Danter14 Professional
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- 40
- Member since Jan 11th 2017
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Danter14 -
Hello it will continue but first I have to update all the source code.
yamilrh -
en algún punto será que liberes 2moons para php >8.x
Danter14 -
The demo is already running in php 8.0. An additional php version is planned
yamilrh -
si, reciente estaba revisando. si en algún punto lo liberas, nosotros los mortales te lo agradeceremos
Danter14 -
The problem with open-source publishing is people like Dany
yamilrh -
haha, es verdad. Es algo con lo que hay que aprender a vivir
Danter14 -
Yes, I know
Hola, estoy editando el admin panel de tu 2moons 2.0 y tengo un problema con las variables del TopNav. Elimine los frames y por lo tanto ahora no carga la función ShowTopNav que es la que me cargaba esas variables a los tpl. Copie la función para el overview del admin pero me gustaría saber si existe alguna manera más óptima de hacerlo que no te tenga que copiar la función ShowTopNav en cada función del panel de administración.
Imagine algo como poner esas variables como globales pero no se si eso se puede hacer en la parte del panel de administración.
Disculpa la molestia, gracias x adelantado.-
Danter14 -
Hello, it is possible but you will have to modify all the files.
venus00 -
Danter Podria escribirme al whatsapp se me presento 1 problema... +53*******
Danter14 -
Hello, I don't have WhatsApp, sorry.
venus00 -
Ok...Mira cuando le doy reiniciar universo se queda la pagina en blanco no hace nada...!!!!
venus00 -
lo otro es que se paro la produccion de recursos del universo completo...esto paso cuanto toque en el panel de admin---- Información ---- seleccione 1 jugador ----luego fui a ID, Nombres y Coordenadas ... Edite 1 planeta y le baje los recursos que tenia ...!!!!!! luego de eso los recursos no suben
Danter14 -
so for the first possible that the link of the page is not good during processing or just that there is an error during processing. for the resources look in database if the planet is not with negative resources.
venus00 -
no no es 1 solo planeta..es la produccion completa asi me cree 1 nueva cuenta..esta parada por completo...Y ya la suvi en el panel de admin y nada.
Saludos, todavia crees productivo lanzar a produccion el 2moons 2.0 o crees que es mejor usar otra version del.juego como New Stars o Steemnova? Gracias por adelantado.
Danter14 -
Hello, it all depends on what server you wanted and also the php version you use. Some servers like newstar have a lot of additions that have been made but are no longer developed, I'm not talking about Dany's version because only my own mods have been added. For Steemnova it is still maintained so you can also use it. I advise you to try the different versions, it will be easier to choose.
Danter14 -
you can download it right here. 2moons.de/index.php?thread/1657-update-new-star-v3-2-4/
Lechi -
Hola, quisiera añadir un nuevo material en mi servidor, estoy copiando los datos del deuterio, pero no consigo que funcione.
Podrías crear un manual de los pasos a seguir para crear un nuevo recurso.
2Moons Version: 1.8.git
Desde ya muchas gracias por tu tiempo.-
Danter14 -
Hello, adding resources is more complex to set up, especially if there is a production.
It requires modifying a lot of files as well as adding it to the database. -
Lechi -
If that is clear.
Create a new "material" (I call it population), now I want to create buildings like urbanization, agriculture, military academy..., I am already adding this resource to ships and defenses -
Danter14 -
For the building you can follow my tutorial 2moons.de/index.php?thread/619…ing/&postID=4559#post4559
sven -
thank you vor your great support!! you the best ! Maybe you can help me by the Trader:-)
Danter14 -
Yes I am currently looking at the code for the trader
sven -
thank you but the code from you is not work the Trader works without DM:-(
sven -
* 2Moons
* by Jan-Otto Kröpke 2009-2016
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* @package 2Moons
* @author Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
* @copyright 2009 Lucky
* @copyright 2016 Jan-Otto Kröpke <slaver7@gmail.com>
* @licence MIT
* @version 1.8.0
* @link github.com/jkroepke/2Moons
class ShowTraderPage extends AbstractGamePage
public static $requireModule = MODULE_TRADER;
function __construct()
public static $Charge = array(
901 => array(901 => 1, 902 => 2, 903 => 4),
902 => array(901 => 0.5, 902 => 1, 903 => 2),
903 => array(901 => 0.25, 902 => 0.5, 903 => 1),
public function show()
global $LNG, $USER, $resource;
$darkmatter_cost_trader = Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader;
'tr_cost_dm_trader' => sprintf($LNG['tr_cost_dm_trader'], pretty_number($darkmatter_cost_trader), $LNG['tech'][921]),
'charge' => self::$Charge,
'resource' => $resource,
