Somebody have statistics code like this???

    • Source Code

      1. {block name="title" prepend}{$LNG.lm_statistics}{/block}
      2. {block name="content"}
      3. <div id="page">
      4. <div id="content">
      5. <div id="ally_content" class="conteiner">
      6. <div class="gray_stripe">
      7. {$LNG.st_statistics} ({$LNG.st_updated}: {$stat_date}) {$LNG.st_next}: <span style="color:#FC0"><b id=brpstats></b></span>
      8. </div>
      9. <form name="stats" id="stats" method="post" action="">
      10. <table class="tablesorter ally_ranks">
      11. <tr>
      12. <td>
      13. <label for="who">{$LNG.st_show}</label> <select name="who" id="who" onchange="$('#stats').submit();">{html_options options=$Selectors.who selected=$who}</select>
      14. </td>
      15. <td>
      16. <label for="type">{$LNG.st_per}</label> <select name="type" id="type" onchange="$('#stats').submit();">{html_options options=$Selectors.type selected=$type}</select>
      17. </td>
      18. <td>
      19. <label for="range">{$LNG.st_in_the_positions}</label> <select name="range" id="range" onchange="$('#stats').submit();">{html_options options=$Selectors.range selected=$range}</select>
      20. </td>
      21. </tr>
      22. </table>
      23. </form>
      24. <table class="table519">
      25. {if $who == 1}
      26. {include file="shared.statistics.playerTable.tpl"}
      27. {elseif $who == 2}
      28. {include file="shared.statistics.allianceTable.tpl"}
      29. {/if}
      30. </table>
      31. <script type=text/javascript>
      32. v = new Date();
      33. var brpstats = document.getElementById('brpstats');
      34. function tstats(){
      35. n = new Date();
      36. ss = {$st_out};
      37. s = ss - Math.round( (n.getTime() - v.getTime()) / 1000.);
      38. m = 0;
      39. h = 0;
      40. d = 0;
      41. if ( s < 0 ) {
      42. var zeit = new Date();
      43. var ende = zeit.getTime();
      44. ende = ende + 100;
      45. function countdown() {
      46. var zeit2 = new Date();
      47. var jetzt = zeit2.getTime();
      48. if(jetzt >= ende) {
      49. brpstats.innerHTML = '<blink><b><font color=red>...</font></b></blink>';
      50. }
      51. }
      52. setInterval(countdown, 1000);
      53. } else
      54. {
      55. if ( s > 59 ) { m = Math.floor( s / 60 ); s = s - m * 60; }
      56. if ( m > 59 ) { h = Math.floor( m / 60 ); m = m - h * 60; }
      57. if ( h > 24 ) { d = Math.floor( h / 24 ); h = h - d * 24; }
      58. if ( s < 10 ) { s = '0' + s }
      59. if ( m < 10 ) { m = '0' + m }
      60. if ( h < 10 ) { h = '' + h }
      61. if ( s >= 0 ) { s = s + 's' }
      62. if ( m > 0 ) { m = m + 'm' } else m = '';
      63. if ( m == 0 && h > 0 ) { m = '0' + m + 'm'}
      64. if ( h > 0 ) { h = h + '??' } else h = '';
      65. if ( d > 0 ) { d = d + '??' } else d = '';
      66. brpstats.innerHTML = ' <b><font>' + d + ' ' + h + ' ' + m + ' ' + s + '</font></b>';
      67. }
      68. window.setTimeout('tstats();',999);
      69. }
      70. window.onload=tstats();
      71. </script>
      72. {/block}
      Display All
    • Source Code

