[MOD] Language editor for adminpanel.

    • [MOD] Language editor for adminpanel.

      insert into admin.php at line 197

      PHP Source Code

      1. case 'editlang':
      2. include_once('includes/pages/adm/ShoweditlangPage.php');
      3. ShoweditlangPage();
      4. break;

      then insert into styles\templates\adm\ShowMenuPage.tpl if you like take line 21

      HTML Source Code

      1. {if allowedTo('ShoweditlangPage')}<li><a href="?page=editlang" target="Hauptframe">Sprache</a></li>{/if}
      now copy
      the files

      for editing you have to put the folder languages to chmod 777. don't forget to turn it back afterwards to 755
      think i will build something like in the 2moons installer via ftp

      have patched it, first version did overwrite before declarated array in $LNG now working proper
      after languagechange you have to clear the cache. think ill automate this

      update - 21.11.17 - 6:00
      now clears cache then writing lngfile

      update - 21.11.17 - 17.00
      someusability like
      clickt button stays marked
      better orientation throu paths
      significantly speeded up through ajxa instead of iframe
      added 'flying' sendbutton to prent scrolling for it

      added a backupsystem that automatic ly backups the langfiles on first start
      backups can be actualisated and restored

    • update - 21.11.17 - 17.00
      some usability like
      clickt button stays marked
      better orientation throu paths
      significantly speeded up through ajxa instead of iframe
      added 'flying' sendbutton to prent scrolling for it

      added a backupsystem that automatic ly backups the langfiles on first start
      backups can be actualisated and restored
    • To use it on php 7


      Source Code: ShoweditlangPage.php

      1. while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
      2. if (eregi("^\.{1,2}$", $file)) {
      3. continue;
      4. }


      Source Code: ShoweditlangPage.php

      1. while ($file = @readdir($handle)) {
      2. if (!preg_match("/[0-9]{1,2}/", $file)) {
      3. continue;
      4. }
      So I hope I make this correct.

      Love greetings
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    • mir ist aufgefallen, dass wenn man die Sprachen editiert, sie falsch abgespeichert werden.

      anstelle von z.B = "won't fail"; wird die z.b custom.php dann so gespreichert = 'won't fail';

      Dies führt zu fehlern.

      ich schaue mal, dass ich das in Ordnung bringe.
      Günstige vServer und vieles mehr gibt es nur hier!
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      [Blocked Image: https://zap-cdn.com/interface/_images/banner/vrserver/v-r-Server-468x60.jpg]