Mod Harvest

    • Mod Harvest

      Help me deal with these modes ?(
      • Безымянный.jpg

        105.73 kB, 768×368, viewed 1,232 times

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Coswars ().

    • PHP Source Code

      1. <?php
      2. class ShowHarvestPage extends AbstractGamePage {
      3. public static $requireModule = 0;
      4. var $HarvestPrice = array(1=>500,3=>1000,6=>2000, 15=>4000); // (weeks => price dm)
      5. function __construct() {
      6. parent::__construct();
      7. }
      8. function show() {
      9. global $CONF, $LNG, $PLANET, $USER, $resource, $UNI;
      10. $db = Database::get();
      11. if($USER['harvest_delay'] < TIMESTAMP - 24*60*60){
      12. if($USER['harvest_time'] < 5){
      13. $time = TIMESTAMP;
      14. $db->update("UPDATE `uni1_users` SET `harvest_time` = 5, `harvest_delay` = ".$time." where `id` = ".$USER['id'].";");
      15. $this->printMessage("Whe are setting back your harvest counters to 5.", true, array('game.php?page=harvest', 2));
      16. die();
      17. } else{
      18. $time = TIMESTAMP;
      19. $db->update("UPDATE `uni1_users` SET `harvest_delay` = ".$time." where `id` = ".$USER['id'].";");
      20. $this->printMessage("Loading your data.", true, array('game.php?page=harvest', 2));
      21. die();
      22. }
      23. }
      24. if(!empty($USER['urlaubs_modus'])){
      25. $this->printMessage("You can't access this page while you are in V mode!", true, array('game.php?page=overview', 2));
      26. die();
      27. }
      28. if($_POST){
      29. $mode = HTTP::_GP('con', '');
      30. switch($mode){
      31. case 'extra':
      32. $take = HTTP::_GP('buy',0);
      33. if(!array_key_exists($take,$this->HarvestPrice)){
      34. $this->printMessage("Invalid Option", true, array('?page=Harvest', 3));
      35. }else{
      36. //option is ok . go forward
      37. //enough dm ?
      38. if($USER['darkmatter'] < $this->HarvestPrice[$take]){
      39. $this->printMessage("Not enough DM", true, array('?page=Harvest', 3));
      40. die();
      41. }
      42. $USER['darkmatter'] -= $this->HarvestPrice[$take];
      43. $db->update("UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `harvest_time` = `harvest_time` + ".($take)." WHERE `id` = ".$USER['id']." ; ");
      44. $this->printMessage("You have bought ".$take." Harvest Points", true, array('?page=Harvest', 3));
      45. die();
      46. }
      47. break;
      48. case 'gather':
      49. if($USER['harvest_time'] == 0 ){
      50. $this->printMessage("No Harvest Points Left!", true, array('game.php?page=Harvest', 2));
      51. die();
      52. }
      53. if (!isset($_POST['check_planet']) && !isset($_POST['check_moons']))
      54. $this->redirectTo('game.php?page=harvest');
      55. if(!isset($_POST['check_planet']))
      56. $_POST['check_planet'] = array();
      57. foreach($_POST['check_planet'] as $ID => $Value) {
      58. $sur = $db->select("SELECT id, metal, crystal, deuterium FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");
      59. $db->nativeQuery("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `metal` = metal - ".$sur['metal'].", `crystal` = crystal - ".$sur['crystal'].", `deuterium` = deuterium - ".$sur['deuterium']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");
      60. $PLANET['metal'] += $sur['metal'];
      61. $PLANET['crystal'] += $sur['crystal'];
      62. $PLANET['deuterium'] += $sur['deuterium'];
      63. }
      64. if(!isset($_POST['check_moons']))
      65. $_POST['check_moons'] = array();
      66. foreach($_POST['check_moons'] as $ID => $Value) {
      67. $surr = $db->select("SELECT metal, crystal, deuterium FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");
      68. $db->nativeQuery("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `metal` = metal - ".$surr['metal'].", `crystal` = crystal - ".$surr['crystal'].", `deuterium` = deuterium - ".$surr['deuterium']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");
      69. $PLANET['metal'] += $surr['metal'];
      70. $PLANET['crystal'] += $surr['crystal'];
      71. $PLANET['deuterium'] += $surr['deuterium'];
      72. }
      73. $db->update("UPDATE %%USERS%% SET `harvest_time` = `harvest_time` - 1 where `id` = '".$USER['id']."';");
      74. $this->printMessage($LNG['h_ok'], true, array('game.php?page=harvest', 4));
      75. break;
      76. }
      77. }
      78. $Planets= array();
      79. $Moons = array();
      80. if (isset($USER['PLANETS'])) {
      81. $USER['PLANETS'] = getPlanets($USER);
      82. }
      83. foreach($USER['PLANETS'] as $ID => $PlanetQuery) {
      84. if ($ID == $PLANET['id']) continue;
      85. if ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 3) {
      86. $Moons[$PlanetQuery['id']] = " [" . $PlanetQuery['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['system'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['planet'] . "]";
      87. } elseif ($PlanetQuery['planet_type'] == 1) {
      88. $Planets[$PlanetQuery['id']] = " [".$PlanetQuery['galaxy'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['system'] . ":" . $PlanetQuery['planet'] . "]";
      89. }
      90. }
      91. $this->tplObj->loadscript("jquery.countdown.js");
      92. $this->tplObj->assign_vars(array(
      93. 'prices' => $this->HarvestPrice,
      94. 'PlanetsList'=> $Planets,
      95. 'MoonsList'=> $Moons,
      96. 'harvest'=> $USER['harvest_time'],
      97. 'p_state' => $USER['harvest_time'],
      98. 'p_delay' => ((($USER['harvest_delay']+24*60*60) < TIMESTAMP) ? true : (($USER['harvest_delay']+24*60*60) - TIMESTAMP)),
      99. ));
      100. $this->display('page.harvest.default.tpl');
      101. }
      102. }
      103. ?>
      Display All