      1. {block name="title" prepend}{$LNG.lm_statistics}{/block}
      2. {block name="content"}
      3. <div id="content">
      4. <div id="ally_content" class="conteiner">
      5. <table style="width:680px;">
      6. <div class="gray_stripe">
      7. <th colspan="4">Top 30 Votings</th>
      8. </div>
      9. <tr>
      10. <th colspan="4"><center><a href='./game.php?page=statistics' style="color:red">Back to Player Statistic</a></center></th>
      11. </tr>
      12. <tr>
      13. <td colspan="4">Best Voters for ZyperaxGalaxy<br>
      14. Top 3 will respectivly receive 150k, 100k & 50k DM at the end of the month</td>
      15. </tr>
      16. <tr style="height:23px;">
      17. <td style="width:80px"><strong style="color:orange;">Ranking</strong></td>
      18. <td style="width:250px"><strong style="color:orange;">Players</strong></td>
      19. <td><strong style="color:orange;">Amount of votes</strong></td>
      20. </tr>
      21. {foreach from=$voturile key=k item=v}
      22. <tr>
      23. <td style="height:40px;">{$v.rank}</td>
      24. <td><a href="#" onclick="return Dialog.Playercard({$}" {if $ == $id_users} style="color:lime"{/if}>{$v.username}</a></td>
      25. <td>{$v.vcount}</td>
      26. </tr>
      27. {/foreach}
      28. </table>
      29. {/block}
      Display All
    • Source Code

