialize($reportData),
':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'],
':attackers' => implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)),
':defenders' => implode(',', array_keys($userDefend))
$i = 0;
foreach(array($userAttack, $userDefend) as $data)
foreach($data as $userID => $userName)
$LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $userID);
$message = sprintf($messageHTML,
PlayerUtil::sendMessage($userID, 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 3, $LNG['sys_mess_attack_report'],
$message, $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
rid = :reportId,
role = :userRole,
username = :username,
uid = :userId;";
$db->insert($sql, array(
':reportId' => $reportID,
':userRole' => $i + 1,
':username' => $userName,
':userId' => $userID
if($this->_fleet['fleet_end_type'] == 3)
$debrisType = 'id_luna';
$debrisType = 'id';
if ($moonDestroyStatus)
der_metal = :metal,
der_crystal = :crystal
WHERE id = :planetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':metal' => $planetDebris[901],
':crystal' => $planetDebris[902],
':planetId' => $moonDestroyStatus
der_metal = :metal,
der_crystal = :crystal
WHERE '.$debrisType.' = :planetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':metal' => $planetDebris[901],
':crystal' => $planetDebris[902],
':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']
metal = metal - :metal,
crystal = crystal - :crystal,
deuterium = deuterium - :deuterium
WHERE id = :planetId;';
$db->update($sql, array(
':metal' => $stealResource[901],
':crystal' => $stealResource[902],
':deuterium' => $stealResource[903],
':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_end_id']
units = :units,
rid = :reportId,
time = :time,
universe = :universe,
result = :result;';
$db->insert($sql, array(
':units' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'] + $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'],
':reportId' => $reportID,
':time' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_time'],
':universe' => $this->_fleet['fleet_universe'],
':result' => $combatResult['won']
$sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET
`'.$attackStatus.'` = `'.$attackStatus.'` + 1,
kbmetal = kbmetal + :debrisMetal,
kbcrystal = kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal,
lostunits = lostunits + :lostUnits,
desunits = desunits + :destroyedUnits
WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($userAttack)).');';
$db->update($sql, array(
':debrisMetal' => $debris[901],
':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902],
':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker'],
':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender']
$sql = 'UPDATE %%USERS%% SET
`'.$defendStatus.'` = `'.$defendStatus.'` + 1,
kbmetal = kbmetal + :debrisMetal,
kbcrystal = kbcrystal + :debrisCrystal,
lostunits = lostunits + :lostUnits,
desunits = desunits + :destroyedUnits
WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', array_keys($userDefend)).');';
$db->update($sql, array(
':debrisMetal' => $debris[901],
':debrisCrystal' => $debris[902],
':lostUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['defender'],
':destroyedUnits' => $combatResult['unitLost']['attacker']
function EndStayEvent()
function ReturnEvent()
$LNG = $this->getLanguage(NULL, $this->_fleet['fleet_owner']);
$sql = 'SELECT name FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE id = :planetId;';
$planetName = Database::get()->selectSingle($sql, array(
':planetId' => $this->_fleet['fleet_start_id'],
), 'name');
$Message = sprintf(
GetTargetAddressLink($this->_fleet, ''),
pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_metal']), $LNG['tech'][901],
pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_crystal']), $LNG['tech'][902],
pretty_number($this->_fleet['fleet_resource_deuterium']), $LNG['tech'][903]
PlayerUtil::sendMessage($this->_fleet['fleet_owner'], 0, $LNG['sys_mess_tower'], 4, $LNG['sys_mess_fleetback'],
$Message, $this->_fleet['fleet_end_time'], NULL, 1, $this->_fleet['fleet_universe']);
} -
Russoll -
hey question, i implemented it and it looks good , but it only uploads image for admin, not the rest of the players im using 2.0 thanks
2moons.de/index.php?thread/668-avatar/&postID=5033#wcf64 -
mimikri -
2moons.de/wcf/images/styleLogo…0a28c7eeca966518eb0c0.png ??
don't have a PSD version of it.-
yamilrh -
Sip, de esa foto, se sabe que estilo de letras se uso para crearlas?
