Creating the top navigation menu for 1.8 as in the xtterium

  • Creating the top navigation menu for 1.8 as in the xtterium

    Creating the top navigation menu for 1.8 as in the xtterium
    Сообщение: Undefined index: percent
    Файл: /cache/templates/ru^
    Линия: 235
    URL: http: //oxwars/game.php
    PHP-версия: 5.3.29
    PHP-API : apache2handler
    2Moons Версия: 1.8.git
    Debug Backtrace:
    # 0 /cache/templates/ errorHandler (8, 'Undefined index ...', 'FILEPATH. .. ', 235, Array)
    # 1 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php(128): content_59e35d061fe9e5_30523393 (Object (Smarty_Internal_Template))
    # 2 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_updatecache.php(103): Smarty_Template_Resource_Base-> getRenderedTemplateCode (Object (Smarty_Internal_Template))
    # 3 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_template_cached.php(142): Smarty_Internal_Runtime_UpdateCache-> updateCache (Object (Smarty_Template_Cached), Object (Smarty_Internal_Template), false)
    # 4 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php(179): Smarty_Template_Cached-> render (Object (Smarty_Internal_Template), false)
    # 5 / includes / libs / Smarty / sysplugins / smarty_internal_templatebase.php (199): Smarty_Internal_Template-> render (false, 1)
    # 6 /includes/libs/Smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(114): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase -> _ execute ('extends: layout ... . ', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)
    # 7 /includes/classes/class.template.php(137): Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase-> display ('extends: layout ....')
    # 8 /includes/pages/game/AbstractGamePage.class.php(249): шаблон -> display ('extends: layout ....')
    # 9 /includes/pages/game/ShowOverviewPage.class.php(298): AbstractGamePage-> display ('page.overview.d ...')
    # 10 /game.php(57): ShowOverviewPage-> show ()
    # 11 {main}