ai generated pictures

    • ai generated pictures

      we all sufferd from not having pictures for our games, struggling with copyrights and stuff. but this is over :D
      have a look at and make your own pictures for free.

      here are some examples:

      happy generating :)

      ps: of course there are other platforms, pls don't hesitate to name them :)
    • would also like to recommend codeium for coding, it can be used with vscodium and other editors, and it will do all the boring logical stuff for u, it is free, and respecting privacy, it also has a chat to produce code and ask questions, but most powerful i guess is the autocomplete function.
      after some lines of code it recognises your variables an coding style and does round about 70-80% of your coding.
      u still need to understand what you do and need to know what you what, but it reduces the worktime dramaticly.