mimikri -
i took it from the old 2moonsforum
don't know more about it. -
yamilrh -
yamilrh -
sera que tendrás por ahí guardado el PSD del logo del foro o conoces el tipo de fuente que se utilizo para el
hi can you fix my topic, i am developing steemnova 1.8 further. Github version of steemnova 1.8 is not working, and so many people asking questions about install and small things like changing theme, so i decided to fix these small issues that beginners can start developing their games without problems at the beginning
al mandar una expedicion me sale este error me podrías ayudar
Message: Division by zero
File: /includes/classes/class.FleetFunctions.php
Line: 190
URL: xnova.nat.cu/game.php?page=fleetStep2
PHP-Version: 7.3.33-1+ubuntu20.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
2Moons Version: 2.4.git
Debug Backtrace:
#0 /includes/classes/class.FleetFunctions.php(190): errorHandler(2, 'Division by zer...', 'FILEPATH ...', 190, Array)
#1 /includes/pages/game/ShowFleetStep2Page.class.php(74): FleetFunctions::GetFleetMissions(Array, Array, false)
#2 /game.php(58): ShowFleetStep2Page->show()
#3 {main} -
ok. naprawiłem sobie. z rozpędu wpisałem kod do ekspedycji. dziękuję.jak co to jestem na discord new star
witaj. proszę cie o drobną pomoc. robię sobie galaxy2d w new star . mam ich aż 3 .
1 normalna, tradycyjna
2 trochę rozbudowana z obrazem
3 to właśnie galaxy2d i mam coś takiego jak wchodzę do 7 systemu.
mam taki błąd
Message: Uninitialized string offset: 16
File: /cache/templates/pl_nsc^ca70a2213c655d28ef977e9008195d6f97f3c74e.page.galaxy3.default.tpl.php
Line: 952
PHP-Version: 7.3.33
PHP-API: litespeed
Version: 2.2.2
Debug Backtrace:
#0 /cache/templates/pl_nsc^ca70a2213c655d28ef977e9008195d6f97f3c74e.page.galaxy3.default.tpl.php(952): errorHandler(8, 'Uninitialized s...', 'FILEPATH ...', 952, Array)
#1 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(123): content_623738bf0961c3_37555296(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#2 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_template_cached.php(137): Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))
#3 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(211): Smarty_Template_Cached->render(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), false)
#4 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(232): Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 1)
#5 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(134): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template), NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
#6 /includes/classes/class.template.php(148): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->display('extends:layout....')
#7 /includes/pages/game/AbstractGamePage.class.php(505): template->display('extends:layout....')
#8 /includes/pages/game/ShowGalaxy3Page.class.php(134): AbstractGamePage->display('page.galaxy3.de...')
#9 /game.php(59): ShowGalaxy3Page->show()
#10 {main}
i nie bardzo rozumiem o co chodzi.
w panelu mogę wybrać tylko 6 systemów. więcej już nie
bo wychodzi ten błąd. pomożesz?
z góry dziękuję. -
Abyss -
Master in vote mode, can you help her cast dark matter after voting rather than clicking vote?
Danter14 -
to do this it would be necessary to return from the voting site
Abyss -
They have made some servers but I could not do it, vote on them, after voting on the voting site it gives dark matter but we have dark matter as soon as you click
Danter14 -
yes it is normal, to have material after a vote you need a json return of the site or the vote is carried out to condition that the vote is well done
Abyss -
Master, a dishonest player is constantly making a bug with spies, there is no spy attack in our game, do you know such a bug?
XenQen -
You can disable Spy Probes for attacks in this function, so the Attack Option does not get displayed if he selects Spy Probes: github.com/jkroepke/2Moons/blo…s.FleetFunctions.php#L408
Estevez -
tengo la duda si se puede tener mas de 9 colonias o planetas hasta cuanto se puede tener
Message: session_start(): Unable to clear session lock record
File: /includes/classes/Session.class.php
Line: 139
URL: xnova.nat.cu/game.php?page=overview
PHP-Version: 7.3.11
PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
2Moons Version: 2.4b.git
Debug Backtrace:
#0 [internal function]: errorHandler(2, 'session_start()...', 'FILEPATH ...', 139, Array)
#1 /includes/classes/Session.class.php(139): session_start()
#2 /includes/common.php(120): Session::load()
#3 /game.php(25): require_once('FILEPATH ...')