'requiredDarkMatter' => $USER['darkmatter'] < $darkmatter_cost_trader ? sprintf($LNG['tr_not_enought'], $LNG['tech'][921]) : false,
if ($tradeSum > 0)
$USER[$resource[921]] -= Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader;
function trade()
global $USER, $LNG;
if ($USER['darkmatter'] < Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader) {
$resourceID = HTTP::_GP('resource', 0);
if(!in_array($resourceID, array_keys(self::$Charge))) {
$this->printMessage($LNG['invalid_action'], array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
$tradeResources = array_values(array_diff(array_keys(self::$Charge[$resourceID]), array($resourceID)));
'tradeResourceID' => $resourceID,
'tradeResources' => $tradeResources,
'charge' => self::$Charge[$resourceID],
function send()
global $USER, $PLANET, $LNG, $resource;
if ($USER['darkmatter'] < Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader) {
$resourceID = HTTP::_GP('resource', 0);
if(!in_array($resourceID, array_keys(self::$Charge))) {
$this->printMessage($LNG['invalid_action'], array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
$getTradeResources = HTTP::_GP('trade', array());
$tradeResources = array_values(array_diff(array_keys(self::$Charge[$resourceID]), array($resourceID)));
$tradeSum = 0;
foreach($tradeResources as $tradeRessID)
$tradeAmount = max(0, round((float) $getTradeResources[$tradeRessID]));
$sum+= $tradeAmount * self::$Charge[$resourceID][$tradeRessID];
$this->printMessage(sprintf($LNG['tr_not_enought'], $LNG['tech'][$resourceID]), array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
foreach($tradeResources as $tradeRessID)
$tradeAmount = max(0, round((float) $getTradeResources[$tradeRessID]));
$sum+= $tradeAmount * self::$Charge[$resourceID][$tradeRessID];
$this->printMessage(sprintf($LNG['tr_not_enought'], $LNG['tech'][$resourceID]), array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
foreach($tradeResources as $tradeRessID)
$tradeAmount = max(0, round((float) $getTradeResources[$tradeRessID]));
$usedResources = $tradeAmount * self::$Charge[$resourceID][$tradeRessID];
if($usedResources > $PLANET[$resource[$resourceID]])
$this->printMessage(sprintf($LNG['tr_not_enought'], $LNG['tech'][$resourceID]), array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
$tradeSum += $tradeAmount;
$PLANET[$resource[$resourceID]] -= $usedResources;
if($resourceID == 921)
$USER[$resource[$resourceID]] -= Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader;
$usedResources = $tradeAmount * self::$Charge[$resourceID][$tradeRessID];
if($usedResources > $USER[$resource[$resourceID]])
$this->printMessage(sprintf($LNG['tr_not_enought'], $LNG['tech'][$resourceID]), array(array(
'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
'url' => 'game.php?page=trader'
$tradeSum += $tradeAmount;
$USER[$resource[$resourceID]] -= $usedResources;
if($resourceID == 921)
$USER[$resource[$resourceID]] += Config::get()->darkmatter_cost_trader;
throw new Exception('Unknown resource ID #'.$resourceID);
$PLANET[$resource[$tradeRessID]] += $tradeAmount;
$USER[$resource[$tradeRessID]] += $tradeAmount;
throw new Exception('Unknown resource ID #'.$tradeRessID);
} -
sven -
who is the mistake?
sven -
hi i have a question in 2 moons 2.0 in the Admin Panel when i will klick i have this error can you help me???
[05-Apr-2023 20:32:48] USER ERROR: "Permission error!"
File: /www/htdocs/w01d6aeb/mkmatz.eno-intern.de/U700/includes/pages/adm/ShowConfigModsPage.php | Line: 13
URL: mkmatz.eno-intern.de/U700/admin.php?page=configmods | Version: 2.0.git
Stack trace:
#0 /admin.php(70): include_once()
#1 {main}-
Danter14 -
Hello, you don't have the right to execute this file, you can delete this line if you don't want to bother with this error because it can come from a lot of problems.
if (!allowedTo(str_replace(array(dirname(__FILE__), '\\', '/', '.php'), '', __FILE__))) throw new Exception("Permission error!");
sven -
<a href-"game.php?page-moonBuy"><i class-"far fa-moon"></i> {$LNG.ov_create_moon}</a> can you help what is here wrong?
Danter14 -
<a href="game.php?page-moonBuy"><i class="far fa-moon"></i> {$LNG.ov_create_moon}</a>
You had it in my file if yes tell me that I correct it -
sven -
yes can you give me yours? now i have this mistake
Message: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1034 Index for table 'uni1_planets' is corrupt; try to repair it
Query-Code:SELECT * FROM uni1_planets WHERE id = ;
File: /includes/classes/Database.class.php
Line: 126
URL: localhost/game/2Moons/2moons/game.php
PHP-Version: 7.3.33
PHP-API: apache2handler
2Moons Version: 2.0.git
Debug Backtrace:
#0 /includes/classes/Database.class.php(202): Database->_query('SELECT * FROM u...', Array, 'select')
#1 /includes/common.php(174): Database->selectSingle('SELECT * FROM %...', Array)
#2 /game.php(24): require('D://xamp//htdocs//...') -
Danter14 -
You have it right here -
sven -
can you tell me what the mistake is?