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Coswars ().

    • Help with teleportation gives an error

      Message: Undefined index: metal
      File: /includes/pages/game/ShowHarvestPage.class.php
      Line: 70
      PHP-Version: 5.6.35
      PHP-API: litespeed
      2Moons Version: 2.0.git
      Debug Backtrace:
      #0 /includes/pages/game/ShowHarvestPage.class.php(70): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined index...', 'FILEPATH ...', 70, Array)
      #1 /game.php(57): ShowHarvestPage->show()
      #2 {main}
    • Check the data you return the on $sur

      I have made a personal available anywhere is it works very well for resources and for the fleet
    • Coswars wrote:

      I have the same problem

      I change SQL %%PLANETS%% to uni1_planets
      $sur = $db->select("SELECT id, metal, crystal, deuterium FROM `uni1_planets` where `id` = '".$Value."';");

      $sur['metal'] Undefined index: metal

      Does anyone have advice?

      Message: Undefined index: metalFile: /includes/pages/game/ShowHarvestPage.class.php
      Line: 70
      PHP-Version: 5.6.35
      PHP-API: litespeed
      2Moons Version: 2.0.git
      Debug Backtrace:
      #0 /includes/pages/game/ShowHarvestPage.class.php(70): errorHandler(8, 'Undefined index...', 'FILEPATH ...', 70, Array)
      #1 /game.php(57): ShowHarvestPage->show()
      #2 {main}

    • This will work.