      1. class ShowStatisticsPage extends AbstractPage
      2. {
      3. public static $requireModule = MODULE_STATISTICS;
      4. function __construct()
      5. {
      6. parent::__construct();
      7. }
      8. function show()
      9. {
      10. global $USER, $CONF, $LNG, $UNI;
      11. $who = HTTP::_GP('who', 1);
      12. $type = HTTP::_GP('type', 1);
      13. $range = HTTP::_GP('range', 1);
      14. $CurrentUserPoints = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->uniquequery("SELECT *FROM ".STATPOINTS." where `id_owner` = ".$USER['id']." and `stat_type` = '1';");
      15. switch ($type)
      16. {
      17. case 2:
      18. $Order = "fleet_rank";
      19. $Points = "fleet_points";
      20. $Rank = "fleet_rank";
      21. $OldRank = "fleet_old_rank";
      22. break;
      23. case 3:
      24. $Order = "tech_rank";
      25. $Points = "tech_points";
      26. $Rank = "tech_rank";
      27. $OldRank = "tech_old_rank";
      28. break;
      29. case 4:
      30. $Order = "build_rank";
      31. $Points = "build_points";
      32. $Rank = "build_rank";
      33. $OldRank = "build_old_rank";
      34. break;
      35. case 5:
      36. $Order = "defs_rank";
      37. $Points = "defs_points";
      38. $Rank = "defs_rank";
      39. $OldRank = "defs_old_rank";
      40. break;
      41. case 6:
      42. $Order = "ach_rank";
      43. $Points = "ach_points";
      44. $Rank = "ach_rank";
      45. $OldRank = "ach_old_rank";
      46. break;
      47. default:
      48. $Order = "total_rank";
      49. $Points = "total_points";
      50. $Rank = "total_rank";
      51. $OldRank = "total_old_rank";
      52. break;
      53. }
      54. $RangeList = array();
      55. switch($who)
      56. {
      57. case 1:
      58. $MaxUsers = Config::get('users_amount');
      59. $range = min($range, $MaxUsers);
      60. $LastPage = max(1, ceil($MaxUsers / 100));
      61. for ($Page = 0; $Page < $LastPage; $Page++)
      62. {
      63. $PageValue = ($Page * 100) + 1;
      64. $PageRange = $PageValue + 99;
      65. $Selector['range'][$PageValue] = $PageValue."-".$PageRange;
      66. }
      67. $start = max(floor(($range - 1) / 100) * 100, 0);
      68. $stats_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.*,, u.race, u.username,u.urlaubs_modus, u.ally_id,u.bana,u.banaday,u.onlinetime,a.fraction,a.FraLevel, a.ally_name FROM '.STATPOINTS.' as s
      69. INNER JOIN '.USERS.' as u ON = s.id_owner
      70. LEFT JOIN '.ALLIANCE.' as a ON = s.id_ally
      71. WHERE s.`universe` = '.$UNI.' AND s.`stat_type` = 1 '.((Config::get('stat') == 2)?'AND u.`authlevel` < '.Config::get('stat_level').' ':'').'
      72. ORDER BY `'. $Order .'` ASC LIMIT '. $start .',100;';
      73. $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($stats_sql);
      74. $RangeList = array();
      75. $fraction = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT fraction FROM ".ALLIANCE." WHERE id = ".$USER['ally_id'].";");
      76. $fra1 = '<img src="styles/images/alliance/fraction_'.$fraction.'.png" alt="1" width="19" height="18">';
      77. while ($StatRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query))
      78. {
      79. $isFriend = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".BUDDY." WHERE (sender = ".$USER['id']." AND owner = ".$StatRow['id']." ) OR (sender = ".$StatRow['id']." AND owner = ".$USER['id'].");");
      80. $isEnnemie = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM uni1_ennemies WHERE sender = ".$USER['id']." AND owner = ".$StatRow['id'].";");
      81. $Noob = CheckNoobProtec($CurrentUserPoints,$StatRow,$StatRow);
      82. if(empty($Noob['NoobPlayer']) && empty($Noob['StrongPlayer'])){
      83. $isNoob = 0;
      84. }else{
      85. if($Noob['NoobPlayer'] )
      86. $isNoob = 1;
      87. elseif($Noob['StrongPlayer'])
      88. $isNoob = 2;
      89. }
      90. $RangeList[] = array(
      91. 'id' => $StatRow['id'],
      92. 'name' => $StatRow['username'],
      93. 'race' => $StatRow['race'],
      94. 'points' => pretty_number($StatRow[$Points]),
      95. 'fraction2' => $fraction,
      96. 'allyid' => $StatRow['ally_id'],
      97. 'level' => $StatRow['FraLevel'],
      98. 'fraction' => $StatRow['fraction'] ? $fra1 : '',
      99. 'rank' => $StatRow[$Rank],
      100. 'allyname' => $StatRow['ally_name'],
      101. 'ranking' => $StatRow[$OldRank] - $StatRow[$Rank],
      102. 'isFriend' => $isFriend,
      103. 'isEnnemie' => $isEnnemie,
      104. 'isnoob' => $isNoob,
      105. 'isVac' => ($StatRow['urlaubs_modus'] == 1) ? 0 : 1,
      106. 'isInac' => ($StatRow['onlinetime'] < TIMESTAMP - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) ? 0 : 1,
      107. );
      108. }
      109. $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->free_result($query);
      110. break;
      111. case 2:
      112. $MaxAllys = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".ALLIANCE." WHERE `ally_universe` = '".$UNI."';");
      113. $range = min($range, $MaxAllys);
      114. $LastPage = max(1, ceil($MaxAllys / 100));
      115. for ($Page = 0; $Page < $LastPage; $Page++)
      116. {
      117. $PageValue = ($Page * 100) + 1;
      118. $PageRange = $PageValue + 99;
      119. $Selector['range'][$PageValue] = $PageValue."-".$PageRange;
      120. }
      121. $start = max(floor(($range - 1) / 100) * 100, 0);
      122. $stats_sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.*,, a.ally_members, a.ally_name FROM '.STATPOINTS.' as s
      123. INNER JOIN '.ALLIANCE.' as a ON = s.id_owner
      124. WHERE `universe` = '.$UNI.' AND `stat_type` = 2
      125. ORDER BY `'. $Order .'` ASC LIMIT '. $start .',100;';
      126. $query = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->query($stats_sql);
      127. while ($StatRow = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->fetch_array($query))
      128. {
      129. $isWar = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DIPLO." WHERE (owner_1 = ".$USER['ally_id']." AND owner_2 = ".$StatRow['id'].") OR (owner_1 = ".$StatRow['id']." AND owner_2 = ".$USER['ally_id'].") AND accept = '1' AND level = '5';");
      130. $isUnion = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->getFirstCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".DIPLO." WHERE (owner_1 = ".$USER['ally_id']." AND owner_2 = ".$StatRow['id'].") OR (owner_1 = ".$StatRow['id']." AND owner_2 = ".$USER['ally_id'].") AND accept = '1' AND level = '2';");
      131. $RangeList[] = array(
      132. 'id' => $StatRow['id'],
      133. 'name' => $StatRow['ally_name'],
      134. 'members' => $StatRow['ally_members'],
      135. 'rank' => $StatRow[$Rank],
      136. 'mppoints' => pretty_number(floor($StatRow[$Points] / $StatRow['ally_members'])),
      137. 'points' => pretty_number($StatRow[$Points]),
      138. 'ranking' => $StatRow[$OldRank] - $StatRow[$Rank],
      139. 'isWar' => $isWar,
      140. 'isUnion' => $isUnion,
      141. );
      142. }
      143. $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->free_result($query);
      144. break;
      145. }
      146. $Selector['who'] = array(1 => $LNG['st_player'], 2 => $LNG['st_alliance']);
      147. $Selector['type'] = array(1 => $LNG['st_points'], 2 => $LNG['st_fleets'], 3 => $LNG['st_researh'], 4 => $LNG['st_buildings'], 5 => $LNG['st_defenses'], 6 => 'Achievements');
      148. $statkai = $GLOBALS['DATABASE']->uniquequery("SELECT nextTime FROM ".CRONJOBS." WHERE cronjobID = 2;");
      149. $this->tplObj->loadscript("jquery.countdown.js");
      150. $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array(
      151. 'Selectors' => $Selector,
      152. 'who' => $who,
      153. 'type' => $type,
      154. 'range' => floor(($range - 1) / 100) * 100 + 1,
      155. 'RangeList' => $RangeList,
      156. 'CUser_ally' => $USER['ally_id'],
      157. 'CUser_id' => $USER['id'],
      158. 'stat_date' => _date($LNG['php_tdformat'], Config::get('stat_last_update'), $USER['timezone']),
      159. 'st_out' => $statkai['nextTime'] - TIMESTAMP,
      160. ));
      161. $this->display('page.statistics.default.tpl');
      162. }
      163. }
      Display All
    • I presume this is old stats vs new stats, correct me if wrong.