#4 {main} -
Russoll -
ok.. understood ty
Russoll -
hey quick question... i am trying to put the races mod but i can insert into vars i keep getting error via phpmyadmin
Column count doesn't match value count at row 1-
XenQen -
This means that there are more or less entries per row than columns. You have to add/delete some entries.
Your issue can be caused by
INSERT INTO TABLE (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2, value3) for example. So it could be that there are too much or too less columns for all your values. Hope you understand this.
yamilrh -
sabes alguna formula que se pueda hacer para reducir el costo de produccion de todas las estructuras
[26-Dec-2019 13:10:59] USER ERROR: "SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect string value: '\xF0\x9F\x91\x8C' for column 'message_text' at row 1
Query-Code:INSERT INTO uni1_messages SET
message_owner = 1,
message_sender = 167,
message_time = 1577383859,
message_type = 1,
message_from = Murder_you [1:164:10],
message_subject = Sin asunto,
message_text = Dime puedes e manao porfa ando escarchado ,
message_unread = 1,
message_universe = 1;" -
mimikri -
pls send me the line from your error.log file before
Query-Code:INSERT INTO uni1_messages SET
message_owner = 1,
message_sender = 167,
message_time = 1577383859,
message_type = 1,
message_from = Murder_you [1:164:10],
message_subject = Sin asunto,... -
Query-Code:INSERT INTO uni1_messages SET
message_owner = 1,
message_sender = 167,
message_time = 1577383859,
message_type = 1,
message_from = Murder_you [1:164:10],
message_subject = Sin asunto,
message_text = Dime puedes e manao porfa ando escarchado ,
message_unread = 1,
message_universe = 1;"
File: /srv/www/www.xnova.nat.cu/htdocs/includes/classes/Database.class.php | Line: 126
URL: xnova.nat.cu/game.php?page=messages&mode=send&id=1&ajax=1 | Version: 1.9.git
Stack trace:
#0 /includes/classes/Database.class.php(185): Database->_query('INSERT INTO %%M...', Array, 'insert')
#1 /includes/classes/PlayerUtil.class.php(645): Database->insert('INSERT INTO %%M...', Array)
#2 /includes/pages/game/ShowMessagesPage.class.php(323): PlayerUtil::sendMessage(1, '167', 'Murder_you [1:1...', 1, 'Sin asunto', 'Dime puedes e m...', 1577383859)
#3 /game.php(57): ShowMessagesPage->send()
#4 {main}-
mimikri -
pls also send the first line of the message wich descipes the error
the fleets arrive with the message that they delivered the resources on the planet but they were never deposited there, that is, what is lost is the recruse they transported
mimikri -
then you have to first check if the resources are on bord, but then the message shows the right resources they are transportet.
so the error can only be, the restorfunction from includes\classes\class.MissionFunctions.php -> RestoreFleet()
There are things that are very complex at the time of fixing or solving but I have a problem that I do not know how to solve on my server version 1.9 in some cases when transporting the resource from one planet to another affect the fleets and the message of delivery of the resources but they do not arrive as it can be solved please help since I have where I can make those arrangements
mimikri -
if the transports don't arrive they probably drop an errormessage into the includes/error.log file. there you will find a hint, what the error could be.
fleets that didn't arrive should still exist, in the adminpanel under flying fleets they should be found with a green comment wich says unlock.
but the unlocking only works if the error is fixed. if it is a temporal error it can work, but will occur again.
yamilrh -
buenos dias, me puedes decir donde cambio para aumentar el factor de materia oscura en las expediciones al .16
yamilrh -
perdoname por invadir tu perfil 2moons.de/index.php?thread/966-bug-trader/
yamilrh -
actualice est, por favor echale un ojo
Desconocido -
bien dia amigo le puedo hcer una pregunta es que estoy presentando un problema y necesito saber si hay laguna manera de resolverlo