EOGAME is back

    • Another copy-cat game this is like one of 50 same games running. Sad how nowadays nobody can create a real unique and good game, everyone just takes Jeremies game and tells that it's their.

      edited by mimikri:
      this is a fake account and its not qwa.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by mimikri: this is a fake account and its not qwa. ().

    • Qwata wrote:

      Another copy-cat game this is like one of 50 same games running. Sad how nowadays nobody can create a real unique and good game, everyone just takes Jeremies game and tells that it's their.
      Man, você vai postar isso em todas as divulgações dos colegas do grupo?

      Thranduil wrote:

      We are opened for playing and development. If everybody are interested you can check us out here.

      Good Luck!
    • Qwata wrote:

      Another copy-cat game this is like one of 50 same games running. Sad how nowadays nobody can create a real unique and good game, everyone just takes Jeremies game and tells that it's their.
      Yep. You're clearly retarded. If your server is this great then why the hell you have only 140 registered players and like 35 active? In a month time? I get more registered in 2 days in my. There's only one person who I clearly doesn't like and approve in this community and that's you Qwatan, you're acting like little ADHD kid. You don't have to tell everyone how their servers are worse than yours. We're smarter than you, we build something that players likes and recognizes, but you've built something different what isn't intuitive and familiar with most of the player-base.
    • Do not pay attention to retard Qwatan, his parents are siblings and his retardnes is a result of it!
    • Thranduil wrote:

      Do not pay attention to retard Qwatan, his parents are siblings and his retardnes is a result of it!
      I guess he's just salty because he spent days or months creating a different design and still he gets less players and donations than most of the serious xterium owners. He should learn that he has to build whatever players likes not other way around to be successful.
    • This profile there is called Qwata, not Qwa with a single post. What a lack of originality to be honest. 2 accounts commenting same post to get notoriety? LOL LOL LOL

      Why should I care about a game that works as "portfolio" when I can earn much more coding for someone else? At least my life is not linked into a game that won't pay my food. Years have passed, and you guys haven't grow up.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Qwa ().

    • Qwata wrote:

      Another copy-cat game this is like one of 50 same games running. Sad how nowadays nobody can create a real unique and good game, everyone just takes Jeremies game and tells that it's their.
      What the fuck? How can you not know that Xterium is not from Jeremy LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
    • Qwa wrote:

      This profile there is called Qwata, not Qwa with a single post. What a lack of originality to be honest. 2 accounts commenting same post to get notoriety? LOL LOL LOL

      Why should I care about a game that works as "portfolio" when I can earn much more coding for someone else? At least my life is not linked into a game that won't pay my food. Years have passed, and you guys haven't grow up.
      You better say that to us. What's the point of calling other games copies or bad? If you wouldn't care about them you wouldn't post on every single xterium thread. Also previously in one post you told that you won't share your game while it supports your living expenses. So again you tumbled in lies.
    • Previously is past. This was how long? A month ago? Can't life change after that? Even because I have in mind share in a month or two with active support, since I'm adapting it into github.com/steemnova/steemnova and share most of my content there.

      Sorry, forgot you have same mentality after two years.

      Still you can't explain why you make multiple accounts to get notoriety, even faking an account called @Qwata. Did you make that "eogame" as a subdomain just for that? LOL

      Ps. next time you fake an account, you'd rather call Roberto, or Qwatayean, or Qwatakayean, or robertovillas. Are good names that people who live in past will never forget ;)
    • Sorry, we are not the same guy. If you're so smart you should see that our way of typing is different.

      I don't care about all of that below, your life is not my problem, but do you think it's normal to go on every xterium post and brag there how pathetic those xterium servers are? Don't you see that everyone in this community disapproves you?
    • You see how much I care about dissaproval? Still I made something while you guys are attached to the past. At least I don't make fake accounts ;)
    • Qwa wrote:

      You see how much I care about dissaproval? Still I made something while you guys are attached to the past. At least I don't make fake accounts ;)
      How I'm attached to the past? By running xterium? Sorry some guys have work to and wife and friends to spend time with so I can't sit everyday creating new mods and styles. Would you explain me why would I make a fake account? What's the point of that?