      At my view this sould be pretty simple to do through class.statbuilder adding new column like tech_points_old after tech and store old points on database through Database->update command.

      then on class.ShowStatisticsPage you just do $smth['points'] - $smth['points_old'] [since statspage runs through cases and each case has it's vars defined]

      and to finish on shared.player.stats you add {if ($RangeInfo.points - $RangeInfo.old_points < 0}<font color="red">{$Rangeinfo.diff}</font>{else}<font color="lime">...{/if}

      Pretty simple.
    • Russoll wrote:

      sorrt this old 1.7.3....he/she asked for older script so i posted it
      I just replied without noticing you have added some content already.

      My bad :)
    • Qwa wrote:

      I presume this is old stats vs new stats, correct me if wrong.

      At my view this sould be pretty simple to do through class.statbuilder adding new column like tech_points_old after tech and store old points on database through Database->update command.

      then on class.ShowStatisticsPage you just do $smth['points'] - $smth['points_old'] [since statspage runs through cases and each case has it's vars defined]

      and to finish on shared.player.stats you add {if ($RangeInfo.points - $RangeInfo.old_points < 0}<font color="red">{$Rangeinfo.diff}</font>{else}<font color="lime">...{/if}

      Pretty simple.
      old stats vs new stats=yes
      I using xterium version ,you have the complete code?
    • Qwa wrote:

      I presume this is old stats vs new stats, correct me if wrong.

      At my view this sould be pretty simple to do through class.statbuilder adding new column like tech_points_old after tech and store old points on database through Database->update command.

      then on class.ShowStatisticsPage you just do $smth['points'] - $smth['points_old'] [since statspage runs through cases and each case has it's vars defined]

      and to finish on shared.player.stats you add {if ($RangeInfo.points - $RangeInfo.old_points < 0}<font color="red">{$Rangeinfo.diff}</font>{else}<font color="lime">...{/if}

      Pretty simple.
      You just need to rewrite class statpage to store the current points into old column before the statistic update starts and you should be fine.