Problem spy sond

    • Problem spy sond

      Hola. Tengo problemas en mi servidor con respecto al espionaje. Resulta que cuando envías las sondas de espionajes a un planeta lejado esta dice que no tiene capacidad y no deja espiar. Entonces para poder espiar a ese planeta lejano hay que hacerlo de forma manual. Como puedo solucionar este problema? gracias de antemano.

      hello. I have problems on my server regarding spying. It turns out that when you send the espionage probes to a distant planet, it says that it has no capacity and does not allow spying. So in order to spy on that distant planet, you have to do it manually. How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
    • decrese the max speed of fleet with a for loop on ShowFleetAjaxPage.class.php

      $speedPercentageMax = 10;
      $SpeedFactor = $Distance = $SpeedAllMin = $Duration = $consumption = 0;
      for ($i = 0; $i < $speedPercentageMax ; $i++) {

      $speedPercentage = $speedPercentageMax - $i;

      $SpeedFactor = FleetFunctions::GetGameSpeedFactor();
      $Distance = FleetFunctions::GetTargetDistance(array($PLANET['galaxy'], $PLANET['system'], $PLANET['planet']), array($targetData['galaxy'], $targetData['system'], $targetData['planet']));
      $SpeedAllMin = FleetFunctions::GetFleetMaxSpeed($fleetArray, $USER);
      $Duration = FleetFunctions::GetMissionDuration($speedPercentage, $SpeedAllMin, $Distance, $SpeedFactor, $USER);
      $consumption = FleetFunctions::GetFleetConsumption($fleetArray, $Duration, $Distance, $USER, $SpeedFactor);

      if($consumption <= FleetFunctions::GetFleetRoom($fleetArray)) {


      if ($consumption > FleetFunctions::GetFleetRoom($fleetArray) && $targetMission !=6) {
      $this->sendData(613, $LNG['fa_no_fleetroom']);

      $UserDeuterium -= $consumption;

      if($UserDeuterium < 0) {
      $this->sendData(613, $LNG['fa_not_enough_fuel']);

      *edit : if you add bold area $targetMission !=6 your espionage fleets from galaxy always go to the location without considering fleetcapasity,

      enough deuterium should be on the planet.

      if still not work for far galaxies you need to increase the amount of spy probes each time with another for loop

      for a slightly better version of steemnova

      The post was edited 1 time, last by amamoslavida ().

    • If you change this formula, also think about modifying the one that is managed for sending the fleet outside the galaxy.

      Also stipulate that this is only for probes and not for other fleets.

      To finish via the profile it is much simpler you put a large enough number and all your probes will leave if there is enough for the loading request.

      The further you go, the more probes you need.