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[MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release

  • Zuno
  • Zuno


Universe spy darkmatter problem.



[IDEA] Глобальный мод



[MOD] Fast Building From Queue for Shipyard [Not finished]

  • Zuno
  • Zuno


My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame



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  • Zeus -

    Liked Zuno’s post in the thread [MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release.

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    Information about Titanium 1.1.5 Production decreased Metal 0.00006, Titanium 0.00005, Crystal 0.00004 and Deuterium 0.00002, but price for each level mines are 0.02 means 2% increased cost for mines every level. (same effect in solar plant and module…
  • Zuno -

    Replied to the thread [MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release.

    Information about Titanium 1.1.5 Production decreased Metal 0.00006, Titanium 0.00005, Crystal 0.00004 and Deuterium 0.00002, but price for each level mines are 0.02 means 2% increased cost for mines every level. (same effect in solar plant and module…
  • Zuno -

    Liked aurum79’s post in the thread Universe spy darkmatter problem..

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    PHP Source Code (6 lines)Попробуйте так
  • aurum79 -

    Replied to the thread Universe spy darkmatter problem..

    PHP Source Code (6 lines)Попробуйте так
  • denizuga -

    Posted the thread Universe spy darkmatter problem..

    Universe spy mode, everything is working perfectly, but the dark matter deduction is not happening. Where am I making a mistake? PHP Source Code (86 lines)
  • aurum79 -

    Replied to the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Quote from Zuno: “Quote from aurum79: “Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно…
  • Zeus -

    Liked Zuno’s post in the thread [MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release.

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    New-Star Ultra RC1.0 Game Settings pre configured, balanced 100%, Settings Balanced * Game Speed * 3E+22 * Shipyard Speed * 8E+26 * Fleet Speed * 1400 * Resource Multiplier * 1E+44 *
  • Zeus -

    Liked Zuno’s post in the thread [MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release.

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    Hello friends, 1.1.5 is last update for this MOD, no more updates, only listen for bugs and try to fix. Last steep was TPL and CSS, please reply here if need help with this MOD. Fix 1: Fixed prices for ships and defenses install.sql
  • Zeus -

    Liked aurum79’s post in the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

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    Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в нашу любимую…
  • Zuno -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] Fast Building From Queue for Shipyard [Not finished].

    Quote from dany88: “@Zuno is finished ? ” No, il try to finish now, Also Thank you @Songoku you are right, i was thinking in shipyard.js of course wrong, its in php. I try this function, but still not works. PHP Source Code (54 lines)Maybe some one…
  • Zuno -

    Replied to the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Quote from aurum79: “Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в…
  • Zuno -

    Liked aurum79’s post in the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Like (Post)
    Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в нашу любимую…
  • fossil -

    Liked aurum79’s post in the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Like (Post)
    Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в нашу любимую…
  • yamilrh -

    Liked aurum79’s post in the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Like (Post)
    Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в нашу любимую…
  • bin9yuz79 -

    Replied to the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Quote from denizuga: “Şuan tasarımımın bir kaç eksiği daha var sadece üretli paylaşacağım genele açıp oynatmak gibi niyetim yok. ” Teşekkürler, iyi satışlar.
  • aurum79 -

    Posted the thread [IDEA] Глобальный мод.

    Приветствую друзья, я три года играю в EVE ONLINE и могу сказать что там очень много интересных механик которые можно перенести в нашу любимую…
  • sromantr -

    Liked denizuga’s post in the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

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    Başarılı... iyi çalışmalar dilerim...
  • denizuga -

    Replied to the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Başarılı... iyi çalışmalar dilerim...
  • sromantr -

    Replied to the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Buda Benimki
  • denizuga -

    Replied to the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Şuan tasarımımın bir kaç eksiği daha var sadece üretli paylaşacağım genele açıp oynatmak gibi niyetim yok.
  • Zuno -

    Replied to the thread [MOD]V2.8.1 Titanium [RC1.1.5] Final Release.

    Hello friends, 1.1.5 is last update for this MOD, no more updates, only listen for bugs and try to fix. Last steep was TPL and CSS, please reply here if need help with this MOD. Fix 1: Fixed prices for ships and defenses install.sql
  • Zuno -

    Replied to the thread Send group fleets at once.

