2moons 2.0 Dev

    • only the design of the login page is responsive. ingame design is just a basic example I wanted to make sure that it is compatible with the latest version of php. the design logically must be created by the creators of their game all as I did with my personal game. thanks
    • Day 1

      Here's what I've come across so far today.

      #1 The Alliance image needs to be centered. The image must have a maximum width and height allowed.

      #2 2Moons 2.0 stills has this issue: can not get in research
      It seems to be fixed now after reading @mimikri comments, the problem is that when you cancel the tech, you get 50% of the resources it costs. I don't know if this is the intended outcome, but I would like to know how to edit this to get back all the resources spend in that tech. ALREADY SOLVED HERE ---> 2moons 2.0 Dev

      #3 The % shown in the storage bar stays a 100% even when overcapped, i.e. 120% 500% 2500%
      if you can store a maximum of 50k of metal, and you have 150k of that resource in the planet it should show 300%.

      #4 What about using bigger images in the buildings and research? something like this:
      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/HHDsbtW.jpg]

      I think it would be space-wise to have a layout of 3 columns per row instead of 2 as in the picture above, it would mean less scrolling and faster gaming.

      The post was edited 7 times, last by carter15 ().

    • mimikri wrote:

      #2 goto includes\classes\class.BuildFunctions.php

      PHP Source Code

      1. if($forDestroy === true) {
      2. $price[$resType] /= 2;
      3. }
      delete this to get 100% back
      Man you rock! :thumbup:

      EDIT: did what you suggested, then cleared the cache, and even restarted XAMPP but I still get 50% of the resources spent :S

      The post was edited 1 time, last by carter15 ().

    • hm, didnt tested it^^
      o i see, this is not for cancle this is for destroy
      in includes\pages\game\ShowResearchPage.class.php
      in line 61 or 65 you find this line
      (this picks the price for the actual level)

      Source Code

      1. $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $elementId, false, $USER[$resource[$elementId]]);

      make it to this
      (this picks the price for the level in build)

      Source Code

      1. $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $elementId, false, $USER[$resource[$elementId]] + 1);

      i guess its not the half u get back but the cost of the last level. therefor i searched for some /2 in the prices^^
      ps. and pls revert the other aproach^^
    • mimikri wrote:

      hm, didnt tested it^^
      o i see, this is not for cancle this is for destroy
      in includes\pages\game\ShowResearchPage.class.php
      in line 61 or 65 you find this line
      (this picks the price for the actual level)

      Source Code

      1. $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $elementId, false, $USER[$resource[$elementId]]);

      make it to this
      (this picks the price for the level in build)

      Source Code

      1. $costResources = BuildFunctions::getElementPrice($USER, $PLANET, $elementId, false, $USER[$resource[$elementId]] + 1);
      i guess its not the half u get back but the cost of the last level. therefor i searched for some /2 in the prices^^
      ps. and pls revert the other aproach^^
      Yeap, it's working now! :love: thanks you again... and again and again :D
    • Day 2

      #1 came across this:
      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/W7sztto.jpg]

      Editing the "TECH.php" file on line 129 fixed it: from "Satélite solar" to "Satélite solar" but I don't know if this will cause any trouble.

      #2 Small details are important too, aren't they?
      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/A3OXTSW.jpg]

      I think that the numbers in the build box should be shown as in the numbers in green. You may want to build 10k of solar satelites but you may end up building 100k :D . The same happens when selecting ship for a mission.

      #3 I think it would be nice to have an online users counter & total accounts on the 2moons main page.

      #4 it would be nice to have tooltips in the menu at the top as in Xterium
      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/G3yClTg.jpg]

      #5 As you see in the pic below, the "max" button is in a weird position. Also, when you click on max or when you enter the amount of ships, it would be nice to see how much time these ships will take to be built. As you see in the pic, 35 Star Fighter would take at 19s each is a total of 665 seconds = ~11 minutes. It would be nice to see the total time next to the amount of time that each ship takes to be built.

      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/uKvv4YY.jpg]

      #6 An option to relocate your planets using Dark Matter would be nice too!

      The post was edited 7 times, last by carter15 ().

    • Day 3

      #1 2Moons 2.0 still has this bug: error when they attack you

      In the INGAME.php file of the Spanish lang there is a "%s" more than what it should at lines 964,965,966.

      (fixed version)

      PHP Source Code

      1. $LNG['cff_mission_target_bad'] = 'Una %s hostil del jugador %s de %s %s %s espia la posición %s %s %s. Misión: %s';
      2. $LNG['cff_mission_target_good'] = 'Una %s hostil del jugador %s de %s %s %s espia la posición %s %s %s. Misión: %s';
      3. $LNG['cff_mission_target_stay'] = 'Una %s pacífica del jugador %s de %s %s %s esta en orbita en %s %s %s. Misión: %s';

      #2 Related to the previous one, we realize that there is no alert when you're being attacked. You can only realize that if you happen to click on Overview.

      #3 It would be nice if the player profile showed how much Metal, Cristal, and Deuterium the player has looted in total.

      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/pT52iDr.jpg]

      #4 There is a missing space between Crystal and Debris in the combat report

      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/8d3aZ2Z.jpg]

      #5 The Battle Hall in the main webpage are shown but not the battle reports.

      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/k2U2Q2q.jpg]

      #6 In the fleet section, Defense is actually Shield Technology, and Shield is Armour Technology.

      [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/TMi7kah.jpg]

      To fix it, edit the INGAME.php at lines 338,339,340 modify them to look like this.

      PHP Source Code

      1. $LNG['fl_bonus_attack'] = 'Attack';
      2. $LNG['fl_bonus_defensive'] = 'Shields';
      3. $LNG['fl_bonus_shield'] = 'Armour';

      Hey @Danter14 I hope you understand that I don't want to be a douche or sound too pedantic, I'm just pointing out everything I come across as I play :saint:

      The post was edited 1 time, last by carter15 ().

    • en en adjunto que subi con la traducción al español estaban corregidos todo esos errores que estas mostrando saludos, para el lenguaje en español.
      NOTA: escribeme un pv y te mando la traducción para la versión 2.0 saludos
      VERY SAD :/ :/ :/ :/
    • yamilrh wrote:

      en en adjunto que subi con la traducción al español estaban corregidos todo esos errores que estas mostrando saludos, para el lenguaje en español.
      NOTA: escribeme un pv y te mando la traducción para la versión 2.0 saludos
      Estaría bueno que lo subas aquí asi @Danter14 lo puede incorporar a la nueva versión. Creo que sería mucho más práctico.
    • Кто мешает добавить к примеру три поля в стили? - это не трудно хоть 6 можно! не ужели многим так лень сменить ряд параметров..
      В стилях Дантер проделал огромную работу и мне очень нравится то что он стили сделал чистыми на которые можно наложить что угодно не разгребая тоны не нужного , а добавить три колонки поменяйте процент ширины блоков они сами встанут как надо поменять надо в двух местах указать ширину в процентах ..