Danter14 -
The error you have is that it can't find your planet ID
yamilrh -
hola, conoces alguna herramienta o algo que me pueda permitir bloquear el acceso a mi xnova, para aquellos usuarios que usan proxy anónimos o vpn
sven -
hi warum kann man oben 2 moons nicht mehr spielen? ich würde es gerne weiter verwalten wen es die möglichkeit gibt
yamilrh -
Hola, hace mucho que ya no se muestra activo como antes, por fin 2moons 3.0
Danter14 -
Hello, in view of the number of votes the project is on hold because 9 votes for 689 members currently on the forum. I don't want to waste time on developing a new web and mobile version if it's not tracked and without feedback.
yamilrh -
si entiendo perfectamente.
Yaro2709 -
Извините, что вмешиваюсь в разговор, но я считаю, что если совершенно ничего не делать, то 2Moons умрет. Хоть активность и желает лучшего, но следует понять, что она упала именно из-за консервативности общества и его "ленивости" (конечно "жадность" и "корысть" людей тоже сыграла свою роль в развитие 2Moons). Если все же вы захотите вернуться к разработке, то я был бы рад вас видеть в проекте New-Star. Совершенно недавно я подключил к нему мульти-дизайность, поэтому вы с лёгкостью сможете разрабатывать свой дизайн поверх движка.
Danter14 -
Regarding 2moons in itself I understand that if nothing is done it will fall into oblivion I agree with you above.
2moons is an open source code I understand that certain is not for the disclosure of the improvements which it brings because it also puts a time of design, for the beginner developer what saddens me is that it does not make any more learning of development at the slightest problem it directly requires a resolution by another person.
In terms of multi-design, I also developed it.
For the new 2moons, I had thought of doing it directly on a cell phone via an application because we are not going to lie to each other all through cellphones now -
yamilrh -
Pienso que una nueva versión de 2moon requiere de nueva tecnología, depurar el código que por muchos años se lleva arrastrando curre de tantas mano que paso al ser open source. Pero se necesita 2moons 3.0
Hello! which files to edit here to add new raw material, so that it would be ok
thx -
Jekill -
Buenas, le hice un par de correciones al 2Moons 2.0 para PHP 7.4.5 y no se a donde podria subirla. Saludos!
Message: session_start(): Unable to clear session lock record
File: /includes/classes/Session.class.php
Line: 137
URL: xnova.nat.cu/game.php?page=alliance
PHP-Version: 7.2.24
PHP-API: fpm-fcgi
2Moons Version: 2.2.git
Debug Backtrace:
#0 [internal function]: errorHandler(2, 'session_start()...', 'FILEPATH ...', 137, Array)
#1 /includes/classes/Session.class.php(137): session_start()
#2 /includes/common.php(114): Session::load()
#3 /game.php(24): require_once('FILEPATH ...')
#4 {main} -
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class FlyingFleetHandler in /srv/www/www.xnova.nat.cu/htdocs/includes/classes/class.FlyingFleetHandler.php on line 18
entonces como pasa eso si solo lo realizo una vez no hay como solucionar ese error-
Skylon -
Lo arregle al quitar las llamadas (require y require_once) de la clase ShowAlliancePage.class.php.
El tema es que hace dos llamadas a la clase class.FlyingFleetHandler.php y crea este conflicto.
Debes poner una sola llamada que sirva para ambas funciones de la clase ShowAlliancePage
Skylon -
How can I put temporary ships.
For example, ships that are available only on specific dates or for a defined period of time.
I was studying the function isElementBuyable but I would like some advice from you before entering to modify code unnecessarily.-
Danter14 -
You have more possibility to do that, be you made an addition for example of a column in the database is to change the display code is of construction or to do it in raw code.
yamilrh -
amigo me sucede lo siguiente, cuando espio un enemigo veo la flota que le mantienen en posicion en dicho planeta pero esta flota aun no se a estacionado en este planeta, como corrijo eso?
Danter14 -
Hello, thank you to look in your error.log the error message that is produced when the probe arrives on a planet
yamilrh -
oka, ya miro y le digo. Slaudos y gracias
Skylon -
El problema esta en la consulta SQL a la base de datos.
Linea 59 a la 64 de MissionCaseSpy -
yamilrh -
tienes la solucion sería bueno que la compartieras
Russoll -
Antaris is a great game, why not continue it?