    Thank you, i will test. this MOD i want for new-star v 2.8.1, its same, all are 2moons 1.8 base, in any version. Regards.
  • yamilrh -

    Liked Dany92’s post in the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

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    Quote from yamilrh: “Quote from Dany92: “Quote from yamilrh: “Para que crear algo que ya esta creado, simplemente lo puedes reutilizar ?( ?( :?: :?: ” Where i can find it ? I managed to recover the xtrerium files but I can't integrate it for New Star if…
  • bin9yuz79 -

    Replied to the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Bunu nasıl indirebilirim?
  • Zeus -

    Liked denizuga’s post in the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

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    Sticking to the old design of Ogame, I have completed almost all my design along with many popular modes, I want your comments. 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065
  • sromantr -

    Liked denizuga’s post in the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Like (Post)
    Sticking to the old design of Ogame, I have completed almost all my design along with many popular modes, I want your comments. 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065
  • bin9yuz79 -

    Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

    [alıntı='yamilrh','https://2moons.de/index.php?thread/1625-güncelleme-yeni-yıldız-v3-1-0/&postID=12197#post12197']Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from yamilrh: “Oyunu localhost'a çıkarmak için ne kullanıyorsunuz:?: [/quote ]xampp…
  • bin9yuz79 -

    Liked yamilrh’s post in the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

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    Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from yamilrh: “Oyunu localhost'a bağlamak için ne kullanıyorsunuz:?: ” xampp kullanıyorum. ” No necesitas usar una configuración de correo para localhost, simplemente omita ese paso, en la configuración del…
  • Dany92 -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

    Quote from yamilrh: “Quote from Dany92: “Quote from yamilrh: “Para que crear algo que ya esta creado, simplemente lo puedes reutilizar ?( ?( :?: :?: ” Where i can find it ? I managed to recover the xtrerium files but I can't integrate it for New Star if…
  • yamilrh -

    Liked denizuga’s post in the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Like (Post)
    Sticking to the old design of Ogame, I have completed almost all my design along with many popular modes, I want your comments. 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065
  • yamilrh -

    Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

    Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from yamilrh: “Oyunu localhost'a bağlamak için ne kullanıyorsunuz:?: ” xampp kullanıyorum. ” No necesitas usar una configuración de correo para localhost, simplemente omita ese paso, en la configuración del…
  • yamilrh -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

    Quote from Dany92: “Quote from yamilrh: “Para que crear algo que ya esta creado, simplemente lo puedes reutilizar ?( ?( :?: :?: ” Where i can find it ? I managed to recover the xtrerium files but I can't integrate it for New Star if anyone wants to help me …
  • Dany92 -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

    Use PayPal Api , i think it Universal , need only adaption for new star
  • aurum79 -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

    Quote from Dany92: “Доброе утро , Кто-нибудь может разработать мод для продажи Anti Materia, как этот от Xterium? Спасибо ibb.co/mSCzYFb ” Это пишется исходя из того какой площадкой для платежей вы…
  • aurum79 -

    Replied to the thread Send group fleets at once.

    в принципе могу написать подобный мод, для какой версии игры нужно?
  • denizuga -

    Posted the thread My New Design in the Old Style Is Zugame.

    Sticking to the old design of Ogame, I have completed almost all my design along with many popular modes, I want your comments. 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065 2moons.de/index.php?attachment…03e16fc4c42088e99368cc065
  • Dany92 -

    Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

    Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from Dany92: “Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from Dany92: “Quote from bin9yuz79: “Quote from Dany92: “Quote from bin9yuz79: “Merhaba @Dany92, bu hatayı nasıl çözebilirim. ” Have you configured the section " Email " on…
  • Dany92 -

    Replied to the thread [MOD] AntiMatter Seller.

    Quote from yamilrh: “Para que crear algo que ya esta creado, simplemente lo puedes reutilizar ?( ?( :?: :?:” Where i can find it ? I managed to recover the xtrerium files but I can't integrate it for New Star if anyone wants to help me
  • bin9yuz79 -

    Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

    Quote from yamilrh: “Oyunu localhost'a bağlamak için ne kullanıyorsunuz:?: ” xampp kullanıyorum.
  • yamilrh -

    Replied to the thread [UPDATE] New Star V3.1.0.

    Que estas usando para montar el juego localhost :?: , xampp o wampp, localhost no necesitas usar correo, desactiva la validación para el envió de correo si estas usando windows no creo que encuentres /usr/sbin/sendmail