      Source Code

      1. private function HarvestResources($Harvest) {
      2. global $USER, $PLANET, $resource, $pricelist, $LNG;
      3. /**/ // Attack
      4. $AttackCount = Database::get()->selectSingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM %%FLEETS%% WHERE fleet_target_owner = :id AND (fleet_mission = 1 OR fleet_mission = 2 OR fleet_mission = 9) AND fleet_start_time > :timestamp;", array(
      5. ':id' => $USER['id'],
      6. ':timestamp' => TIMESTAMP,
      7. ), 'count');
      8. if ($AttackCount > 0)
      9. {
      10. $this->printMessage('While under foreign enemy activity, you can not use this function', array(
      11. array(
      12. 'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
      13. 'url' => 'game.php?page=imperium'
      14. )
      15. ));
      16. }
      17. if ($Harvest == 1) // All
      18. {
      19. $TakeFrom = "";
      20. }
      21. elseif ($Harvest == 2) // Planets only
      22. {
      23. $TakeFrom = "planet_type = '1' AND";
      24. }
      25. elseif ($Harvest == 3) // Planets only
      26. {
      27. $TakeFrom = "planet_type = '3' AND";
      28. }
      29. elseif ($Harvest == 4) // Megastructures only
      30. {
      31. $TakeFrom = "planet_type > '3' AND";
      32. }
      33. $SelectedPlanets = Database::get()->select("SELECT * FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE " . $TakeFrom . " id_owner = :id_owner AND id != :id;", array(
      34. ':id_owner' => $USER['id'],
      35. ':id' => $PLANET['id'],
      36. ));
      37. foreach ($SelectedPlanets as $CPLANET) {
      38. $planetUpdater = new ResourceUpdate();
      39. list($USER, $CPLANET) = $planetUpdater->CalcResource($USER, $CPLANET);
      40. }
      41. $TotalResourceSQL = "SELECT SUM(metal) as metal, SUM(crystal) as crystal,SUM(deuterium) as deuterium FROM %%PLANETS%% WHERE " . $TakeFrom . " id_owner = :id_owner AND id != :id ;";
      42. $Resource = Database::get()->selectSingle($TotalResourceSQL, array(
      43. ':id_owner' => $USER['id'],
      44. ':id' => $PLANET['id'],
      45. ));
      46. $PLANET[$resource[901]] += $Resource['metal'];
      47. $PLANET[$resource[902]] += $Resource['crystal'];
      48. $PLANET[$resource[903]] += $Resource['deuterium'];
      49. Database::get()->update("UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET metal = 0, crystal = 0, deuterium = 0 WHERE " . $TakeFrom . " id_owner = :id_owner AND id != :id ;", array(
      50. ':id_owner' => $USER['id'],
      51. ':id' => $PLANET['id'],
      52. ));
      53. $this->printMessage($LNG['err_imperium_hr_success'], array(
      54. array(
      55. 'label' => $LNG['sys_back'],
      56. 'url' => 'game.php?page=imperium'
      57. )
      58. ));
      59. }
      Display All

      after global on function show

      Source Code

      1. $Harvest = HTTP::_GP('harvest', '');
      2. if (!empty($Harvest) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' && $USER['urlaubs_modus'] == 0) {
      3. $this->HarvestResources($Harvest);
      4. }
      5. /* ....... */
      6. $ResourcesToHarvest = array(
      7. 0 => array(
      8. 901 => 0,
      9. 902 => 0,
      10. 903 => 0
      11. ) ,
      12. 1 => array(
      13. 901 => 0,
      14. 902 => 0,
      15. 903 => 0
      16. ) ,
      17. 3 => array(
      18. 901 => 0,
      19. 902 => 0,
      20. 903 => 0
      21. ) ,
      22. 4 => array(
      23. 901 => 0,
      24. 902 => 0,
      25. 903 => 0
      26. ) ,
      27. );
      28. // Harvester
      29. $ResourcesToHarvest[0][901] += $CPLANET[$resource[901]];
      30. $ResourcesToHarvest[0][902] += $CPLANET[$resource[902]];
      31. $ResourcesToHarvest[0][903] += $CPLANET[$resource[903]];
      32. if ($CPLANET['planet_type'] == 1) {
      33. $ResourcesToHarvest[1][901] += $CPLANET[$resource[901]];
      34. $ResourcesToHarvest[1][902] += $CPLANET[$resource[902]];
      35. $ResourcesToHarvest[1][903] += $CPLANET[$resource[903]];
      36. }
      37. elseif ($CPLANET['planet_type'] == 3) {
      38. $ResourcesToHarvest[3][901] += $CPLANET[$resource[901]];
      39. $ResourcesToHarvest[3][902] += $CPLANET[$resource[902]];
      40. $ResourcesToHarvest[3][903] += $CPLANET[$resource[903]];
      41. }
      42. elseif ($CPLANET['planet_type'] > 3) {
      43. $ResourcesToHarvest[4][901] += $CPLANET[$resource[901]];
      44. $ResourcesToHarvest[4][902] += $CPLANET[$resource[902]];
      45. $ResourcesToHarvest[4][903] += $CPLANET[$resource[903]];
      46. }
      47. /*....*/
      48. $this->assign(array(
      49. /*....*
      50. 'ResourcesToHarvest' => $ResourcesToHarvest,
      Display All


