keep defenses

    • keep defenses

      I attacked someone and they had 500 light laser turrets. i completely destoryed them all and won the battle. but when i spy on the same planet again a few minutes later, there is still 400 light laser turrets left. is there such thing as keep defenses in the game? if not, how did that person get 400 light laser turrets back that quickly? Thanks.
    • i dont think anyone can build 400 light laser turrets in 5 minutes. the game speed is not 2000, its 8.
    • Source Code: includes\classes\missions\functions\calculateAttack.php

      1. $giveback = round($lost * (rand(56, 84) / 100));
      2. $defenders[$fleetID]['unit'][$element] += $giveback;
      3. $DRESDefs['metal'] += $pricelist[$element]['cost'][901] * ($lost - $giveback) ;
      4. $DRESDefs['crystal'] += $pricelist[$element]['cost'][902] * ($lost - $giveback) ;
    • hey danter, can you change the value in game using the admin console? thanks!