(Preview) Scrollable Map Galaxy

    • (Preview) Scrollable Map Galaxy

      This is a concept inspired on games like xcraft, mimikri server, Galaxy of Drones and games like Endless Space, Stellaris etc. A scrollable galaxy can be game changing for some slow-medium paced servers (on speedy ones, meh, it's just less clicks).

      It was requested by a russian client some time ago, but wasn't paid, had personal stuff to do and lost contact with him (was waiting a mail to solve some issues but never received it), so decided to make it for myself and show here an idea. Note - showing doesn't mean sharing. Two different words.

      It's not final, still some stuff to do (it's only displaying first 15 systems, missing content like phalanx radius, phalanx fleet activity on map like airplane flight radar, enemy planets from alliance wars...), but yes, there is an early concept. I intend also to have all galaxies there, I know may be unresposive, but nothing AJAX calls can't handle and proper data selection.

      The background galaxy is from Elite Dangerous map. I am still assigning each system to each galaxy arm position. For those who doesn't know my game, each star system has it's own star class. That star class has bonus resource (affecting all colonized planets there) or expedition properties.