      Source Code

      1. <table class="table table-dark">
      2. <form action="game.php?page=imperium" method="post" >
      3. <thead>
      4. <tr>
      5. <th></th>
      6. <th>{$LNG.cr_type}</th>
      7. <th>{$}</th>
      8. <th>{$}</th>
      9. <th>{$}</th>
      10. </tr>
      11. </thead>
      12. <tbody>
      13. <tr>
      14. <th scope="row"><input name="harvest" id="type0" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked"></th>
      15. <th scope="row">All</th>
      16. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.0.901|number}</td>
      17. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.0.902|number}</td>
      18. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.0.903|number}</td>
      19. </tr>
      20. <tr>
      21. <th scope="row"><input name="harvest" id="type1" type="radio" value="2"></th>
      22. <th scope="row">{$LNG.type_planet_1}</th>
      23. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.1.901|number}</td>
      24. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.1.902|number}</td>
      25. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.1.903|number}</td>
      26. </tr>
      27. <tr>
      28. <th scope="row"><input name="harvest" id="type3" type="radio" value="3"></th>
      29. <th scope="row">{$LNG.type_planet_3}</th>
      30. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.3.901|number}</td>
      31. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.3.902|number}</td>
      32. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.3.903|number}</td>
      33. </tr>
      34. <tr>
      35. <th scope="row"><input name="harvest" id="type4" type="radio" value="4"></th>
      36. <th scope="row">{$LNG.type_planet_short_0}</th>
      37. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.4.901|number}</td>
      38. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.4.902|number}</td>
      39. <td>{$ResourcesToHarvest.4.903|number}</td>
      40. </tr>
      41. <tr>
      42. <td colspan="5"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary col-12">{$LNG.gl_collect}</button></td>
      43. </tr>
      44. </tbody>
      45. </form>
      46. </table>
      Display All

      This was posted in rush and it's adapted for my game needs. I won't support but this works if you simply copy-paste it.
    • some call 2moons 1.8 others 1.9 and others 2. They are all the same in the code so it works with 2moons in general
    • Hello there,
      I solved my problem.

      İs the code
      $surr = $db->selects("SELECT metal, crystal, deuterium FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");

      i change the code
      $surr = $db->selectsingle("SELECT metal, crystal, deuterium FROM %%PLANETS%% where `id` = '".$Value."';");

      I m using 2moons 1.9
    • $db->nativeQuery("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `metal` = metal - ".$surr['metal'].", `crystal` = crystal - ".$surr['crystal'].", `deuterium` = deuterium - ".$surr['deuterium']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");

      What to do with these lines
    • Nothing.

      Hellvodoo wrote:

      $db->nativeQuery("LOCK TABLE %%PLANETS%% WRITE; UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET `metal` = metal - ".$surr['metal'].", `crystal` = crystal - ".$surr['crystal'].", `deuterium` = deuterium - ".$surr['deuterium']." WHERE `id` = '".$Value."'; UNLOCK TABLES;");

      What to do with these lines