Default Building Level?

    • dreams82 wrote:

      Thanks reply.
      I want to change new registered user default value.
      metal mine level 10, solar planet level 5...
      3 choices

      1 - if you want static values, simply change default column values on database
      2 - when user registers, change update users, as Xenqen said
      3 - This one is similar with the point 2, but it's better for new players. Update according to records so user won't get too behind on advanced universe

      The third option would be something like this before or after $config->save(); on function createPlayer

      PHP Source Code

      1. $Vars = Database::get()->select("SELECT * FROM %%VARS%% WHERE (class = '100' AND elementID < 140) OR class = '0' OR class = '700' AND FIND_IN_SET('1',onPlanetType)>0");
      2. foreach ($Vars as $Element)
      3. {
      4. $recordResult = Database::get()->selectSingle("SELECT level FROM %%RECORDS%% WHERE elementID = :elementID;", array(
      5. ':elementID' => $Element['elementID']
      6. ) , 'level');
      7. if ($Element['class'] == 0)
      8. {
      9. $Levels = mt_rand(($recordResult / 2) , ($recordResult / 1.5));
      10. $sql = "UPDATE %%PLANETS%% SET " . $Element['name'] . " = :value, field_current = field_current + :value2 WHERE id = :id;";
      11. Database::get()->update($sql, array(
      12. ':value' => $Levels,
      13. ':value2' => $Levels,
      14. ':id' => $planetId,
      15. ));
      16. }
      17. elseif ($Element['class'] == 100)
      18. {
      19. $Levels = mt_rand(($recordResult / 2) , ($recordResult / 1.5));
      20. $sql = "UPDATE %%USERS%% SET " . $Element['name'] . " = :value WHERE id = :id;";
      21. Database::get()->update($sql, array(
      22. ':value' => $Levels,
      23. ':id' => $userId,
      24. ));
      25. }
      26. elseif ($Element['class'] == 700)
      27. {
      28. $sql = "UPDATE %%USERS%% SET " . $Element['name'] . " = :value WHERE id = :id;";
      29. Database::get()->update($sql, array(
      30. ':value' => TIMESTAMP + 3600 * 24 * 3,
      31. ':id' => $userId,
      32. ));
      33. }
      34. }
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