venus00 Beginner
- Member since Sep 14th 2024
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venus00 -
hola @danter14 ..ya le añadi todo muchas gracias haces buen trabajo.. Me pregunto se le puedo añadir 1 tienda para vender MO
Danter14 -
you can retrieve the newstar code there is 1 made v3.2 but be careful the addition is manual once the purchase is made.
venus00 -
ahora me doy cuenta que cuando voy a cancelar 1 investigacion me da este error..dice que el PHP 7.3.3 .... yo estoy usando el 7.3.5 ......el 7.3.3 me da errores
Message: Undefined offset: 106
File: /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php
Line: 61
PHP-Version: 7.3.3
PHP-API: apache2handler
2Moons Version: 2.0.git
Debug Backtrace:
#0 /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php(61): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined offse...', 'C://Users//Go//Dow...', 61, Array)
#1 /includes/pages/game/ShowResearchPage.class.php(342): ShowResearchPage->CancelBuildingFromQueue()
#2 /game.php(57): ShowResearchPage->show()
#3 {main} -
Danter14 -
This error is known, look on the forum, there is the fix
venus00 -
la verdad busque pero no lo allo demaciados comentarios
Danter14 -
Hello, for information the source code for 2moons 2.0 under php 8 remains the same just updates of certain parts and changes of obsolete variables.