Kaizoku Intermediate

  • Member since Dec 17th 2018
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  • sven -

    hi my friend can i buy some mods from you vor 1.8

  • RaptorsMT -

    good afternoon the mods of the buildings are downloadable, you can provide it to me

  • Abyss -

    Master, one of you guys is making a bug with a spy ship, we couldn't solve it, there is no spy attack in the game, do you know such a bug?

  • Estevez -

    solo tengo 9 planetas

  • Estevez -

    brother sabes cuantas colonias puedes tener en este server

  • Abyss -

    hello, i want to cancel the spy ship's attack mission but i couldn't solve it

  • Abyss -

    In my master game, the number of ships increased, and players started getting errors while cashing the ship on the fleetDealer page. Sql planets currently all ships are as follows

    light_hunter double(100,0) UNSIGNED No 0

    How can I enlarge the double data, what should I do?

  • yamilrh -

    good night, I have a server with 2 universes, in the first one it shows me well the record page but in the second it goes blank.

  • yamilrh -

    You know where I can see so that the fleets that are displayed in the phalanx are shown

  • yamilrh -

    buenas noches, me puedes decir el codigo que guarda el tiempo en la BD de las construcciones de las naves? lo he buscado pero no lo allo

  • Skylon -

    Я хотел бы получить шаблон боевого отчета. К сожалению, я живу в стране третьего мира, и у меня нет средств для оплаты.
    Буду признателен, если вы поможете мне ...

  • Skylon -

    I would like to get the combat report template. Unfortunately I live in a third world country and I don't have the means to make the payment.
    I would appreciate it if you could help me...

  • Camilo Pupo Segura -

    oe bro no se como jugar el xnova

  • K1LL3r -
