wumix Student

  • Member since Sep 14th 2016
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  • Pesadilla -

    buenas tardes tengo un problema que en ambas versiones 1.8 y .19 es que la alianza no dejan cambiar los rango como se puede solucionar ese problema crees que me puedas ayudar

  • Pesadilla -

    Message: Permission error!
    File: /includes/pages/adm/ShowConfigUniPage.php
    Line: 18
    URL: xnova.nat.cu/admin.php?page=configuni
    PHP-Version: 5.6.25
    PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
    2Moons Version: 1.9.git
    Debug Backtrace:
    #0 /admin.php(66): include_once()
    #1 {main}

  • Pesadilla -

    Message: Undefined variable: database
    File: /includes/dbtables.php
    Line: 34
    URL: localhost/a/
    PHP-Version: 5.6.25
    PHP-API: apache2handler
    MySQL-Cleint-Version: mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503 - $Id: 76b08b24596e12d4553bd41fc93cccd5bac2fe7a $
    2Moons Version: 1.7.2749 (FILE)
    Debug Backtrace:
    #0 /includes/dbtables.php(34): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined varia...', 'C://wamp64//www//a...', 34, Array)
    #1 /includes/common.php(99): require('C://wamp64//www//a...')
    #2 /index.php(35): require('C://wamp64//www//a...')
    #3 {main}

  • Pesadilla -

    Message: Permission error!
    File: /includes/pages/adm/ShowConfigUniPage.php
    Line: 18
    URL: xnova.nat.cu/admin.php?page=configuni
    PHP-Version: 5.6.25
    PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
    2Moons Version: 1.9.git
    Debug Backtrace:
    #0 /admin.php(66): include_once()
    #1 {main}

    • XenQen -

      Instead of spamming every issue you encounter, you may should try to solve and understand it you retard.

    • wumix -

      What you have Changed

  • Pesadilla -

    Message: Undefined offset: 113
    File: /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php
    Line: 61
    URL: xnova.nat.cu/game.php?page=research
    PHP-Version: 5.6.25
    PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
    2Moons Version: 1.9.git
    Debug Backtrace:
    #0 /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php(61): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined offse...', 'FILEPATH ...', 61, Array)
    #1 /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php(342): ShowResearchPage->CancelBuildingFromQueue()
    #2 /game.php(57): ShowResearchPage->show()
    #3 {main}

    • XenQen -

      If you can’t solve this issue which is probably the most easy one to fix, you better not open a server.

    • Pesadilla -

      For abnormal people like you, this world is like that, but thanks for the consensus, I already resolved it, but not thanks to you

  • Dark Nappy -

    Sorry, i am new in this..., exist a tutorial to make changes to 2moons?, like new ships and tecnologies, And also, there would not be any video tutorial to mount xterium or war of aliaces in a local network without internet with programs such as xampp or wamp, i try to install, but the process is not the same as the 2moons, so do not install them.

  • Pesadilla -

    where do i find those files to change the login process and make the own URL matching?

    • wumix -

      Which version of the game do you use?
      2moons 1.8 or 2moons 2.0 or another version?

      To design your own login, go to /styles/templates/login and change your tpl files to whatever.


    • Pesadilla -

      thanks but I'm going to ausar the 1.9 that the login I want uses

    • wumix -

      You will try the login from 2moons Version 1.9?

    • Pesadilla -

      I am not going to mount this version since I like your login

    • Pesadilla -

      where I find the file that has this text:
      The contact page will change the following with a contact form so that your player can send you mail in case of problem connecting your game.

      That contact but I want to find it to change it to my idimoa I am already assembled the serve at xnova.nat.cu

  • Skylon -

    2moons-war-of-alliance-master whats is the diference?

    2moons-war-of-alliance-master cual es la diferencia al clasico 2moons?

  • Pesadilla -

    Good morning, I'm sorry to insist, but how can I get the install folder of 2moons-war-of-alliance-master

  • Pesadilla -

    there is no possibility of getting a 2moons-was-of-alliance-master installation that has the install folder included

  • Pesadilla -

    Greetings you do not have a 2moons-was-of-alliance-master installation that can facilitate me easier to install than the one you have on the wall or that is virgin

  • Pesadilla -

    Saludos no tienes una instalación de 2moons-war-of-alliance-master que me puedas facilitar mas fácil de instalar que la que tienes en muro o que sea virgen te lo voy a agradecer es que me cuadro pero aun no logro instalarla

  • Pesadilla -

    tengo montado la versión 1.8 pero tiene algunos fallos me puedes ayudar a solucionarlo si es así espero respuesta

    • wumix -

      What is your correctly problem?
      When you tell me than I can correctly support your problem.

    • Pesadilla -

      un problema es cuando se ataca a un jugador y un compañero le da mantener posicion el que se dirige a atacar espía para ver si hay algún cambio en su oponente en el informe de espionaje le muestra las flotas que han aumentado en el hangar que son las el compañero que envió apoyar sin haber llegado aun al hangar como se puede solucionar eso

  • XenQen -

    Hey i sent you a pm

  • Desconocido -

    saludos soy de cuba mano necesito un xnova que me sirva para poder montarlo en pais para jugarlo en nuestra red si me puedes ayudar este es mi correo fantasma840222@gmail.com