Fleet locked

    • Fleet locked

      Hello ;)
      I am looking for localisation bug or tip to fix it.
      My error log is clear.
      My bug - players fleet locked on panel admin(PA), when they go to expedition. Then I have to manually unlock them in PA.
      The units of fleet that ALLWAYS locked: 2.881.043.944.405.100.032
      Thats strange becouse bigger and smaller fleet its ok
      How can i localisation this problem, when error.log is clear?
    • m4ti wrote:

      Hello ;)
      I am looking for localisation bug or tip to fix it.
      My error log is clear.
      My bug - players fleet locked on panel admin(PA), when they go to expedition. Then I have to manually unlock them in PA.
      The units of fleet that ALLWAYS locked: 2.881.043.944.405.100.032
      Thats strange becouse bigger and smaller fleet its ok
      How can i localisation this problem, when error.log is clear?
      По слухам слышал, что скоростные севера всегда испытывают схожие проблемы.
      Я лично не знаю, как исправить. И раньше такого не исправляли. Просто, наверное, не надо такие севера делать?))))
    • Yaro2709 wrote:

      m4ti wrote:

      Hello ;)
      I am looking for localisation bug or tip to fix it.
      My error log is clear.
      My bug - players fleet locked on panel admin(PA), when they go to expedition. Then I have to manually unlock them in PA.
      The units of fleet that ALLWAYS locked: 2.881.043.944.405.100.032
      Thats strange becouse bigger and smaller fleet its ok
      How can i localisation this problem, when error.log is clear?
      По слухам слышал, что скоростные севера всегда испытывают схожие проблемы.Я лично не знаю, как исправить. И раньше такого не исправляли. Просто, наверное, не надо такие севера делать?))))
      fleet locked ~3-4 times per day in my game, and I always must login to game and unlock they manually :/ This is important, but I don't know where to look for the problem(error log is fine).
    • m4ti wrote:

      Yaro2709 wrote:

      Скажи какая версия 2Moons и версия php?
      version 1.9 and a lot fixPHP-Version: 7.2.24
      Протестировал на 2Moons 1.8-2.0 + New-Star V1.1.2 - такой проблемы не нашел. (Использовал php 7.2-7.4).
      Попробуй поднять php 7.3 или опустить до 7.1.
    • Yaro2709 wrote:

      m4ti wrote:

      Yaro2709 wrote:

      Скажи какая версия 2Moons и версия php?
      version 1.9 and a lot fixPHP-Version: 7.2.24
      Протестировал на 2Moons 1.8-2.0 + New-Star V1.1.2 - такой проблемы не нашел. (Использовал php 7.2-7.4).Попробуй поднять php 7.3 или опустить до 7.1.
      Didn't help. Other options?
      10min ago, locked small fleet - the size units does not matter

      Server load - 0%
      It's a problem arrival time(desynchronization)??

      Other options?
    • Do your Fleets get stuck at EVERY flight or only on special ones?
      In case they get stuck on every flight - there must be something in your Error.log in the includes folder.
      In case they get stuck on special ones, may check if your calculation for 2.881.043.944.405.100.032 Fleet Points are getting issues.

      Otherwise you could use this code:

      Source Code

      1. $logText = "Enter values or text you need";
      2. if(is_writable('includes/YOUR_FILE.log')) {
      3. file_put_contents('includes/YOUR_FILE.log', $logText, FILE_APPEND);
      4. }
      to log all occurences which are needed and check this file to get more information
    • XenQen wrote:

      Do your Fleets get stuck at EVERY flight or only on special ones?
      In case they get stuck on every flight - there must be something in your Error.log in the includes folder.
      In case they get stuck on special ones, may check if those planets may got no Owner or check your returning classes for the respective mission in case you get no entries in your Error Log.
      Fleet stuck randomly but allways in expedition mission. I just deduced only this.
      Error log is clear. I dont know what causes errors and I cant't fix it.
    • m4ti wrote:

      XenQen wrote:

      Do your Fleets get stuck at EVERY flight or only on special ones?
      In case they get stuck on every flight - there must be something in your Error.log in the includes folder.
      In case they get stuck on special ones, may check if those planets may got no Owner or check your returning classes for the respective mission in case you get no entries in your Error Log.
      Fleet stuck randomly but allways in expedition mission. I just deduced only this.Error log is clear. I dont know what causes errors and I cant't fix it.
      una misión se bloquea cuando el código hay un fallo, observa bien los archivos de cada misión la cual bloquea tus flotas, puede ser una coma (,) mal puesta o un símbolo mal puesto, hasta el lenguaje, mira bien las variables que tienes definidas en cada caso, eso es error en el código
    • A mí me pasaba que la misión de recolección de Materia Oscura se bloqueaba por la sencilla razón que la variable message estaba iniciando en minúscula y la tenía en mayúscula, ya eso me daba un error y bloqueaba la flota